Chapter 1704 Got in touch

Qiao Ye said: "I have been talking nonsense for a long time, just to save people, but there is no one on the southern front, and Bo Tian Mozun still has to get what is in the hands of people, so I can only send people, is that what you mean?"

Xifeng said: "My lord summed it up very brilliantly."

Qiao Ye said: "Then send it."

Xifeng said: "The Lord please issue a warrant."

Qiao Ye waved his hand and said, "Just write it down, I'll stamp it."

Xifeng thought for a while and said, "Who is the lord planning to send to rescue?"

Qiao Ye said, "You two, it's fine if you stay here."

Liang Hongye said: "But we are responsible for the safety of the Lord."

Qiao Ye said: "Do I need your guards?

Hurry up and get the warrant. "

Xifeng and Liang Hongye looked at each other, and then Xifeng went to write the warrant honestly.

Liang Hongye said: "My lord, Nan Yinyang is now trapped in Luoyang Mountain. If he sticks to it, he won't be able to make it past us. Do you have any instructions for him?"

"Be stubborn, run away if you can't hold on, if you really can't do it, you can lose your things."

Qiao Ye said: "The fate of things is not important."

Xifeng said: "It is really our blessing that the Lord is sympathetic to his subordinates."

Liang Hongye said: "Where should we go to break through?"

Qiao Ye said: "Isn't it just the four directions of east, west, north and south, you can run wherever you like, um, let's go east, the direction of the sunrise."

Liang Hongye was shocked and said, "Huh?"

"Okay, okay."

Qiao Ye waved his hand impatiently and said, "Hurry up."

Qiao Ye urged them to send them away and sent them out of the room.

When the two of them left the room, Liang Hongye suddenly showed an anxious expression and said, "What does the lord mean this time?

Run east?

Isn't that where the evil beasts appear?

Is this escape or death?

The Lord doesn't want to kill Nan Yinyang, does he? "

"Don't talk nonsense."

Xifeng glared at Liang Hongye and said, "Is the Lord such a person?

There must be a deep meaning in what the Lord said. "

Liang Hongye said: "What's the deep meaning?"

"I don't know this time either."

Xifeng said: "But the lord can't make mistakes, just do what the lord said, and we will know the answer later, what we have to do now is to leave quickly, since the lord has entrusted us with the matter , we can’t go wrong.”

Liang Hongye nodded, and the two quickly left together.

On the other side, Qiao Ye nodded in satisfaction as he watched the two leave.

"These two guys are gone, and things will be easier."

What is Qiao Ye going to do?

Of course, oil the soles of your feet, hurry up!

I have lived in Chongtian Villa for a few days, and I have inquired about everything that needs to be inquired about, and I know about the situation on the Moyu side, so what are you going to do?

Of course, run away quickly and find other people!

However, it is not so easy to leave.

Xifeng is just a follower, please greet him three times in the morning, noon and evening, and if Qiao Ye wants to go out, Xifeng will be by his side. This is definitely a powerful and loyal bodyguard.

However, Qiao Ye wanted to run away!

How should Xifeng run after him?

It's all right now, not only has an excuse to send Xifeng away, Liang Hongye also bid farewell, and the only two people in the whole villa who are stronger than Qiao Ye are gone, so of course it is convenient to escape.

Of course, the premise is to wait for the two to leave.

Qiao Ye didn't wait too long, Xifeng and Liang Hongye were quick with their hands and feet, packed up their luggage and came to bid farewell to Qiao Ye, with only a dozen riders with them, and the rest could be dispatched from various cities.

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Go ahead, be careful on the road."

Qiao Ye watched the two set off, and then waited until midnight before sneaking out of the room, carefully avoiding the surrounding servants, and then a cloud of black smoke gushed out of her body and floated out of the villa.

The next moment, Qiao Ye appeared directly outside the villa through the black smoke.

Without Xifeng, Qiao Ye would not know how to use the black shadow vortex. If so, he can only rely on his legs.

All the way down the mountain, Qiao Ye was thinking about how to find someone, but he had no idea. It seemed that the only way was to meet the grass talisman.

"The question is, does this shit really work?"

Qiao Ye reluctantly took out the meeting talisman. She had tried several times, but she couldn't get in touch with other people at all.

But there is really no good way to do it other than keep trying.

As Qiao Ye thought about it, she tried it with the Wisdom Seed Grass Talisman.

Sure enough, the sound of the waves was still the same, and the Seed Grass Talisman did not respond at all. I tried several times but it didn't work, and then...


When Qiao Ye tried the last grass knot talisman, the talisman actually lit up, and then there was a cry for help.

Qiao Ye couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, then quickly looked at the back, it was Lin Jiao's meeting grass talisman.

"Hey, hello..." Qiao Ye hurriedly said, "Lin Jiao, can you hear me?"


Lin Jiao became excited when he heard Qiao Ye's voice, and hurriedly said, "Help!"

Qiao Ye said: "Use the clone to project!"

Soon, Lin Jiao's clone projection appeared.

Qiao Ye ignored Lin Jiao, but took a look at the surrounding environment of Lin Jiao first. It was pitch black, as if in a very dark room, and the walls could be vaguely seen. The walls were a bit dilapidated and had many cracks. Some light will shine in from outside the crack.

Qiao Ye said, "What's your situation?"

Lin Jiao said: "I don't know what's going on, this damn place, isn't it the heavens, and it has been wiped out by evil beasts long ago."


Qiao Ye was stunned for a while and said, "Have you seen the gods and demons?"

"The gods didn't see it, but the devil saw it."

Qiao Ye said, "Calm down, and tell me what's going on."

Lin Jiao took a deep breath, and then said: "When I came here, I was in a desert, there was nothing, and it was difficult to find a drink, then I kept walking, and I saw some evil beasts, I tried to run away, and then I saw Go to a village, and the village is full of mummified corpses."

Qiao Ye said, "Mummy?"

Lin Jiao said: "Yes, it's like being sucked dry of all the water in my body. I looked dry. I went into the village to find water to drink, and then suddenly someone came out to kill me."

Qiao Ye said: "So, you were not hunted down by evil beasts, but by people?"

Lin Jiao said, "Yes."

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "To be more precise, was he being hunted down by a god, a demon, or a human?"

Lin Jiao said: "Didn't I say that I didn't see the gods? The people in this place are all demons. I saw that they have magic horns and magic patterns, which are exactly the same as the images depicted in the ancient books of the demon realm."

The Demon Realm that Lin Jiao mentioned is not the Demon Realm where gods and demons rule over each domain, but the Demon Realm in the Nine Realms, which is Lin Jiao’s hometown. The two are indeed somewhat related. The practice of the Demon Realm can be traced back to the gods and demons. The demon, the name of the demon domain is also derived from this. There are some ancient books in the demon domain, and it is indeed recorded about the demons of the heavenly group. There is an untestable saying in the demon domain. Some of the demons left the heavens and established inheritances in the Nine Realms.


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