Chapter 1688 Xifeng

Xifeng said: "The Demon Lord wanted to go to Haotian Division, we failed to come to protect him in time, it was dereliction of duty, and naturally we should be punished."

"Then don't stab yourself."

Qiao Ye waved his hand and said, "Get up first."

Qiao Ye signaled Xifeng to get up, and then signaled him not to disturb her. Qiao Ye felt that she needed to clear her mind.

First of all, I came to the God Realm of the Heaven Realm before the Three Realms and Nine Realms were broken. Not only did I become a demon, but I also became one of the six great Demon Venerable Chongtian Demon Venerable. It seems that he is going to the Divine Realm Haotian Division.

So, the previous stone palace is Hao Tiansi?

The two people I have fought with are also members of Hao Tiansi?

There is a little clue, so how did the problem become like this?



Qiao Ye did not rule out this possibility, but he was also skeptical. From the time he appeared in the stone palace of Haotian Division, he walked out of the sea of ​​trees, across the plain, and came to Fengyun City...

If this is an illusion or an illusion, the scale is too terrifying. This is something that cannot be done by manpower. However, because it is a heaven, Qiao Ye was suspicious and did not completely reject it.

most likely...

It's that colorful lamp!

What kind of treasure is that?

Then, going back to this matter, it was Jiang Liuxue who wanted them to come to the heaven to find the nails, but was attacked on the way.

Qiao Ye was a little crazy, there was too little information, and it was obviously difficult to figure out what was going on.


my lord? "

Qiao Ye fell into deep thought and remained silent for a long time, Xifeng was obviously a little puzzled, so she couldn't help calling out in a low voice.

Qiao Ye came back to her senses, and said, "Do you have any treasure on you?"


Xifeng was obviously taken aback by Qiao Ye's question, but he nodded honestly and took out a bunch of things from his space treasure.

Qiao Ye took one casually, handed it to Xiao Yuanyang and said, "This is your reward for leading me, we owe nothing to each other."

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, he waved his hands forward.

"Let's go!"

Little Yuanyang watched Qiao Ye lead the people away with a silly expression on her face. She really didn't expect that a man she met in the wilderness turned out to be the demon king.

He even wanted Mozun to accept him as his apprentice. Now that he thought about it, it was normal for Qiao Ye to disagree.

On the other side, Qiao Ye walked for a while, then suddenly looked sideways at Xi Feng and said, "Where are we going now?"


Xifeng looked at Qiao Ye with a puzzled face, you are the boss, you ask where I am going?

Isn't this what the boss decides?

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "Find a place to eat first."

Xifeng directly waved his hand, and the dozen or so soldiers from the Demon Realm immediately stepped forward to clear the way for Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye babbled, she needs to clear the way to travel, isn't she a little too arrogant?

However, after thinking about it, I am now a Demon Lord.

Then it seems that I am not very popular as a demon king, and there are only a dozen younger brothers following him, and it is just to make a way. It is reasonable to say that I should not be accompanied by thousands of people when I travel.

After thinking about it again, Qiao Ye realized that she was really arrogant. Why?

Because this is not a magic domain!

This is the realm of the gods, the realm of the gods.

You are a demon walking on the territory of God, and then directly driving people to the sides of the street to make way for yourself, isn't it more rampant than domineering on your own territory?

At this time, Xifeng pointed to a restaurant on the side and said, "My lord, how about this one?"

Qiao Ye said, "Whatever you want."

Xifeng nodded, entered the restaurant, and said to the shopkeeper, "We have booked the top floor."

The shopkeeper wondered: "There are many customers there now..."

Xifeng interrupted directly: "Tell him, either leave or die, you can choose by yourself, the same as you, or let them leave, or die, you can choose by yourself."

The shopkeeper immediately said: "I will arrange it now."

Qiao Ye cast a glance at Xifeng, very domineering, the key is domineering and useful, the shopkeeper didn't dare to fart, and then Qiao Ye showed a sudden look, forgetting who he is now, one of the six great demons, Zhongtian Demon Venerable Come on, it's normal for people not to dare to resist.

Qiao Ye couldn't help grinning, as if she had finally lived a life she hated?

The guests on the top floor were chased away. Before Xifeng could speak, Qiao Ye said directly: "Eat whatever you want, as long as the food looks good."

While talking, Qiao Ye looked around and said to the soldiers, "Sit down."

Those soldiers agreed in unison, and then found a table to sit down. Anyway, this floor is already empty.

Qiao Ye and Xi Feng sat by the window, and Qiao Ye said, "Why are you in Mist Wind City?"

Qiao Ye thought about it for a while, and felt that he should be able to get some information out of his mouth, but the most troublesome thing is that he "knows nothing" at the moment, so even if it is a question, he should not ask indiscriminately, otherwise it may cause Xifeng Doubts cannot be explained clearly.

Therefore, after Qiao Ye thought about it, he decided to choose some ambiguous questions, or more directly, as long as the questions did not involve common sense, Qiao Ye thought that they would not be suspected.

For example, Qiao Ye thinks there should be no problem with the current problem. Xifeng seems to know where Qiao Ye is going, but he does not follow, but waits in Fenglan City. As the closest city to Hao Tiansi, Qiao Ye Going to Haotian Division, or leaving from there, passing Fengyu City is a matter of course. Therefore, as soon as Qiao Ye entered the city gate, Xifeng led people to rush over, obviously keeping an eye on it.

Sure enough, Xifeng didn't feel that there was anything wrong with this question, and said honestly: "This subordinate knew that the Lord wanted to go to Haotian Division, so he brought people here day and night, but unfortunately failed to catch up with the Lord, then Haotian Division There is Ling Tian's large formation outside, and the subordinates are weak and unable to pass through it, so they can only retreat helplessly. Thinking that when the master leaves Haotian Division, he should pass by Fenglan, the ninth city of the sky, so he has been leading people here to wait .”

Qiao Ye rubbed his chin, the answer was similar to what he thought.

It almost means that Qiao Ye planned to run to Haotian Division by himself, and Xifeng chased after him worried. As a result, Xifeng could only reach the periphery, and couldn't break in with his strength, so he had no choice but to wait in Fenglan City. .

Qiao Ye nodded, the first question was just a test.

So, Qiao Ye continued: "How is the situation in the Demon Realm?"

As soon as this question came out, Xifeng's face suddenly became more dignified.

Xifeng said: "My lord, are you asking about the situation on our side, or the situation in the entire Demon Realm?"

Qiao Ye said: "If you want to talk, just talk about it."


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