Chapter 1700 Stop Playing

This time, Xifeng was a little more serious. Looking at the beam of light that hit him, he pushed his palms forward, and abruptly caught the beam of light.

After about a few breaths, the beam of light exploded suddenly, and Xifeng was also blown away.

However, it was still only for a moment.

Xifeng stood up again and said, "Come again!"

Ming Tian was completely hairy, extremely angry, but at this moment...

"Did you have a good time?"

A voice suddenly sounded, and at the end of the street, a dark-skinned evil beast paced forward, in human form, with dense snake scales on its body, and a huge black sickle on its shoulders!

The third evil beast, Mingyou!

Xifeng said: "Let's go up together!"

After Xifeng finished speaking, he directly folded his arms, as if he wanted to continue to be beaten.

The Tsing Yi Mountain Man couldn't bear it any longer. He looked at Qiao Ye pitifully and said, "Mozun, let your subordinates fight hard. If the fight continues like this, Fengyu City will really be destroyed."

The Tsing Yi Mountain man was already getting old, and Qiao Ye couldn't bear the pitiful look, so he could only shout to Xi Feng: "Xi Feng, don't play anymore, we have to go back to the Demon Realm!"

Xifeng was startled, is the Lord angry?

Immediately, cold sweat appeared on Xifeng's forehead, and he suddenly realized.

That's right, the master can of course play like this, playing with the other party for fun, but how can I make the master wait by the side?

I shouldn't have played it myself!

I have to make up for everything I did before!

Xifeng knelt down on one knee towards Qiao Ye and said, "Don't worry, my lord, I'm done now!"

After Xifeng finished speaking, he raised his head sharply, and tore off his sleeve directly, and there was a magical pattern on his arm that looked like Fengliu.

"Magic pattern!"

Xifeng shouted in a low voice: "The north is bitter!"

In the next moment, on Xifeng's arm, the magic pattern suddenly flickered and lit up, emitting a blue light.

Ming Tian's face changed drastically, and he shouted at Ming You: "Be careful!"

Mingyou has just arrived, so she doesn't understand Xifeng's horror at all, but Mingtian knows.


It's too late!

The moment the magic pattern lit up, Xifeng's figure suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was behind Mingyou.



Mingyou didn't understand what was going on at all, so her eyes widened, a large amount of blood spurted out of her throat, and then her whole head fell down, rolling continuously on the ground.

With one blow, Youyou dies!

And at the moment of Mingyou's death, Mingtian suddenly felt the wind blowing behind him, and Xifeng unexpectedly appeared behind Mingtian again at some point.

"You die too."

Xifeng said: "My master is already impatient!"


When Xifeng was speaking, the black wings on the back suddenly pierced forward, piercing through Mingtian's body with ease, and then violently stirred, Mingtian's body split in two!

Qiao Ye was also shocked. Although she knew that Xifeng was very strong, she was so strong?

Mingtian, Mingyou, these two evil beasts are both at the level of gods!

"Magic pattern?"

Qiao Ye couldn't help murmuring.

If Xifeng fought with Mingtian before and took advantage, Qiao Ye felt that he could accept it. After all, it was just an advantage. However, the moment the magic patterns lit up, it was not just an advantage. It's just a level behind, as if there is a gap in the major cultivation base of the first realm, it can be killed completely by flipping hands and palms.

Thinking of this, Qiao Ye couldn't help touching her face, she seems to have magic patterns now?

But how to use this thing?

Just as Qiao Ye was thinking, Xifeng had already returned and knelt on the ground on one knee: "My lord, it's a good luck that this subordinate is not disgraceful."

Qiao Ye rolled her eyes, brother, you have been crushed directly, don't be so humble, okay?

The Tsing Yi Mountain Man was also frightened, and tremblingly said: "Thank you Demon Lord for your help."

People in Tsing Yi Mountain always think that Qiao Ye is a parallel importer, but Xi Feng is so fierce.

Now that the subordinates are so fierce, the master should of course be more fierce. The Tsing Yi Mountain man is now very sure that Qiao Ye is not weak, but a pervert, who likes to be beaten first.

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "It's over, let's go back."

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, he planned to leave with his hands behind his back, but he was stumped after taking two steps. Where should he go?

Fortunately, Xifeng, the younger brother, was quite sensible. He came to Qiao Ye, stretched out his hand, and then opened a crack in the void.

There are lights and shadows flickering around the void crack, constantly twisting and rotating, forming a light and shadow vortex.

Qiao Ye is familiar with this move, and Jiang Liuxue's move through space.

Once upon a time, Qiao Ye thought this move was awesome, but now it seems that in the era before the Three Realms and Nine Realms were broken, this move was not so unusual.

The men outside the stone hall used to be able to do it, but looking at it now, Xifeng can do it too!

Regardless of whether this move is powerful or not, but when there are too many people who will do it, the level will drop suddenly.

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye entered into the vortex of light and shadow first. Xifeng waved his hand and followed closely behind with the soldiers.

The Tsing Yi Mountain Man hurriedly saluted and said, "Congratulations to Chongtian Mozun!"

Qiao Ye walked through the vortex of light and shadow, and then looked around.

At that moment, Qiao Ye felt a very heavy feeling.

Looking up at the sky, it is dark and dense, with large thunderclouds, and thunder flashes from time to time.

Looking around again, this place seems to be a huge rocky mountain, with towering rocks everywhere, and Qiao Ye is at the top of the mountain at this moment.

And in front of Qiao Ye, there is a manor with black and white two-tone, black roof, white walls, without too much decoration, the whole manor has a very strong sense of oppression.

On the plaque at the main entrance, there are two large characters of "Chongtian" written in dragons and phoenixes.

Chongtian Villa?

This should be Chongtian Mozun's manor.

Xifeng quickly stepped forward and ordered someone to open the door.

Countless servants stood in two rows behind the door, and when Qiao Ye entered the door, they knelt down on one knee.

"Welcome to the Demon Lord!"

Qiao Ye was really not used to this scene, so he waved his hand and said, "Let them all back down."

Xifeng nodded in agreement, and then signaled the servants to step back and go about their own affairs.

Walking along the front yard and coming to the main hall, Qiao Ye couldn't help grinning. The decorations placed in the hall by others are usually calligraphy and paintings, and there are some more unusual people who like strange stones and the like.

However, this Chongtian Mozun unexpectedly placed many swords as decorations in the hall.

Xifeng said: "Master, do you need to rest first?"

Just as Qiao Ye was about to nod, a voice suddenly came from outside the door: "Master, Liang Hongye begs to see you."


Qiao Ye was at a loss, but, with the principle of staying the same, Qiao Ye sat down on the chief seat and said, "Come in."


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