Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1691 Tsing Yi Mountain Man

Chapter 1691 Tsing Yi Mountain Man

The guard standing on the tower was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed, these guys look fierce, do they still know how to be afraid after all?

There was a bit of sarcasm in the guard's eyes.

If those evil beasts have been attacking the city frantically, he is somewhat afraid, but if those evil beasts attack intermittently, he has no fear at all.

Because the city wall of Fenglan City is specially made, as long as it is not breached, no matter how much damage it suffers, it can be repaired automatically.

But at this moment...

The guard's face suddenly changed!

At this moment, a strong sense of oppression appeared, a dull and heavy feeling, which even made the guard feel hard to breathe, as if he was being targeted by a poisonous snake.

The guard looked up, and immediately found that those evil beasts didn't stop attacking, but were avoiding them!

The group of evil beasts slowly moved away to the sides, and then one of the evil beasts slowly walked forward.

It was an evil beast in the shape of a human, with a shape very similar to that of a human, wearing a white armor, but...

With six arms!

Each arm holds a sword in the palm, and each sword has a different shape, the only thing in common is that the color of each sword is blood-colored.

This is one of the three chief evil beasts that attacked Fenglan City!

Broken blood!

After Poxue came to the forefront, he moved his six arms together and grabbed the six blood swords.

In the next moment, Po Xue took a step forward, and the six blood swords slashed forward at the same time!


An earth-shattering loud noise suddenly appeared, and six blood-colored sword lights appeared, piercing the air towards the front.

At the same time, while coming through the air, the six sword lights gradually merged together, and finally turned into a huge sword light, which then crashed down.


The second loud noise suddenly appeared, and the sword light slashed on the city wall, and then amidst the huge roar.

There was a cracking sound, and the sound of cracking suddenly came, and the towering city wall collapsed after that sword, and a gap was forcibly cut out.

Many Shencheng guards fell towards the bottom, screaming, and then disappeared in the sword light.

The rest of the god city guards were also shocked.

Because, the city wall is broken!

One blow shattered the city wall, Poxue took a step forward, raised the six blood swords and swung forward again.

This time, it was not an attack, but an order.

Almost in an instant, those evil beasts that had stagnated before launched a charge again, rushing towards the direction of the wind and mist wall frantically.

Everyone showed a bit of panic, the evil beasts attacked again, but there was a gap in the city wall, which meant that the barrier was gone, and the evil beasts could drive straight in through the gap in the city wall.

"Ready to fight!"

The guard on the tower was the first to react, and shouted loudly: "Hold on, don't let these guys enter the city!"

The guards of the city of gods came to the front of the gap continuously, and then accompanied by the first evil beast, they flew forward, and directly threw themselves on a guard of the city of gods, threw them to the ground, and opened their mouths. With a big mouth, after biting fiercely on the body of the Shencheng guard...

The battle is on!

Countless evil beasts rushed forward, entered through the gap in the city wall, and then fought with the guards of the city of God.

In an instant, the shouts of killing were everywhere, deafening.

Qiao Ye and Xifeng were still sitting in the restaurant.

With Qiao Ye's personality, he would go and have a look now, but Xifeng was still sitting there. Although he had somehow become the Six Great Demon Lords, he still had to maintain the demeanor of the Demon Lords. Move, Qiao Ye is determined not to move.

Qiao Ye took a sip of wine while thinking about it.

But at this time, footsteps suddenly sounded on the stairs of the restaurant.

Qiao Ye looked at the stairs suspiciously, is anyone coming?

Right now, the people in the restaurant, except for them, should all run to watch the excitement, and if the city breaks, they can resist it immediately.


An old man in Tsing Yi took the little mandarin duck to the top floor of the restaurant.

"Wei Wuping, an old man from Tsing Yi Mountain, join the Demon Lord Chongtian!"

The old man was wounded, and it could be seen from his complexion that he was bloodless, short of breath, and his internal organs were all injured. After he boarded the restaurant, the old man knelt down to Qiao Ye without hesitation.

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "City Master Fenglan?"

Qiao Ye vaguely remembered that Little Yuanyang seemed to have said that the owner of Fenglan City was called Tsing Yi Shanren.

Wei Wuping said: "It's the old man."

Qiao Ye said, "What's the matter?"

Wei Wuping bowed his head and said: "Po Xue, Youquan, and Ming Tian are leading the evil beasts at the same time. The east and west gates of Fenglan City have been broken, and the guards of the city of God are retreating. Seeing that they are no longer opponents, please try again." With the help of Tianmozun, these three evil beasts will be killed, and Fenglan City will not be destroyed."

Xi Tian disdainfully said: "Those evil beasts appeared in the Demon Realm before, we sent a message to the Twelve God Kings, but the God Realm's response was that this is a matter of the Demon Realm and has nothing to do with your God Realm, why?

So what does this matter have to do with our monsters in the Demon Realm? "

"I don't know about this matter, and the matter of the king of gods is not something we can intervene."

Wei Wuping gritted his teeth and said, "I also ask Mozun to make a move."

While talking, Wei Wuping looked at the little mandarin duck.

The appearance of the little mandarin duck was a tangle. Wei Wuping's ears were immediately informed about the appearance of Chongtian Mozun. Inquiry, and now the little mandarin duck is also dragged here.

However, I have no friendship with Qiao Ye, I am the one who leads the way.

But Wei Wuping had already looked over, and Xiao Yuanyang had no choice but to kneel down on the ground, kowtowed to Qiao Ye and said, "Please also ask the Demon Lord to help."

Xi Tian said contemptuously, "No matter what you say..."

Before Xitian finished speaking, Qiao Ye reached out to stop him from continuing.

Qiao Ye said, "Where are the three evil beasts?"

Wei Wuping said with great joy: "Po Xue and Ming Tian have entered from the east and west gates, and Youquan is still leading the evil beasts to attack the south gate."

Xi Tian was puzzled and said, "Master, do you really want to help them?"

Qiao Ye glanced at the little mandarin duck and said, "I have some fate with this little girl, let's use this matter to end the fate."

This kind of nagging is convincing. Of course, Qiao Ye couldn't give any good reasons. Qiao Ye was a little interested in the three evil beasts, mainly because he wanted to know whether his previous speculation was correct. The best way is to fight. Right now, these three evil beasts are sent by Zhu Huai to command the tide of evil beasts. They should be quite powerful. If you fight against them, you can know what the six evil beasts were like in their heyday. level up.

On the other side, seeing Qiao Ye say this, Xi Tian couldn't say much, stood up and cupped his fists and said, "This subordinate will go and kill him."


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