Chapter 1709 Advance

Purple Lightning Fury Thunder, Void Blade of the Void: Call the energy of the whole body, penetrate the sky and the sky, draw all things in the world for your own use, coincide with the realm of heaven and man, shatter the void with one blow, and destroy everything.

Amidst the knife groaning, Qiao Ye's aura became more and more intense, rising steadily, and soon became extremely terrifying.

Until Qiao Ye's palm completely wiped off the knife.

In front of Qiao Ye, a crack in the void was suddenly torn open.

In that crack in the void, a piece of incandescent light suddenly swayed out, and in the blink of an eye, the entire passage was illuminated brightly!


Qiao Ye slashed forward with a single knife, and in the white light, large blade lights appeared one after another.

In the next instant, wounds erupted continuously on the evil beasts in front of them, and then, the frenzied whiteness engulfed those evil beasts.

Struggling, roaring, and finally...

Those evil beasts are completely annihilated!

"You killed an evil beast (tomb guard beast), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 72000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (Shiling beast), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 62000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (Shiling beast), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 118,000 points."


Without any hesitation, Qiao Ye turned around and ran away!

The Sky Void Blade is very fierce, but no matter how fierce it is, it can only kill the evil beasts in the passage. There are still evil beasts behind the passage, and those evil beasts will definitely catch up. This is the evil beast. characteristic.

Turning around and running wildly, thick black smoke reappeared, wrapped around Qiao Ye's body, and rushed forward.

After rushing through the passage continuously and turning several corners, Qiao Ye came out from the black smoke.

Qiao Ye looked behind, and it seemed that there was no movement, and those evil beasts should have been thrown off.

Qiao Ye slowed down, and then looked around.

Square blue bricks, square stone walls, a whole block of black rock on the ceiling, with double dragon patterns carved on the edges.

Qiao Ye asked as he walked, "How do you get out of here?"

Lin Jiao spread his hands and said, "I don't know."

Qiao Ye said, "How did you get in here?"

Lin Jiao spread his hands again and said, "I don't know either."

Qiao Ye gritted her teeth and said, "Lin Jiao, wait for me, the first thing I do when I leave here is to kill you."

It's understandable if you don't know how to get out, but you don't know how to get in?

What a fool!

"I really do not know."

Lin Jiao said aggrievedly: "Although I originally wanted to enter the building, but after I ran to the place, I found that the building seemed to be sealed. At least from the outside, I couldn't see any space inside. There was only one The stone steps continued to extend upwards, and then I had no choice but to run upwards, and those guys chased after them, oh, by the way, the stone steps did not lead directly to the top floor."

Qiao Ye wondered, "What do you mean it doesn't go straight to the top floor?"

Lin Jiao said, "Wait a minute."

Lin Jiao changed the direction with the Seed Grass Talisman. As a result, the scenery in the projection background naturally changed, and the huge altar was revealed.

"See that building?"

Lin Jiao said: "That building is the one I escaped into."

Qiao Ye said, "I know."

Lin Jiao continued: "The building as a whole looks like a huge trapezoid, and then there are stone steps leading to the upper floor. This is not the case. After getting closer, you will find that after walking through some stone steps, there is a The horizontal platform can walk horizontally towards both sides, and I remember the width is about two and a half meters."

Qiao Ye said, "What happens after you walk over?"

"There is nothing, just being able to walk."

Lin Jiao said: "One side is attached to the wall, and the other is suspended in the air, and it will fall down when you step on it."

Qiao Ye said speechlessly, "Can you please stop talking nonsense."

Lin Jiao said with a dry smile: "I haven't finished yet, what I just said is the superficial situation, but in fact there is a secret door on the wall, I was almost caught up by the opponent, because of the opponent's attack, the stone steps in front were bombarded One piece was broken, I could only walk up to those platforms horizontally, I went around to the side, and then those guys continued to attack me, I was dodging with my back against the wall, but the wall suddenly cracked, and I fell into the building. "

Qiao Ye said: "After talking for a long time, you just want to tell me that there is a secret door?"

Lin Jiao said: "Besides, I remember that there was a slide when I fell in. I think the secret door should be at the ceiling."

Qiao Ye said: "You have been in the altar for so long, besides the passage, are there other things here?"

"It doesn't seem to be there, it's always been a channel."

Lin Jiao thought for a while and said: "However, there are some small stone halls between the passages, which are square and about four meters wide. There is nothing there. It is just a small hall. There are some carvings on the walls and some ornaments. There are stone halls on the ceiling. Painting should feel good-looking.”

Qiao Ye nodded, and said, "You wait outside the altar."

Although Lin Jiao was talking about clues, Qiao Ye felt that instead of looking for the so-called secret door, he might as well use a more direct method.

for example……

Qiao Ye raised his fist violently and blasted towards the side wall.

With a bang and a punch, Qiao Ye abruptly knocked down a piece of the wall, and walked into it.


Qiao Ye said: "It's not a passage!"

Qiao Ye used a stupid method, but it was also a very useful method. If he couldn't find a way out, he could find a way out by himself.

Anyway, they are all passages, breaking one wall is another passage, and you can leave here after going all the way.

However, what surprised Qiao Ye was that after breaking through the wall, what appeared in front of him was not a passage, but a square room.

The room is rectangular and not very big. There are some clay pots in the room. At the same time, there are three sunken rectangular potholes on the ground, about half a meter in size. There are stone carvings and murals on the surrounding walls.

Lin Jiao was also dumbfounded, looked at the room and said, "I haven't encountered it before."

"Of course you can't."

Qiao Ye said: "This is a dark room, and it may be a fully enclosed dark room."

When Qiao Ye walked into the room, there was no other door except the place he broke open. That is to say, when it was built, this place was directly sealed with a wall, or a secret door was used.

Lin Jiao doesn't do damage, so of course he can't find it here.

Qiao Ye paced slowly, then walked to the other side of the wall, not looking for a secret door, anyway, he has the ability to destroy this place, so why bother looking for a secret door?

Just blast another entrance and exit.

But at this moment...


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