Chapter 1711 The Rebel

Qiao Ye said: "You can say such shameless words?"

"There are even more shameless ones."

Lin Jiao rubbed his hands together and said, "Master Qiao, I don't ask for meat, why don't you share some soup with me later?"


Qiao Ye said, "You'd better die far away from me."

Lin Jiao said: "This is a great opportunity."

Qiao Ye said, "Have you ever thought of a possibility?"

Lin Jiao said, "What's possible?"

Qiao Ye said: "If it's really the cemetery of Xuantian's lineage, then they are powerful people from the ancient times. They picked up the stars with their hands and covered the moon with their hands. Do you think I can take away the things in this place if I want? ?”

"It makes sense!"

Lin Jiao was stunned for a moment, then nodded hastily and said: "By the way, as I said before, didn't one of those chasing me die inexplicably?

It felt like being killed by a ghost. The guy suddenly clutched his throat, then yelled like a ghost, and finally scratched himself to death by scratching his throat with his nails. "

Qiao Ye said: "Is it strange?

Some evil beasts have the ability of mental manipulation, so they can do this kind of thing. "

"That's true."

Lin Jiao thought for a while and said, "But there is a feeling that you can know that it was not the evil beast that did it, just like a strong man can feel the breath of the other party when confronting each other."

Qiao Ye almost didn't laugh, she looked at Lin Jiao's projection and said seriously: "The strong one?

Are you sure you are? "

"Of course not compared to you."

Lin Jiao thought for a while, and said honestly, "Compared to those people chasing me, I don't seem to be either."

Qiao Ye said: "You are self-aware."

Lin Jiao continued: "But that feeling is really weird...Damn...that's why they hunted me down!"

Halfway through Lin Jiao's speech, his eyes suddenly widened and he pointed to the side.

Qiao Ye looked sideways, and then saw two men in black, wearing black short jackets, wearing hats on their heads, and there were hollow parts on the sides or forehead, because the magic horns needed to be exposed.

The other party also saw Qiao Ye at this moment, but, to be more precise, they should have set their eyes on Lin Jiao's projection avatar. The other party was obviously interested in Lin Jiao.

Qiao Ye couldn't help but tossed her chin, didn't these two people know her?

Now I am the Chongtian Demon Lord!

However, after thinking about it, it seems that it is normal not to know each other. Can the six great demons see them as soon as they want to?

Everyone knows Chongtian Mozun, but not necessarily what Chongtian Mozun looks like!

Thinking about it this way, Qiao Ye showed some doubts again, why did he look so similar to Chongtian Mozun?

at the same time……

Lin Jiao and the other party had just met each other, and cursed: "You idiots want to chase and kill the young master, are you worthy?

Come on, the young master is waiting here, kill me! "

"Hand over people!"

At the same time, the corners of the two people's eyes twitched, and then they stared fiercely at Qiao Ye and said, "Or tell me where he is!"

At first glance, Lin Jiao is the projection clone, and, judging from the background of the projection, he should have already left the building, and the background is the desert.

From this point of view, Lin Jiao could not be caught. However, since Qiao Ye communicated with Lin Jiao's clone projection, he naturally knew Lin Jiao.

That being the case, if you can't catch Lin Jiao, you can catch Qiao Ye, and it's the same if you let Qiao Ye take you to find Lin Jiao.

Lin Jiao laughed loudly and said: "Yes, he knows where I am, you can let him bring you to find me, as long as you have the ability!"

Qiao Ye rolled her eyes, and said to Lin Jiao, "You better shut up!"

This guy Lin Jiao simply doesn't think it's a big deal.

"However..." Qiao Ye looked at the two of them and said, "I'm also very curious, why do you want to chase him, so why don't you do this, if you win, I'll take you to find him, if I win , you answer this question!"

The two looked at each other, and then one of them sneered, "Who do you think you are, qualified to negotiate terms with us?"

Qiao Ye shrugged and said, "Then you can find him slowly, I hope you can find him."

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, she turned around and left.


The two looked at each other, then rushed towards Qiao Ye at the same time, grabbing Qiao Ye's shoulders from left to right.

Just at this very moment...

Qiao Ye's eyes turned cold, and he suddenly grabbed a person's wrist. The next moment, that person felt himself flying up, hitting the ceiling fiercely, and cracking a piece of the ceiling.

After one blow, Qiao Ye kicked back suddenly, hitting another person in the chest, kicking him backwards continuously.

"Look, we still have to do it in the end..." Qiao Ye hooked the corner of his mouth and said, "How nice to accept my suggestion!"

The two ignored Qiao Ye's provocation, took off their hats and threw them in Qiao Ye's direction.

The bamboo hat kept spinning, approaching Qiao Ye like a sharp knife. The moment he was about to hit, Qiao Ye's figure flashed, and he passed between the bamboo hats.

Boom, boom!

After the two bamboo hats hit the wall and made a loud noise, they were directly embedded in it.

Lin Jiao suddenly became excited, and shouted at Qiao Ye: "Boss, beat them, beat them to death, how they beat me before, you beat them now!"

"I told you to shut up, can't you hear me?"

Qiao Ye flipped a white smoke towards Lin Jiao, and then his figure flashed, wrapped in black smoke, and rushed towards the two of them.

Seeing the black smoke billowing in, the opponent was also very vigilant, quickly backed away, and then...


The two held their swords at the same time, and the moment they were unsheathed, there was a clear sound of sword groans, and then two sword lights suddenly appeared, stabbing at the black smoke, and splitting the black smoke wrapped around Qiao Ye's body.

However, at the moment when the black smoke was cut open, Qiao Ye suddenly appeared, his whole body glowing with golden light, and he stretched out his hand forward, grabbing the long swords of the two with his bare hands.

With the nine-turn golden body protection, Qiao Ye was not afraid of the two swords at all. After pulling hard, he directly grabbed the sword and pulled the two back. Then he lifted his foot and swept the two again. Sweep out.

Bang, bang!

The two fell to the ground, their faces turned pale, and blood was spat out from the side of their faces.

Qiao Ye thought about it in his mind. The strength of these two people is about the same as the Supreme Realm, and they are a little bit short of the peak. They are considered top masters in their own era, but the era of the heavens before the three realms and nine realms were shattered was just so-so. In the heavens of the era, the state of ecstasy is quite rare, but the state of supreme is innumerable. It is not like after the three realms and nine realms were broken, one counted as one, and all of them were masters.

At the same time, the two wiped the blood from the corners of their mouths, and one of them glared at Qiao Ye fiercely and said, "We want to ask you, what is your relationship with him?

Why help him?

Help a rebel! "


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