Chapter 1715 Six Years Later

"You killed an evil beast (golden porpoise tiger), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 39500 points."

"You killed an evil beast (snow beast with fangs), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 41,000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (eight-armed purple ape), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 35,500 points."


Qiao Ye killed a large number of evil beasts with one blow, and also blocked the charge of those evil beasts.

Lin Jiao took the opportunity to run to Qiao Ye's side, and quickly grabbed Qiao Ye's arm.

The surrounding scenery began to flow again, and the two quickly disappeared in place.

After a while, Qiao Ye first heard the sound of water flowing, and then the surrounding scenery began to return to normal, and then Qiao Ye saw a big river.

Lin Jiao looked around vigilantly, fearing that evil beasts would appear around him again.

This time, Qiao Ye didn't need to order him. As long as there was an evil beast, he would run away immediately.

Qiao Ye looked at the river. There should be only Youquan River among the big rivers around Jiuyoupo.

While Qiao Ye was thinking, he waved his hand out, and a large number of night crows flew out and spread out in all directions, helping Qiao Ye to struggle.

At this moment……


Suddenly there was a loud noise in the river, and then a stream of water rose into the sky, and a strange fish about five or six meters long jumped out of the water, with dragon scales all over its body and a mouthful of exposed fangs, it looked very fierce.

Lin Jiao grabbed Qiao Ye and wanted to run away, but luckily Qiao Ye grabbed his wrist.

"What are you panicking about!"

Qiao Ye rolled her eyes and said, "Can the evil beasts in the water come to the shore?"


Lin Jiao wiped off his cold sweat, and then said: "No, although the water can't come up, but since there are in the water, then there are also on the shore, right?"


Qiao Ye said: "They didn't gather around here, they ran away."

While talking, Qiao Ye motioned upstream.


Qiao Ye took the lead and walked upstream along the Youquan River.

After a while, Qiao Ye's eyes lit up, and she said to Lin Jiao, "Hurry up, I found something!"

Qiao Ye speeded up, and Lin Jiao was panicked, so he could only follow Qiao Ye. This world is full of evil beasts. If you don't follow closely, you don't know when it will be gone.

After a while, Qiao Ye entered a forest by the river, where there was a pair of armor, and the bones in the armor were no longer complete, only a pile of broken bones remained.

Qiao Ye turned over the armor, and then picked up a token with the words: Ghost.

"Ghost Army?"

This Qiao Ye knew that he was his subordinate, to be precise, the subordinate of Demon Lord Chongtian, responsible for guarding Youguan and Lingyou City, one of the three major demon cities.

Qiao Ye rummaged through the armor again, and found a broken leather pocket. Although the bones had been gnawed, the leather pocket was still intact, but it looked like it had been soaked in the wind and rain.

Qiao Ye opened the leather pocket, and there was a leather scroll inside, so it wasn't too damaged. After opening it, the handwriting was a bit blurred, but it was barely legible.

"Youguan is in an emergency, please help!"

A total of six words!

This turned out to be a request for help!

But what surprised Qiao Ye was the big seal and signature below. To be precise, there is a date behind the signature. Originally, this request letter did not need to write this, but it may be because of the habit of writing it. When writing the signature, it was added. ...

"Six years later?"

Qiao Ye's eyes widened involuntarily.

Lin Jiao asked curiously, "What six years later?"

"Don't be noisy, let me clear up my mind."

Qiao Ye replied, and then started pacing involuntarily.

After I entered the Heaven Realm, I somehow came to the era when the Three Realms and Nine Domains were not broken, and the date on this request for help was six years later than that time!

If he had stayed in the altar desert for six years, then of course Huangshi Pass would be broken, and of course there would be evil beasts everywhere.

During this period, the gods and demons are not the same as An Ran before, they have truly understood the horror of the evil beast, and they should pay the price for it!

However, I just went to the altar desert to find Linjiao, and it took only one and a half days before and after, so why did it become six years later.

"No, it's not impossible."

Qiao Ye murmured: "This place is weird. The gods and demons of the heavenly realm should have been destroyed long ago. Naturally, the heavenly realm is also completely destroyed. How could it be the same as before the destruction of the three realms and nine realms?"

If this is not a real world, it is possible that the time disorder is possible, but I don't know how it became like this.

Lin Jiao looked a little anxious and said, "What's going on?"

Qiao Ye said, "You can use the Seed Grass Talisman to contact other people and give it a try."


Lin Jiao is still able to get along occasionally. Although he will definitely not come in when there is something wrong, but when there is danger, he is really obedient.

However, Lin Jiao used the Seed Grass Talisman one after another, but there was no response at all, and none of them could be successfully communicated.

Qiao Ye said: "What about the communication between us?"

Lin Jiao said, "Face to face, is it necessary?"

Qiao Ye said, "It's to see if it works."

"Hey, that's weird."

Lin Jiao said in surprise, "Ours can't be used either."

Qiao Ye wasn't very surprised either. Jiang Liuxue's crap would work for a while and not work for a while.

Lin Jiao said, "What shall we do now?"

"Cold salad!"

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "Let's search first and see if we can find Renyan."

Lin Jiao sighed, "Is there still a living person in this broken place?"

Qiao Ye thought about it, but he wasn't sure.

Qiao Ye did talk to Jiang Liuxue about the shattering of the heavens back then, and Jiang Liuxue also told Qiao Ye about the various periods of the shattering of the heavens. However, Jiang Liuxue only talked about the periods, and did not say how long each period was. Therefore, Qiao Ye really didn't know what was going on in the Heaven Realm six years after the Evil Beast invaded. Qiao Ye only knew that the God Realm was abolished first, and then the Demon Realm was destroyed.

"Whether there is anyone or not..." Qiao Ye pointed at the grass talisman and said, "We have to find our own people, especially Jiang Liuxue. Only by finding that guy can we find out what's going on."

Lin Jiao spread his hands and said, "Okay, then how do we go?"

"You don't need your ability."

Qiao Ye said: "Use your ability, even if you have a job, you won't be able to meet him!"

Lin Jiao said: "What if I encounter an evil beast without my ability?"

"I've been monitoring the surroundings with Night Crow."

Qiao Ye said: "There are only scattered evil beasts in this area."

Night crow, although I don’t really use it very often, it’s still very useful when I need it, and it can monitor a large area. Not to mention killing him, it may also expose Qiao Ye's position and attract those evil beasts.


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