Chapter 1692 Attack

"I didn't tell you to go."

Qiao Ye said, "I plan to come by myself."

Xi Tian said: "With subordinates here, how can I bother the Lord to do such a trivial matter."

Qiao Ye said: "It's just to exercise your muscles and bones, okay, let's go."

Wei Wuping hurriedly said: "Thank you Demon Lord for your help."

Qiao Ye waved his hand casually, then got up and went downstairs.

The street was in a mess, but there was no trace of the evil beast, presumably the city gate had just been broken and it hadn't reached this place yet.

Chen Ling glanced at the sky, the swirling cyan wind had dissipated, and the mask protecting the city was also broken. He also said that there was a magic array, and Fenglan City should be able to last for a long time, so he would brag.

Qiao Ye sighed, and then said, "I'll take a step first!"

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, he stomped his feet vigorously, and a large cloud of black smoke overflowed from under his feet, pushing forward crazily like a wave, covering the entire street in the blink of an eye.

The next moment, Qiao Ye entered the black smoke, and his figure flashed, using the black smoke to move towards the city gate.

After a while, Qiao Ye felt something in his heart and stopped, and the black smoke covering all directions dispersed.

Looking up, you can see that there are all evil beasts densely packed in front of you.

About a hundred meters away is the city wall. The people in the city are fighting against the evil beasts. The sound of shouting and killing is all over the sky.

The guys from the Heaven Realm are still very strong. Although the city wall was broken, they could withstand it. The Nae Beast rushed a hundred meters into the wall, trying to disperse in all directions and enter the street, but was resisted by everyone.

The evil beasts are not dominant, and it seems that they are being slaughtered unilaterally, with corpses all over the ground. On the contrary, there are actually very few corpses of the people in God's Domain.

However, everyone understands that going on like this is not the way to go.

How many people are there in this misty wind city?

That's thirty to forty thousand, but how many evil beasts are there to attack the city?

It's an inexhaustible feeling. Leaving aside the city walls in other directions, the evil beasts that appeared outside this city wall are already at least ten times the enemy.

So, with the constant impact of the evil beast, how long can it last so hard?

Sooner or later you will die of exhaustion!

But the most troublesome thing is to break the blood. Mingtian and Youquan have three evil beasts. As long as these three evil beasts are killed, there is still hope. The gap, restarting the magic circle of Fengyun City, can still be defended.

What's more, as long as there is no commanding evil beast, the evil beast swarm may not last forever. Without the command of the evil beast swarm, it is likely to disperse after hitting it.

That's why Wei Wuping begged on Qiao Ye's head to kill the three evil beasts. There is still 70% hope that Fengyun City can be defended, and the three evil beasts will not die. If you never back down before you die, the Fengyun City will be destroyed.

As Qiao Ye thought about it, she raised her palm into a knife.

The black smoke billowed around and quickly gathered around Qiao Ye.

This is the strongest blow!

From the map of God of War!

Purple Lightning Fury Thunder, Void Blade of the Void: Call the energy of the whole body, penetrate the sky and the sky, draw all things in the world for your own use, coincide with the realm of heaven and man, shatter the void with one blow, and destroy everything.

At this moment, the aura emanating from Qiao Ye's body was extremely terrifying.

That aura directly penetrated the world, and the aura contained in all things in the world gathered in the direction of Qiao Ye. In the words of Lingyu, it was aura.

Almost instantly, at the moment when Qiao Ye's palm fell, the sky and the earth were torn apart, and a huge void appeared, in which chaos and haze appeared.

That blow was so terrifying that it tore a piece of this space apart.

next moment...

In the void crack, the incandescent light is extremely dazzling, like a shining ribbon, like a flowing galaxy, illuminating the pitch-black color under the void crack.

An extremely strong terrifying aura appeared at this moment, and there was an unimaginable sense of oppression.

As long as everyone under the incandescent light shrouded, they all felt a sense of suffocation at this moment.

Even, many people stopped fighting one after another, involuntarily looking towards the sky, towards the incandescent light.

Depression at first, followed by joy.

A master is coming!

"Get out of the way if you don't want to die."

Qiao Ye said, "Otherwise, I don't care what happens."

The moment Qiao Ye spoke, he raised his arm and slashed forward.

The incandescent light that appeared in the void fell suddenly, turned into a terrifying light blade, and blasted towards the ground.


A huge roaring sound appeared, as long as it was swallowed by the light blade, all that was left was howling.

Those evil beasts are constantly struggling in the light, their bodies are constantly annihilated, and finally completely...


After killing a large number of evil beasts with one blow, Qiao Ye strode forward and looked at the gap in the city wall.

The gap is not very big, only about three or four meters wide.

However, the embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed by an ant's nest, and such a gap was enough for the evil beasts to enter continuously, and even the defensive advantage of the tower was gone.

the most important is……

Qiao Ye looked at the sky.

The West Wind Divine Formation in Fenglan City seems to be connected to the four walls and complement each other. If the city walls are damaged, it is like a large formation lacking a pattern, and it will not be able to function.

"Then..." Qiao Ye looked forward and said, "Even if the gap can't be blocked immediately, at least these guys won't be able to easily enter through the gap."

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye spread out his palms, and then a radiance appeared from Qiao Ye's hands.

Emerald Star Record (Treasure Phantasm) (first grade): Made of the emerald star stone outside the sky, it contains the magic formula of the universe astrology array pattern, which can transform into stars to attack, and can summon up to twelve pieces. After each twelve pieces are formed, the treasure Phantasm Need to sleep for six hours.

After the Cui Xinglu was lifted up by Qiao Yetuo, it instantly burst into light!

In that light, a large phantom image was printed, and the endless brilliance suddenly bloomed. There was a strange feeling. The phantom seemed to be infinitely large and boundless.

In the vast phantom, surrounded by stars, it is so mysterious that it makes people throb.

next moment...


In the sky, there were a total of twelve stars, which turned into a huge circle, spinning continuously, spinning continuously, splashing brilliance crazily, and then...

The stars fell to the ground!


Violent power erupted in an instant.

At the moment when the stars fell to the ground, there was a feeling of heaven and earth falling apart.

The sky and the ground are constantly trembling, as if they will be completely pierced by the huge star, which is extremely terrifying.


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