Chapter 1693 Broken Blood

A circle of silver fluctuations pushed around at a speed almost visible to the naked eye, and crazily pushed in all directions.

The brilliance of the ground turned into silver waves, sweeping layer upon layer.

The silver light in the sky lit up the sky, and the stars scattered in all directions like rain.


The aftermath of the shock erupted.

Boom, boom, boom!

Accompanied by the continuous bursting sound, the twelve stars continued to fall to the ground, shattering crazily, and the silver brilliance continued to roll towards the four directions, appearing majestic.

When the surrounding evil beasts were wrapped in the silver glow of the shattered stars, their bodies were directly annihilated into ashes, without even leaving any bone residue, their bodies were completely annihilated and disappeared.

"You killed an evil beast (mist shadow beast), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 82000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (precept beast), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 62000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (hundred-tailed tiger), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 98,000 points."


The biggest feature of Cui Xinglu is the multi-stage attack. When the star falls, it will be the first stage, and then the aftermath of the impact will form the second stage of attack, and then the aftermath will last for a certain period of time to become the third stage of attack.

In this way, the gap was blocked in a short period of time. Even if those evil beasts rushed up one after another, as long as they were covered by the aftermath, they would immediately be annihilated in ashes.

Qiao Ye waved his hands and shouted loudly: "Get out of the gap in the city wall, and don't let those evil beasts come in."

Those who lived in Mist Wind City didn't react that fast, or couldn't understand why Qiao Ye asked them to do this in the first place.

But the guards of Shencheng are very experienced.

The guard shouted loudly: "Do as he said, hurry up and plug the gap."

As long as the fire of war is limited to outside the city walls and withstand the impact of the beasts, the walls of Fengyan City can be repaired automatically. If you persist for a period of time, the walls will return to their original shape.

Then, the advantage of defending the city will come back. It can be said that Qiao Ye's attack is quite timely.

The Shencheng guards around the city wall moved towards the gap at the first time, intending to quickly break out of the gap and occupy a position on the periphery of the gap before the aftermath of the stars in Cui Xinglu disappeared.


At the moment when those guards from the city of gods came to the edge of the gap...

In the air, the smell of blood suddenly wafted.

Before those god city guards could react, a huge blood-colored sword light suddenly appeared in the sky, with a length of more than ten feet, and it fell downwards.


Accompanied by the slashing of the bloody sword light, there was a huge roar, followed by endless screams, and the guards of the city who had just rushed to the gap in the city wall were instantly blown away.

Some people died on the spot, some rolled and howled.

Qiao Ye narrowed his eyes, then looked in the direction of the gap in the city wall, and soon, heavy footsteps sounded.

The Evil Beast in armor appeared there, walked up to the collapsed ruins at the gap, spread out its six arms, and the blood sword in its palm radiated brilliance.

Evil beast, broken blood!

"This guy……"

Although the gods in the heavens were not flooded, they were indeed not so unusual. After entering Fengyun City, Qiao Ye had already seen three gods.

Xitian is undoubtedly in the realm of gods, followed by the lord of Fenglan City, Tsing Yi Shanren, and then the guard on the tower who is in charge of commanding the guards of the city of God, who is also in the realm of gods.

Among them, Xitian should be the strongest, because Qiao Ye can only tell that he is in the God Realm, but not to what extent.

Secondly, it's hard to say the level of Tsing Yi Mountain Man. Anyway, Qiao Ye thinks that Tsing Yi Mountain Man is very weak, but the reason for his weakness is that the other party has not recovered from his serious injury.

In the end was the guard, who was truly divine. After the city gate collapsed, it was because of his bravery that he didn't let the evil beast drive in. However, judging from the guard's aura, Qiao Ye felt that the other party seemed to be inferior to him. If you want to say, is it a very ordinary divine realm?

Even Qiao Ye himself wanted to laugh at this statement. Since when did God Realm become an ordinary thing?

But that's how the gods of the heavens are.

As for the broken blood in front of me...

Qiao Ye frowned slightly, with a strong breath and a sense of oppression.

"But it's not an ordinary divine realm."

And just when Qiao Ye was thinking...


Poxue suddenly bent his legs, kicked the ground fiercely, and then rushed out towards the front.

So fast!

Qiao Ye's pupils shrank, and the broken blood appeared in front of him in an instant, and then an arm danced, and a blood knife slashed towards Qiao Ye, so fast that he couldn't even see the blade clearly, the blood knife directly turned into A bloody light slashed fiercely at Qiao Ye's waist.



Qiao Ye's body flew towards the rear in an instant, and then hit a house on the side. After a loud noise, Qiao Ye smashed into the house, and then the house collapsed, turning into ruins and Qiao Ye bury.

Poxue retracted the blood knife, then turned around and planned to leave.

But at this moment...


Above the ruins, there was a loud noise, and after a crack, an arm suddenly stuck out.

Gritting her teeth, Qiao Ye crawled out of the ruins, grinned in the direction of Poxue and said, "It's interesting!"

At the moment of the blood-breaking attack, Qiao Ye used the nine-turn golden body to block the blow, but Qiao Ye couldn't counteract the impact caused by the huge force, so he was blown away by the blow That's all.

However, it was just a single blow, and it can indeed be seen...

Broken blood!

Very strong!

At the same time, watching Qiao Ye climb out of the ruins, Po Xue slowly turned around again and looked in Qiao Ye's direction again.


In the next moment, without any words, Poxue directly soared into the sky.

A spider web of cracks was forcibly stepped on the ground by the broken blood. The jump was more than ten meters high, and then fell from the air. With one arm raised, a bloody knife slashed towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye took a deep breath, and then...


Qiao Ye put his hands together, and then a large cloud of black smoke gushed out from his palms.

The next moment, Qiao Ye's hands were slowly pulled away to the sides, and a black halberd appeared in his palm.


Qiao Ye raised his halberd to meet him, and collided fiercely with the bleeding knife. After a roar, the ruins under Qiao Ye's feet were shattered.

Red and black collide fiercely!

The moment the waves of air swept towards the surroundings, the ground under Qiao Ye's feet formed a huge deep pit with a "boom", and collapsed downward.

After a while, the sand and dust scattered, and Qiao Ye took the blood-breaking blow, but at this moment...

Poxue's other five arms were raised.

This time...

It's six swords falling together!


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