Chapter 1701 Jingjing is a girl

Approaching the hall was a witch.

The female demon was tall, even half a head taller than Xifeng, her skin was wheat-colored, she was wearing leather armor and animal skin pants, she had a very hot feeling, she looked no different from a human being, and her forehead was unique. The horns, part of the magic pattern can be seen in the looming part of the chest.

After Liang Hongye entered the hall, she knelt down and said, "My lord, I have something important to report."

Qiao Ye sat down on the main seat, nodded and said, "Speak!"

Liang Hongye said: "Northern guard Xue Qianyu sent a message that the evil beasts in Jialan Pass have dispersed. Although there are still evil beasts entrenched in the pass, we can fight. Do you want to take back Jialan Pass?"

Qiao Ye thought for a while, she seemed to have an impression of this matter, recalled it for a while, and then remembered that Xifeng had said this matter.

The Jialan Pass in the north has been broken, and it has completely fallen. It is said that Tang Jingtian, the demon general of Jialan Pass, died in battle. The one who killed him was the daughter of the sky, Ji Ba, that is...

Xiao Ji!

Qiao Ye is a little curious, what does Xiao Ji look like in this era?

Moreover, from the tone of Xifeng and Liang Hongye, it seems that Jialanguan in the north is still his territory.

Seeing that Qiao Ye hadn't spoken for a long time, Liang Hongye couldn't help asking, "My lord?"


Qiao Ye came back to her senses, waved her hand and said, "Don't worry about it, just let it go?"

Liang Hongye said in astonishment, "Whatever?"

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "It doesn't matter!"

Liang Hongye said: "However, Jialan Pass is a barrier to the north. If you don't care about it, those evil beasts will drive straight in. Even if it is difficult for those evil beasts to pass through the Daxue Mountain right now, there will definitely be a large number of evil beasts in the future. Just give up on Jialan Pass." Languan, when there are enough evil beasts, Daxue Mountain can't stop those evil beasts..."

"Shut up!"

Xifeng suddenly shouted: "Hongye, are you questioning the Lord's decision?"

"The subordinates dare not."

Liang Hongye hurriedly said: "This subordinate is only thinking about the Lord."

Qiao Ye smiled, and just as she was about to speak, Xifeng said first, "Your lord is far-sighted, but you don't know the meaning, it's a waste of your following the lord for so many years!"

Qiao Ye looked at Xifeng with a puzzled face, thinking foresight?

Why don't I know it myself?

Liang Hongye raised his head and said, "This subordinate is dull, please show me clearly."

Xifeng said: "Will those evil beasts not be able to cross the Great Snow Mountain?"

Liang Hongye nodded and said, "Those evil beasts don't seem to be able to withstand the cold. The environment of the Great Snow Mountain has done a lot of damage to them, and a large number of evil beasts froze to death in the Great Snow Mountain."

Xifeng said: "Since this is the case, if there is such a natural barrier, why do we still have to recapture Jialan Pass?

what do you think? "

Liang Hongye was stunned for a moment and said, "What do you mean?"

Xifeng said: "I don't want Jialan pass, I will give it to the evil beasts if they want, and then rely on the big snow mountain to build the pass, so that the big snow mountain can be used as a natural barrier, and those evil beasts can't even survive in the big snow mountain." If not, how should we launch an attack?

Moreover, compared to the casualties caused by recapturing Jialan Pass, it is better to mobilize all these people to build the pass. Although the environment in Daxue Mountain is a bit bitter, it is better than death in battle. "


Liang Hongye's eyes lit up, and she kowtowed in Qiao Ye's direction, "My lord really has far-sighted plans, and this strategy is feasible!"

Qiao Ye scratched his head, is this a foresight?

I obviously didn't think about anything, but I just knew that the heavens would be over in the future, and both the realms of gods and demons would be destroyed, so I felt that there was no need to do such unnecessary struggles.

Liang Hongye continued: "Apart from the matter of Jialan Pass, although those evil beasts were trapped in the Great Snow Mountain, Ji Ba, the daughter of heaven, has already passed the Great Snow Mountain. She, she said..."

Qiao Ye said, "What happened to her?"

Liang Hongye said: "The daughter of the sky once said before the battle, it's time to settle the account of my bad luck."

Qiao Ye was stunned and said, "Being heartless?

Who? "

A group of people looked at Qiao Ye eagerly.

Qiao Ye widened her eyes, pointed at herself and said, "Me?"

Xi Feng laughed dryly: "The daughter of the sky probably refers to the matter of making a marriage contract with the Lord back then."

Qiao Ye said with a dazed expression, "Is there still a marriage contract?

why i don't know "

Xifeng and Liang Hongye looked left and right, pretending they didn't hear this, if you remember this, wouldn't it be called heartless.

Qiao Ye was also a little crazy, what did he do to Xiao Ji?

its not right!

Qiao Ye suddenly had a flash of inspiration, even if he did something, it was done by Chongtian Mozun, so it's none of his business?

I became the Chongtian Demon Lord somehow, but it doesn't mean that I am really the Chongtian Demon Lord.

Liang Hongye said: "In short, the daughter of heaven should be on the way to the south, should we do something?"

Qiao Ye waved her hands a little irritably: "Don't worry, let her go."

Liang Hongye nodded and said, "Of order."

Qiao Ye said, "Is there anything else?"

Liang Hongye said: "Not anymore."

Qiao Ye said: "Then step back, I want to be quiet."

Xifeng hesitated for a moment and said: "My lord, the matter of the daughter of the sky is somewhat troublesome. I think you should stop looking for a girl in the near future."

Qiao Ye looked puzzled and said, "I'm looking for some girl."

Xifeng said: "Quiet?"

Qiao Ye said, "Is Jingjing a girl?"

"Isn't it?"

Xifeng asked suspiciously: "The famous daughter of heaven, unexpectedly lost to a man?"

Qiao Ye gritted his teeth and said, "Get lost!"

Xifeng hurriedly said: "This subordinate will leave now!"

Seeing Xifeng and Liang Hongye retreat, Qiao Ye was also speechless, what was going on!

Qiao Ye stood up while thinking.

A maid followed and said, "Is the lord going back to bed?"

Qiao Ye nodded.

The maid said: "Can I arrange a meal for you, or a bath?"

Qiao Ye said: "Whatever!"

It is good to have a bunch of servants. Without anyone to lead the way, Qiao Ye doesn't even know where his bedroom is right now.

As Qiao Ye walked, he was also thinking about his current situation.

First of all, I must find a way to leave here, and then find Jiang Liuxue, Lin Jiao, Xiaoji and Zhang Liwang, but how to leave here?

This is a big problem, and one that Qiao Ye must consider.

Another question is, I have somehow become the Chongtian Demon Lord, so what about the real Chongtian Demon Lord?

This matter is very weird. Qiao Ye can't figure out how he became the Demon Lord Chongtian, but no matter what, things have become like this. Qiao Ye feels that the second thing he has to worry about is that he must not Show your feet.

This is also something that Qiao Ye feels that he must solve first.

If you don't want to show off, you must first find a way to understand everything about Chongtian Mozun, otherwise you will definitely have an oolong, but the most troublesome thing is that Qiao Ye found out that there is no way to directly ask about this matter.


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