Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1712 Blind for nothing

Chapter 1712 I'm Blind For Nothing

"A rebel?"

Qiao Ye showed a somewhat puzzled expression.

Is Lin Jiao a rebel?

This is really possible.

This guy doesn't do anything except bad things, but it's true, but the Lin Jiao these two guys know is not actually Lin Jiao, right?

Just as Qiao Ye was thinking, the two of them took advantage of the moment Qiao Ye was distracted, and swooped in again, hitting Qiao Ye's face with the long sword in their hands.


Qiao Ye came to his senses in an instant, black smoke condensed in his hands, and he swept away the opponent's double swords vigorously.

"Mormon Sword!"

One of them shouted in a low voice: "Qianxuepiaoling!"

The sword stabbed towards Qiao Ye, and then the sword light on the sword burst suddenly, and countless silver and golden lights scattered, hitting Qiao Ye directly.

Qiao Ye didn't back down, the long knife in his hand turned back into black smoke, and immediately wrapped around Qiao Ye's arm!

The next moment, Qiao Ye stretched out his hand, twisted his arms forward, smashed the sword light, and slapped the opponent's chest with his palm, sending him flying.

Qiao Ye said: "Why do you say he is a rebellious person?"


The man sneered and said, "Who doesn't know that Sima Yang can be executed for everyone."

Lin Jiao said angrily: "How many times have I told you that I'm not Sima Yang, you fucking motherfuckers must believe it."

Did you really admit the wrong person?

Qiao Ye raised her eyebrows, as if she didn't recognize Chongtian Mozun?

However, what is Sima Yang's background?

"Tell me more!"

The man looked at Qiao Ye and shouted: "If you help the evildoer, sooner or later you will die like him!"

After the man finished speaking, he suddenly raised his hand and threw something.

Qiao Ye instinctively stepped back and raised her arms to cover her.

next moment...

With a bang, the thrown thing exploded, and a large cloud of yellow smoke drifted around.

Qiao Ye waved his hand to disperse the smoke, and then looked forward, but the two had already disappeared.

Lin Jiao sneered and said, "It's pretty fast."

Qiao Ye rolled his eyes and said, "Are you qualified to talk about them about the escape?"

Lin Jiao laughed dryly twice.

Qiao Ye didn't chase after him, and continued to break through the wall, smashing the wall of the side passage.

"What did these guys tell you before?"

Qiao Ye asked as he walked, "What's going on with Sima Yang?"

"I do not know."

Lin Jiao said with an innocent face: "The group of guys beat and killed me when they saw me, and I kept running. Didn't I run to the altar later? Before I fell into the altar, I was blocked by them, and they shouted I am Sima Yang."

Qiao Ye said, "Did you say what you did?"

Lin Jiao said: "No, that group of guys called Sima Yang, your death date is coming, I told them that they recognized the wrong person, and these bastards ignored me."

Qiao Ye pondered for a while and said, "After we go out, we have to find out who this Sima Yang is."

"Let me know which bastard cheated on me, I have to chop him up!"

Lin Jiao nodded in agreement, and then said: "By the way, these guys may come to the door again, and there are more than two of them."

Qiao Ye said, "How many?"

Lin Jiao said: "A dozen or so, these two are not the most powerful, there is an old man with a white beard who is quite fierce."

Qiao Ye said: "How fierce?"

Lin Jiao's complexion changed, and he said with some lingering fear: "The old guy can kill me by flipping his hands. If it wasn't for using his ability, I would be dead!"

Qiao Ye pondered for a while, the two of them just now had a level close to the peak of the Supreme Realm, and since that was the case, the old man Lin Jiao mentioned was most likely in the Divine Realm.

Qiao Ye sighed, she had finally entered the God Realm, but the God Realm around her suddenly became as numerous as dogs, it was really hard for her!

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye slapped another palm forward, and then a ray of sunlight shone in.

Qiao Ye stretched out her hand to cover it up, then stepped out, finally piercing through the altar.

Qiao Ye looked around and said, "Where are you?"


At this time, Lin Jiao's projection waved vigorously and shouted: "Here!"

That voice didn't just come from the mouth of the clone projection, but a double voice.

Qiao Ye looked down and saw Lin Jiao under the altar.

Black smoke gushed out of Qiao Ye's body, and then the black smoke rolled up to the bottom of the altar.

Qiao Ye took out a Cocoon Concentrating Pill and handed it to Lin Jiao, "Eat it."

Lin Jiao tremblingly said: "Boss, I really didn't deliberately trick you, don't you need to do this?"

"What are you thinking?"

Qiao Ye said: "Ningxin Breaking Cocoon Pill!"

This is a good thing!

Lin Jiao's eyes lit up, and he quickly swallowed the Ningxin Pococoon pill.

Lin Jiao suddenly felt that he had fully recovered, and the feeling of exhaustion was swept away in an instant, and he asked excitedly, "Where are we going now?"

Qiao Ye said: "Didn't you say that there were more than two people chasing and killing you?

After they converge, they may catch up, so let's leave here first. "

Lin Jiao curled his lips and said, "Can we still be afraid of them now?"

Qiao Ye rolled his eyes and said: "It's really a fight, there are many people on the other side, half of them will hold me back, and the rest will chase you down?"

"This..." Lin Jiao said seriously: "I'm not afraid of them, but more things are worse than less things. I'm such a peace-loving person, so it's better to be less involved in fighting and killing."


Qiao Ye grinned without smiling, and said, "Let's go."

Lin Jiao said: "Don't you need a flying boat?

Forget it, or don't use it. "

Although the flying boat is convenient for transportation, it is too conspicuous, and Lin Jiao is afraid of being hunted down.

Lin Jiao said: "If you don't want to tell me the direction, I'll take you there directly."

Qiao Ye showed a dazed look, looked at Lin Jiao and said, "I almost forgot, after being specially trained by Jiang Liuxue, you are quite powerful, so you can use your demonization ability casually?"

Lin Jiao said honestly: "If it is used normally, it can perform space jumps about ten times. In addition, it can grasp the direction. There is an error in the distance. It can only be moved by a certain distance, and there is no way to fix it to a certain position."

Qiao Ye pursed her lips, and had to say that Lin Jiao's ability to demonize is really abnormal to a certain extent. The treasures that can cross space are all top-notch, but Lin Jiao can do it with his own ability. arrive.

It's a pity, as far as Lin Jiao's virtue is concerned, Qiao Ye thinks that he will be very proud of being able to step into the Supreme Realm in this life, let alone enter the Divine Realm, otherwise Qiao Ye really wants to know what the limit of this ability is like, Maybe it can be done like Duan Kongchu, directly across a domain, or even across a world?

Needless to say, this kind of thing feels a little scary when you think about it.

However, since this ability fell into Lin Jiao's hands, Qiao Ye felt that he was blind in all likelihood.


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