Chapter 1713 Huangshi Pass

Qiao Ye was also puzzled, how did someone like Lin Jiao get God's favor?

You know, with this ability, although it seems that it can't be used in battle, but let me say: Who in the world can do nothing to me...

That is definitely well deserved!

"In short, what we have to do now is to find other people."

Lin Jiao said, "How to find it?"

Qiao Ye said: "Aside from making grass talismans, what else can I do?

Although this thing often doesn't work, at least it still works, so if you use it every once in a while, you might be able to contact other people if you are lucky. "

Lin Jiao nodded.

Qiao Ye said: "Also, do you still remember the reason we came here?"

Lin Jiao said, "Isn't it to find the nails?"

Qiao Ye said: "Yes, let me ask you, what is the reason for the boundary nail to appear?"

Lin Jiao said: "Create a world to kill evil beasts."

Qiao Ye said: "Then, according to the timeline, the heavens are not in danger of being destroyed yet, so it is not enough for the gods and demons to think of using the nails. However, the gods and demons must know how to get the nails?"

Lin Jiao nodded and said, "Otherwise how to make it?"

Qiao Ye said: "So, we can find someone who can make it, and secondly, we can also directly find out who owns the boundary nail. After leaving here, it will be easier to find the location of the boundary nail."

"It makes sense!"

Lin Jiao said: "However, our biggest problem now is that we don't know how to get back?"

Qiao Ye felt a pain in his head. Although these words hurt his heart, they were true.

Qiao Ye said: "Don't talk about these useless things, let's go to the southwest, I remember there is a Huangshi pass there."

Lin Jiao nodded, and then put his palm on Qiao Ye's shoulder.

In the next moment, Qiao Ye felt the surrounding scenery crazily flowing. In an instant, the surroundings changed drastically, and it could be seen that they had obviously come in another direction.

However, where is Huangshiguan?

Qiao Ye looked around, but there was no sign of the level.

Lin Jiao coughed in embarrassment: "As I said before, I can only make sure the direction is correct, and then move the approximate distance."

"I know!"

Qiao Ye looked around and said, "The direction is right, and the location is right, Huangshi Pass is not far from here."

Huangshi Pass is on the edge of the Altar Desert, and it is the first pass to enter and exit the Demon Realm. Qiao Ye passed it when he came here, although he didn't have much impression because he was in a hurry.

However, there are many more rocky mountains and many withered shrubs in this place. Occasionally, eagles can be heard. It is obvious that they are already on the edge of the desert. As long as the direction is good, it should not be far from Huangshi Pass.

Qiao Ye waved his hand and said, "Let's go!"

Qiao Ye took the lead and walked southwest.

About half an hour later, a city gate appeared in front of the two of them.

"It's Huangshi Pass."

Lin Jiao pointed forward, "That's right."

Qiao Ye frowned.

Lin Jiao said, "Is there a problem?"

Qiao Ye said, "Didn't you see that the door was closed?"


Lin Jiao looked again, and sure enough, the door was half closed, and half of the door just fell on the ground. There were no guards at the door and the city gate, and it looked empty.

Lin Jiao took a breath and said, "The evil beast is coming?"

Qiao Ye said: "It shouldn't be the Evil Beast. When I was looking for you, this place was fine."

There are some differences in the war with the Evil Beast.

A lot of things need to be considered in a normal war, such as food, routes, siege and plunder, etc., but these are meaningless to the Evil Beast.

Take Huangshi Pass as an example, as the first pass in the Altar Desert, if you want to attack the Demon Realm, this is the place that must be taken, otherwise you may be attacked by the enemy before you reach the city.

But the evil beast doesn't care, it just rushes, the terrain, the environment, the route, etc. are irrelevant. Even, how can the evil beast have such things as food and grass?

Attacking, devouring other creatures, or more directly, evil beasts enter the heavens, gods and demons are rations, evil beasts descend to the Nine Realms, and humans are food.

Therefore, Huangshiguan, a place that should be attacked more geographically, does not have many traces of evil beasts. There are only some evil beasts that wander into the altar desert, and occasionally show their whereabouts near the city gate, but it is Jialingguan. was broken.

While Qiao Ye was thinking, she and Lin Jiao walked towards Huangshi Pass.


Qiao Ye realized that he had been slapped in the face!

"What an evil beast!"

Qiao Ye's eyes widened in an instant. Looking inward along the city gate, he could see that there were many evil beasts entrenched behind the city gate. When Qiao Ye and Lin Jiao came to the door, they instantly attracted the attention of those evil beasts. .

Almost instantly, those evil beasts stood up.

at the same time……

Above the city gate, three snow sculptures with snow-white feathers suddenly flew up behind the eaves.

In the next moment, those snow sculptures rang together, and then huge hailstones appeared one after another, and fell down madly towards the bottom.

"Step aside!"

Qiao Ye pushed Lin Jiao away, and then waved his hand into the air.

Ten thousand dharma spirit map, aura of all phenomena!

With Qiao Ye waving his hand, an invisible wall appeared above the two of them, and the hailstones were intercepted, making "bang, bang" sounds continuously.

"Front, front!"

Lin Jiao hid directly behind Qiao Ye, pointing forward and shouting.

The evil beast behind the city gate also rushed out towards the city gate at this moment!

Qiao Ye took a deep breath, looked at the air and said, "He fell down!"

Ten thousand dharma spiritual diagrams, all words and ten thousand phenomena!

Almost instantly, the bodies of those three snow sculptures were as heavy as a thousand pieces of gold, and they kept falling downwards, hitting the gate of the city, preventing those evil beasts from rushing out. In the blink of an eye, the gate of the city was covered in blood and flesh.

"You killed an evil beast (three snow sculptures), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 78000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (three snow sculptures), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 66,000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (three snow sculptures), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 70,000 points."


Qiao Ye grabbed Lin Jiao's shoulders, and then jumped forward, using the aura of all phenomena, to step continuously in the air, and after three or two times, he went up to the tower.

After arriving on the tower, Qiao Ye's pupils shrank.

So many bones!

Looking at the clothes, they should be the defenders of Huangshi Pass, but looking inside the pass, the densely packed streets have been completely occupied by evil beasts.

This Yellowstone Pass was really beaten down by the Evil Beast!

However, what puzzled Qiao Ye was why those who died in battle were bones instead of corpses?

I just passed through Huangshi Pass last night, even if Huangshi Pass was beaten down by evil beasts in one night, it is impossible for the corpse to become a skeleton, right?

Moreover, the surface of those bones was very clean, and it didn't look like they had been eaten by evil beasts.


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