Chapter 1710 Graveyard

"Qiao Ye, wait a minute!"

Qiao Ye stopped, looked at Lin Jiao's projection and said, "What's wrong?"

"Come closer."

Lin Jiao said, "I seem to have seen this mural before."

Qiao Ye looked at Lin Jiao suspiciously, then walked past the wall.

Lin Jiao looked carefully, and then said: "Look at the three potholes on the ground, are there patterns on the edges?"

Qiao Ye did as he said, stretched out his hand to touch the edge, his eyes lit up and said: "It really is."

Lin Jiao said: "There is a circle around the palm, there is a dark hole, and there is a ring inside, but don't pull it."

Qiao Ye did it again, and when he touched the corner, his eyes lit up again and said: "Indeed."

Lin Jiao scratched his head and said, "It's a strange thing."

Qiao Ye said, "What's wrong?"

Lin Jiao said: "This place is related to the Demon Realm."


Qiao Ye said: "Although this place is at the junction of gods and demons, it can be regarded as a demon realm."

"I'm not talking about the God Realm and the Demon Realm, which are ruled by gods and demons in the heavenly realm."

Lin Jiao said: "It's the Demon Realm in my hometown, the Demon Realm among the Nine Realms."

Qiao Ye became a little interested and said, "Oh?"

Lin Jiao said: "Our Demon Realm has something to do with the demons in the Heaven Realm, you know that, right?"

"I've heard of it."

Qiao Ye said: "After seeing the demons in the heavens, I'm sure it's 100% related."

The biggest feature of Moyu is demonization, and after Moyu people are demonized, they have very distinct characteristics with demons.

The first is the magic horn. After demonization, more than 60% of the forms have magic horns.

The second is the demonization itself. Many of the forms transformed after demonization are the form of demons, or to be more straightforward, many of the appearances of demons are after using demonization.

"However, this matter is very long ago."

Qiao Ye said: "It has nothing to do with the breaking of the Three Realms and the Nine Realms. Instead, we need to go back to the ancient times. The Three Realms have already appeared, and the Nine Realms have not yet opened."

Lin Jiao nodded and said: "It has to be traced back to that time, because the time is too long, in fact, there are not many rumors about this matter in the Demon Realm, and it is unresearchable, so it cannot be said to be true or false. It probably means that there are demons in the ancient times. The twelve demon clans, or the twelve branches of the demon clan, these twelve demon clans are the ancestors of all demons, I don’t know how to call the demon realm, anyway, what we record there is the ancestor demons.”

Qiao Ye gestured towards the wall.

Lin Jiao said: "Go on, there is nothing there, I just want to make sure."

Qiao Ye shattered the wall, walked forward and said, "Go on, I'm also a little interested in this matter."

Lin Jiao said: "According to the records of the Demon Realm, Xuantian, one of the Twelve Patriarch Demons at that time, wanted to leave the Heaven Realm and go to the Nine Realms to preach."

Qiao Ye said, "Preaching?"

Lin Jiao thought for a while and said: "It seems that preaching is not right. At that time, when the Nine Realms were first opened, there were no human beings. It belonged to the era of opening up the world and the recovery of all things. It is not so much preaching as it is mysterious. The ancestral demons of Tianzhi want to go to the human world and help the Nine Realms to take shape. Well, here is an additional sentence. The accurate statement should be to help the human world. At that time, the Nine Realms were first opened and they were one. So, in fact, there is no such thing as the Nine Realms. .”

Qiao Ye asked curiously, "And then?"

Lin Jiao said: "The other demons refused to let go, and even alarmed the gods of the God Realm. Everyone joined forces to encircle and suppress Xuantian's lineage. According to the records in the literature, it was a big battle. Corpses were strewn across the field, and blood flowed for three thousand miles."

Qiao Ye interrupted: "I'm a little puzzled, the Xuantian clan is going to the world, so let's go, is there any problem?

Is it hindering other ancestor demons?

Even the gods meddling?

In the final analysis, will the Xuantian clan enter the human world, will there be any harm to the heavens? "

Lin Jiao was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I don't know, anyway, I don't know about it in the rumors, after all, it's a scary thing, so how can there be so many documents left?

Even if there is, it is incomplete, so, in fact, it is a rumor formed by half-reading and half-guessing based on incomplete documents. "

Qiao Ye nodded and signaled Lin Jiao to continue.

Lin Jiao said: "Anyway, it was a big battle. In the end, the ancestor demons of the Xuantian lineage suffered heavy casualties, but some survived. These remaining descendants of the Xuantian lineage eventually went to the human world. They were the first to establish the demon realm. They compiled the ability of demons into exercises, so that human beings can also practice, and then slowly evolved through time, and because of intermarriage, they finally became demonic abilities. It can be said that today's demons, if they trace the origin, As long as they have the ability to demonize, they are more or less related to the original Xuantian lineage."

Qiao Ye said: "I basically understand, but what does it have to do with the room just now?"

Lin Jiao said excitedly, "That's the cemetery!"

Qiao Ye froze for a moment and said, "The cemetery?"

Lin Jiao nodded and said: "That's a very ancient burial method for demons. To put it bluntly, it was only used in the ancient times. The three pits are actually coffins. The surrounding murals and carvings are all customs of the ancient times. The iron ring you touched was used to open the coffin."

"That's interesting."

Qiao Ye said: "Is the so-called altar actually a cemetery?

However, it is not impossible. The Altar Desert is not under the jurisdiction of gods and demons, and has been abandoned all the time. No one knows that this kind of thing is normal. "

Lin Jiao said excitedly: "The most important thing is, judging from the patterns, this is the cemetery of the Xuantian lineage."


Qiao Ye was stunned and said: "The cemetery of Xuantian's lineage?

That's even more interesting, if according to what you said, the Xuantian lineage should have been beaten by everyone in the heavens, but this place hasn't been smashed? "

Lin Jiao asked, "Is this important?"

Qiao Ye looked at Lin Jiao and said, "Then what is important?"

Lin Jiao said excitedly: "This is the cemetery of the Xuantian lineage, one of the Twelve Ancestral Demons, there must be many funeral objects, right?

Must be very precious, right?

It must be worth a lot, right?

The treasures of the ancient times must be very powerful, right?

The kind that destroys heaven and earth! After finally getting in, we don’t take anything with us, are we worthy of the sky, the earth, and ourselves? "

Qiao Ye was dumbfounded, and looked at Lin Jiao after a while and said, "I thought you were just cheap, but I didn't expect you to be a beast."

Lin Jiao said, "I'm not right?"

"Just now you said that the demonic people with the ability to transform are all from the Xuantian lineage."

Qiao Ye said speechlessly: "You are thinking of digging up your ancestor's tomb now?"

"Any questions?

How long ago was it? "

Lin Jiao said: "It's a waste to bury those treasures with them. It's better to dig them out to benefit the public. Besides, you forgot the most important point."

Qiao Ye said, "What?"

Lin Jiao said, "I'm not in there anymore. It was you who dug the grave, not me."


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