Chapter 1687 Lord

After about half a day's journey, Qiao Ye finally saw Fengyun City.

Qiao Ye was quite curious about the cities in the heavens. Those gods and demons are all considered to be supernatural powers one by one. What is the place where they live?

Qiao Ye finally got the answer!

Fengyan City doesn't look as majestic as Qiao Ye imagined, but it has a mysterious feeling.

The city walls in all directions are actually built with sapphire. Such a prodigal act will definitely make people feel extremely luxurious. Generally, only rich locals are willing to do this kind of thing.

But there is a strange feeling, people coming in and out in front of the city gate, all of them have flat faces, making people feel as if they should be like this.

What is quite distinctive is that there are thousands of kites hanging on the wall of the city. There are thousands of kites in different shapes, constantly swaying in the air.

At the same time, in the center of Fengyun City, there is a cyan wind current visible to the naked eye in the air, constantly rotating, forming a cyan whirlpool.

In front of the square city gates, there are colored cloths hanging. Those colored cloths flutter in the wind, and the tails will emit different colors of brilliance, which looks extremely beautiful.

Qiao Ye saw everything in his eyes, and had to admit that the city looked a little weird, but it had a somewhat fairy-like taste to it. There was no such city in the human world.

The little mandarin duck brought Qiao Ye into the city, and it went smoothly without any investigation.

It is more worry-free to fight against the evil beast.

Among the evil beasts, there are indeed some evil beasts that have the ability to change their forms into human shapes, and there are also some evil beasts that speak human words. However, this kind of evil beasts are all powerful and extremely intelligent. Rare, even, they cannot be described as evil beasts, but intelligent species that are different from gods and demons and humans.

It is very rare, which means that under normal circumstances, there is actually no need to worry that the evil beast will mix into the city and engage in the kind of cooperation between the inside and the outside.

Therefore, Fenglan City is clearly at war with the evil beasts, but the entrance and exit of the Sifang City Gate is not subject to much restrictions, and the entry and exit are fairly free.

Qiao Ye was a little curious: "Didn't you say that the evil beasts attacked the city?

The lord of Fenglan City, Tsing Yi Shanren, also fought with them, did he suffer serious injuries? "

The little mandarin duck nodded and said, "Yes."

Qiao Ye looked towards Misty Wind City and said, "It doesn't look like it was attacked, but the area around Misty Feng City should have been robbed seriously."

Qiao Ye didn't see any traces of the war from Fengyan City, but the invasion of evil beasts is certain. The people who came in and out around could be seen in a panic, dragging their families with their mouths and carrying packages of all sizes.

From this point of view, the people who lived around Fengyan City could only come to Fengyan City after being destroyed by evil beasts like the previous village.

The little mandarin duck said: "Of course there was a battle, but Wen Lan Nephrite has repaired itself, so there are no traces of the battle."

Qiao Ye showed a dazed expression. It seems that the city wall was built with jade not for luxury, but that the jade itself is spiritual material, and even has repairing effect. No wonder everyone thinks it is normal.

While talking, Qiao Ye and Xiao Yuanyang had followed the team into Fenglan City.

Qiao Ye raised his eyebrows, the traces of battle inside the city were obviously much thicker than those outside the city.

There are blood-stained stone slabs under the city gate. Many houses in front of them have collapsed. Some people are currently rebuilding them. As for the broken ground, there are traces of knives and axes everywhere.

Qiao Ye said, "Has there been a war in the city?"

The little mandarin duck nodded.

This is not a good omen. Since those evil beasts can enter the city once, of course they can do it a second time, a third time, until they break through the city.

"Okay, no matter what, we have arrived in Fengyun City."

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "Our agreement is over, thank you..."

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

"Don't get in the way!"

Qiao Ye was talking to the little mandarin duck, when there was a sudden noise in front of him, but a group of soldiers in black came quickly.

There were about eleven or two soldiers in that group, but the leader did not wear armor, but was dressed in black military uniform, with a single horn on his forehead and a pair of black wings on his back.

"Is this a demon?"

Qiao Ye couldn't help murmuring.

In terms of appearance, there is no difference between the so-called gods and human beings. They all look the same, and it is not very possible to distinguish them.

However, the appearance of the magic is easy to distinguish, the first is the magic horn, and the second is the magic pattern.

Secondly, you can refer to Moyu's demonization ability. The inheritance of Moyu's demonization ability comes from demons. The form of many demonized abilities is the normal form of demons.

at the same time.

After the group of soldiers pushed people away roughly, they came directly to Qiao Ye. The man with black wings knelt down on one knee in front of Qiao Ye and said, "My subordinate Xifeng, who failed to protect the demon I am extremely ashamed, and ask the Demon Lord to punish me."

The little mandarin duck looked at Qiao Ye in surprise and said, "Are you the devil?"

Qiao Ye asked suspiciously, "I'm the Demon Lord?"

The little mandarin duck said: "I am asking you, are you the Demon Lord?"

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "Should I be?"

The little mandarin duck was speechless: "Don't you know it yourself?"

Qiao Ye looked at Xifeng and said, "I am?"

Xifeng was dumbfounded all of a sudden, are you two talking about cross talk?

With a light cough, Xifeng lowered his head and said, "My lord, don't be joking."

Qiao Ye recalled for a while, it seemed that the old man outside the stone hall really called himself Chongtian Mozun. At that time, he thought it was a cultivation level, but now it seems that Mozun is an honorary title?

Is he one of the six Great Demon Venerables?

Qiao Ye was also a little confused. Qiao Ye knew the name of the six great demons. This is because Qin Jianchuan learned the way of swordsmanship in other people's territory, so Jiang Liuxue told himself that as for the other five, Qiao Ye Ye is completely unclear. Is one of them with the magic number Chongtian?

Qiao Ye looked at the little mandarin duck and said, "I seem to be Chongtian Mozun?"

Xifeng said: "My lord, don't make jokes anymore."

Qiao Ye said, "I really am?"

Xi Feng said: "Of course you are."

This joke is a bit big, and he has become one of the six great demons?

Qiao Ye's only thought at the moment is that this ghostly place is getting more and more fascinating. He somehow went to the heaven before the Three Realms and Nine Realms were broken, and turned into a demon. Chongtian Demon Lord, one of the Great Demon Lords?

Qiao Ye felt a little cold sweat. Although he was very good at fighting, he was not able to hit this level.

At the same time, Xifeng gritted his teeth, and suddenly pulled out his saber, gritting his teeth, and was about to stab hard at his lower abdomen.

"Everything is dereliction of duty, willing to be punished!"

Qiao Ye quickly reached out and grabbed his wrist the moment Xifeng stabbed him with the knife.

"What are you doing?"


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