Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1706 Where is Lin Jiao

Chapter 1706 Where is Lin Jiao

When the sky is about to light up...

At the end of the horizon, a large cloud of black smoke appeared. It was so dark that it felt like black clouds were overwhelming the city.

After a while, the black smoke gradually dispersed!

Qiao Ye stepped out from the black smoke, raised his head and looked forward, he could see the rolling yellow sand, and a huge stone altar could be seen between the yellow sand, wanting to be taller than the sky, piercing the clouds into the sky, towering into the sky. null.

Qiao Ye licked the corner of her mouth, this place is the altar desert.

When Qiao Ye was watching, she also took out a few pills and stuffed them into her mouth.

It would take at least three to five days to rush to the Altar Desert even if Qiao Ye was in the Northland. Chen Ling was able to arrive overnight. It was flushed, and her footsteps were a little vain.

What's more troublesome is that it's not enough to rush to the desert of the altar, one has to know where Lin Jiao is in the desert of the altar. Of course, the most important thing is that Lin Jiao has to be in the desert of the altar.

While Qiao Ye was thinking, she waved her sleeves. Then, the surrounding black smoke rolled up again, wrapped around Qiao Ye, and continued to walk forward.

At the same time, Qiao Ye also took out the meeting talisman again and tried to contact Lin Jiao.

I don't know if it was a coincidence, or Lin Jiao didn't have time to send a message, or this guy had already been slaughtered. On the way here, Qiao Ye sent a message twice, but Lin Jiao didn't hear back.

However, Lin Jiao should be lucky this time. After Qiao Ye summoned him again, the grass-witting amulet suddenly lit up.

"Boss, help!"

After Lin Jiao connected with the communication, the projection was performed directly.

The next moment, Qiao Ye saw Lin Jiao running wildly there, and behind Lin Jiao, there were densely packed evil beasts.

Qiao Ye is at a loss, what are you doing?

Why was this being chased by the Evil Beast again?

Lin Jiao yelled, "Help!"

Qiao Ye said: "Don't yell, what's your situation?

Didn't it mean that there were no evil beasts chasing after them?

They are being chased by demons, why are they all evil beasts now? "

Qiao Ye paid attention to the evil beast behind Linjiao, and felt strange. Looking at the environment at Linjiao, it didn't seem like a deserted area, but rather, it looked like it was in some huge building.

Lin Jiao said: "I'm not running for my life. Those guys are chasing after me. I can only run into a huge building. I think that inside the building, the terrain should be more complicated, so I can hide better. As a result, this broken place is full of evil beasts!"

Qiao Ye thought for a while, looked at the altar in the distance and said, "Is it a trapezoidal building?

There are a lot of stone steps, but there are breaks in the middle, so, it seems..."

Lin Jiao hurriedly said, "It's the same as pants."

Qiao Ye said: "You are at the altar."

Lin Jiao said, "What is that?"

Qiao Ye said: "Go to the gate of heaven and enter the heaven. There is an altar in the desert. This place is the junction of the heavenly realm and the demon realm."

Lin Jiao said anxiously: "I don't care where he is, boss, if you don't show up again, I'm going to burp."

Qiao Ye said, "Hold on."

Lin Jiao said, "How long?"

Qiao Ye said: "It will take at least an hour to get to the altar. The altar is so big, why would it take an hour to go in and find you?"

Lin Jiao said with a mournful face: "The day lily will be cold by then, you are always here to save me, and you are still here to collect my body."

"How can it be so outrageous!"

Qiao Ye curled her lips and said, "At the beginning, you survived facing so many evil beasts in the depths of the boundary, but now such a few evil beasts are just a small scene for you."


Lin Jiao said depressedly: "The group of guys are still chasing me, making me feel like I have some deep hatred with them. Moreover, this ghost place is a bit weird. Apart from the evil beasts, there seems to be some troublesome things. I saw it with my own eyes. One of the group of people chasing me died, but it was not killed by the evil beast, but..."

Lin Jiao hesitated for a moment, and then said, "I don't know what it is, and I don't know how to describe it."

Qiao Ye said: "You say to fly to the sky, but I can't fly there."

Lin Jiao gritted his teeth, then took out a doll, shook it at Qiao Ye and said, "Look for this, quickly find this."

The rag doll is about the size of two palms. It looks like it was stitched out of leftover materials. There are still many patches. The hair on the head is actually made of straw, and the facial features are crooked. Feel.

Qiao Ye said, "What is this?"

Lin Jiao said: "You don't care what it is, anyway, this thing can bring you to my side, hurry up and save your life, if I die, everyone can't go back to the Nine Regions."

Qiao Ye spread her hands and said, "How to find it?"

Lin Jiao said: "I have already used it, and the clone of this thing will appear within a hundred miles, near the nearest person."

Qiao Ye said, "That's not sure it's just near me."

"No one has found it yet, otherwise I would know."

Lin Jiao gritted his teeth and said, "If I'm not near you, then it's my fault, okay?

Boss, hurry up, I really can't hold it anymore! "

While Lin Jiao was talking, the clone projection suddenly disappeared, but the communication was not interrupted.

After almost three breaths, Lin Jiao reappeared, and the environment around Lin Jiao became a long and narrow passage.

Qiao Ye showed a sudden look, Lin Jiao was chased so hard that he used his ability to cross the space.

Lin Jiao sat down against the wall and said, "I've been running away, and I've been using my abilities all the time. My demonized state can't be maintained for half an hour at most."

While talking, Lin Jiao took out the porcelain bottle from his bosom, poured out two pills and threw them into his mouth.

Lin Jiao said with a mournful face: "Even if you eat this thing as jelly beans, it can't keep up with the consumption."


Qiao Ye said, "I'm going to find that thing now."

Qiao Ye waved his hand while talking.

The black smoke behind Qiao Ye billowed up, rushed into the sky, and then spread out in the sky like a huge black cloud.

In the next moment, countless night crows flew out of the black smoke and headed in all directions.

Qiao Ye said to Lin Jiao: "Don't cut off the message, this talisman will work for a while, and then it won't work for a while, don't turn around and the message won't work, don't blame me for not being able to save you."


Lin Jiao sat down on the ground extremely decadent, looking really tired.

But at this moment...

Boom, boom, boom...

In that narrow and deep passage, heavy footsteps suddenly sounded.

"No way!"

Lin Jiao immediately jumped up and said, "Again?"

The next moment, a black figure rushed out from the side of the passage, holding a rusty sword in his hand, the tip of the sword slashed across the side wall, and suddenly sparks sparked out, heading straight for the corner of the forest.

"The leader-level Evil Beast Zhenling General."

Qiao Ye said decisively: "Run quickly, you can't beat it."


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