Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1708 General Zhenling

Chapter 1708 General Zhenling

While Qiao Ye was thinking, she turned her head to look at the Evil Beast that kept rushing up from behind, and then held the Ben Lei Tiger Soul in her hand.

A large number of evil beasts, and in a small space!

This kind of environment is too suitable for Ben Lei Hu Soul to exert its effect!


The next moment, a piercing electric sound appeared from Qiao Ye's palm, and then a large wave of electric current churned around Qiao Ye's arm.


Qiao Ye took a sharp step forward, then clenched his fist tightly and punched forward.


The sound of the surge of current reappeared, and as Qiao Ye punched forward, a large amount of current gathered and turned into a terrifying thunder column, which blasted forward.

The lightning pillar expanded rapidly, filling the entire passage in the blink of an eye.

Countless thunderbolts charged forward, and then gave those evil beasts a constant...


"You killed an evil beast (tomb guard beast), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 72000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (Shiling beast), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 62000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (golem guarding the mausoleum), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 118,000 points."


Large pieces of evil beasts kept falling down, and electric currents were still twinkling around their bodies and flickering constantly.

Under such an environment, it is really suitable for Ben Lei Hu Soul to play.

But, at this very moment...

The thunder light rushing towards the front suddenly shattered into pieces, and then, a figure suddenly rushed out towards the front, killing Qiao Ye.

General Zhenling!

General Zhenling is a mummy. His withered face looks particularly terrifying. He is wearing ancient armor and holds a huge saber in his hand. He is very fierce!


Qiao Ye swiftly swung the halberd, receiving General Zhenling's knife!

Between the clash of weapons, golden sparks flew!

Although General Zhenling is not as powerful as the subordinates directly under the six major evil beasts, he is still a leader-level evil beast who can command the evil beasts, and his strength is quite impressive.

Of course, one thing is very important...

This is not an era after countless ages!

In the era when the scarlet demon star came and the evil beasts attacked the heavens, all the evil beasts were at their peak, so to order the evil beasts in this era, naturally, stronger strength was needed.

To put it bluntly, there is no such thing as a "leader" among Evil Beasts. This is a human term. Among Evil Beasts, one who is strong enough can command other Evil Beasts.

However, if Qiao Ye had the commanding evil beasts in this era, they might not have such abilities. For example, the Ice Queen that Qiao Ye had seen could only be regarded as a younger brother in this era.

at the same time……

That General Zhenling was quite fierce. After being blocked by Qiao Ye, the moment he passed Qiao Ye on his side, the saber in his hand slashed again and swept towards Qiao Ye.

At this moment, Qiao Ye's body burst into golden light.

Nine-turn golden body: the supreme skill of the ancient Xuantian sect, which can shape the body of a golden god, which is invulnerable to swords and guns, water and fire, and can be unparalleled in the world when it is fully cultivated.

With a clang, the saber slashed at Qiao Ye's body, but it didn't cut Qiao Ye's body open.

Even before the blade touched Qiao Ye, it was blocked by the golden light from the nine-turn golden body.


General Zhenling roared angrily, then raised his saber and slashed at Qiao Ye continuously.

Dang clang, clang clang, clang clang!

The sound of metal clanging kept ringing, and golden sparks bloomed continuously on Qiao Ye's body. General Zhenling's saber was still unable to break through Qiao Ye's nine-turn golden body defense.

When General Zhenling raised the saber again, Qiao Ye suddenly made a move and directly pinched General Zhenling's throat!


General Zhenling was pushed against the wall by Qiao Ye, and then Qiao Ye kicked him violently.

There was a loud bang, and a spider web of cracks directly split the wall of the passage, and General Zhenling's body was directly embedded in the wall, but the moment Qiao Ye raised his fist and wanted to blast out again.

General Zhenling suddenly opened his mouth, and then a large piece of black liquid was spit out from General Zhenling's mouth, falling on the golden light of the nine-turn golden body.

Hiss, hiss, hiss!

Immediately after the black liquid fell on the golden light, there was a strange sound, and then, wisps of black smoke rose continuously.

Qiao Ye's pupils shrank, it was corpse poison!

Nine-turn golden body is very obvious against physical attacks, but for things like corpse poison, nine-turn golden body is not very effective.

Qiao Ye quickly jumped towards the rear, and removed the Nine-Turn golden body before the corpse poison rotted through the Nine-Turn golden radiance.

General Zhenling immediately let out a low growl, and rushed towards Qiao Ye again.

As Qiao Ye stepped back, he turned his wrist and tried to block the attack with the black halberd, but the tip of the halberd hit the side wall.

Qiao Ye couldn't help frowning. A place like the passage is really not suitable for long weapons like the halberd. When the halberd is turned sideways, it is easy to get stuck in the passage.

At this time, General Zhenling once again raised his saber and slashed at Qiao Ye. The blade made a whistling sound as it passed by.

Qiao Ye twisted her body violently to avoid the attacking blade, and then grabbed General Zhenling's wrist.

The next moment, General Zhenling's body was lifted up abruptly by Qiao Ye, and he slammed into the wall forcefully.

With a bang, General Zhenling hit the wall, smashing the wall again.

After one blow, the black halberd in Qiao Ye's hand continuously billowed with black smoke, then shortened continuously, and soon became the shape of a narrow knife.

In this way, it will not be stuck by the walls on both sides when waving.


With a flip of her wrist, Qiao Ye didn't hesitate, and the narrow knife swept across, cutting a wound on General Zhenling's chest, and a large amount of blood sprayed out.

General Zhenling obviously wanted to struggle, but Qiao Ye didn't give it a chance. He swung the knife and stabbed it down again.

poof 1

The narrow knife hit General Zhenling's chest, piercing General Zhenling's body with one blow.

"You killed an evil beast (General Zhenling), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 166,000 points."

After General Zhenling struggled for a while, he finally stopped moving and completely lost his voice.

However, after General Zhenling was killed, those evil beasts that stopped suddenly fell into madness again, and began to charge forward again.

"It's annoying!"

Qiao Ye grinned and said, "It's really endless!"

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to wipe the knife, and the narrow knife trembled suddenly.


In the next moment, the sound of the knife suddenly appeared, and it was particularly crisp and piercing in the narrow and long passage!


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