Chapter 1705 Altar Desert

Qiao Ye said, "Are you being mean again?"

Lin Jiao said, "What do you mean?"

Qiao Ye said: "You don't provoke others with your cheap words, why are they chasing you down?"

If it was a different person, Qiao Ye might still think about the situation, but if it was Lin Jiao or Tension King, Qiao Ye felt that he didn't seem to need to think about it. In all likelihood, these two people had committed a crime.

"It's wrong!"

Lin Jiao said miserably: "I really didn't do anything this time. I just wanted to find a place to get some food and drink, and then I was hunted down. By the way, those guys are very strange."

Qiao Ye said, "Why is it so strange?"

Lin Jiao said: "I can't really say, but judging by their demeanor and the tone of their yelling, I think they were chasing and killing me from the very beginning, do you understand what I mean?

I didn't meet them until I arrived in that village. They gave me the feeling that they didn't want to kill me for no reason after seeing me in the village, but they were chasing me all the way to that village. "

Qiao Ye froze for a moment.

Lin Jiao said a little madly: "I know it's a bit weird, you shouldn't believe it, but..."

Qiao Ye interrupted: "No, I believe it."

Lin Jiao was stunned and said, "Do you believe it?"

Qiao Ye nodded, because Qiao Ye remembered that he had somehow become Chongtian Demon Lord, and after becoming Chongtian Demon Lord, he continued what Chongtian Demon Lord was doing, and it was also Haotian Siwai who confronted others. , still fighting.

Since he is in such an inexplicable situation, will Lin Jiao be in the same situation?

That is to say...

Lin Jiao thought he was Lin Jiao, but now Lin Jiao had become someone else, and this person was being hunted down, so he became Lin Jiao being hunted down.

"In short, finding a way to survive is what you are best at."

Qiao Ye said: "Then say something useful, so that I can find your way."

Lin Jiao said: "Desert, village, mummy."

Qiao Ye said: "Hey, is there only one desert in the heavens?

You don't have something specific?

Like landmarks or something? "

Lin Jiao said: "I've said it all. I ran all the way and finally saw a village. That village is a landmark. Apart from these, what other landmarks can there be in the desert?"

Qiao Ye said: "Think about it again, if you want me to save you, you must first find out where you are."

Lin Jiao seemed a little anxious, rubbed his hair vigorously, and then walked back and forth in place.

bang, bang, bang...

At this time, there was a sudden loud noise, and Lin Jiao jumped like a frightened bird.

Lin Jiao said: "Those people must have found them."

Qiao Ye said, "Where are you hiding now?"

Lin Jiao said: "In an underground wine cellar."

Qiao Ye said: "Hide it well, I will find a way."

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, he quickly ended the call. Although the meeting grass talisman seemed unreliable, after so many contacts, it was only once. I don't know if I can make contact later, but Lin Jiao's current It's really not suitable to talk about the situation, it's not good to be found by the other party's voice when you turn around.

After finishing the arraignment, Qiao Ye began to meditate.

First of all, Lin Jiao should have also arrived in the heaven, and it is not the normal heaven, but the heaven before the three realms and nine realms were broken, and it can basically be concluded that Lin Jiao should not be in the god's realm, but should be in the demon realm.

Gods and demons rule their own domain, although it cannot be considered that they are not in contact with each other, they also move around with each other, but since Lin Jue did not see the figures of the gods at all, but only saw the demons, the possibility of being in the demon domain should be very high.

Taking a step back, Qiao Ye can only think this way at the moment, if Lin Jiao is in God's Domain, then he'll just wait for death, and Qiao Ye can't possibly make it past.

Then, let's assume that Lin Jiao is in the Demon Realm, which belongs to the desert area...

Qiao Ye's eyes lit up!

I really have to thank Xifeng for this matter. Xifeng just showed Qiao Ye the map of the Demon Domain just now. There are two desert areas marked on the map.

One is in the south and one is in the north.

The Northland happens to be the area under the jurisdiction of Chongtian Mozun.

If Linjiao is in the south, don't worry about it. By the time Qiao Ye rushes over, the daylily will be cold. Moreover, the desert over there happens to be within the scope of the southern front, where life and death are currently being fought. It is not easy to deal with the evil beast.

At the same time, the current area has been occupied by evil beasts, or, more accurately, there are no valuable resources in the desert. In order to establish a line of defense, Botian Mozun has already given up the desert area. Considering that Lin Jiao did not see There are too many evil beasts, and they are hunted down by demons, so the possibility of being in the southern desert is not very high.

As for the desert in the Northland, Qiao Ye somewhat had the impression that it was called the Altar Desert. The reason why Qiao Ye had an impression of it was that the Altar Desert was the way to ascend to heaven, pass through the gate of heaven, and then enter the portal of the Demon Realm.

The light of the altar comes from a huge altar in that place, which is older than gods and demons. It existed when the Three Realms and Nine Realms were born, and it has been passed down from ancient times to today.

Of course, it has been abandoned for a long time now, but the name of the altar has not been abandoned. Many masters of the gods from the Nine Realms are unknown. Even the demons don't know what the altar was used for in the first place.

Qiao Ye patted his forehead and murmured, "You should ask that kid Lin Jiao if he has ever seen the altar!"

Qiao Ye didn't intend to send a message to Lin Jiao anymore. Right now, the kid is escaping from being hunted down. It's not good if the guy gets exposed by contacting him. Moreover, with Lin Jiao's pissing nature, he can avoid the danger. Qiao Ye felt that he would have to call for help in all likelihood, unless he couldn't be reached.

As for the moment, it is natural to rush to the desert of the altar first.

After Qiao Ye took a deep breath, a large cloud of black smoke gushed out from his body and spread forward.

Although the Altar Desert is in the Northland and belongs to the territory of Chongtian Mozun, but it is connected to Tianmen and Dengtian Road, which means that the Altar Desert is actually at the northernmost point of the Northland.

This is obviously not a short distance. Moreover, the Altar Desert is not small. Even if you have found the right place, Lin Jiao is really in the Altar Desert. It is not easy to find him.

Therefore, Qiao Ye had to do everything he could to go on the road, and at the same time, he had to count on Lin Jiao to be stronger and bring out his talent for escaping. Don't be chopped to pieces when he finds someone by himself.

Fortunately, in this regard, Qiao Ye still had great confidence in Lin Jiao, and he was able to live to this day because of his unworthy virtue. First, he was good at escaping, and second, he was really hard-nosed.

When Qiao Ye was thinking, his movements were not slow at all, and the black smoke crazily flew past the front.


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