Chapter 1716 What happened in six years

Qiao Ye let the night crow fly for a while, and then his eyes lit up involuntarily.


Qiao Ye said, "We found someone!"

The effect of Night Crow's reconnaissance was indeed very good. Qiao Ye quickly found some people, about thirty or fifty in number, marching forward in ragged clothes.

Qiao Ye naturally didn't say anything, and pulled Lin Jiao all the way forward.

Soon, Qiao Ye saw the marching team.

Lin Jiao said, "They seem to be going somewhere."


Qiao Ye said, "Go to a place called Nanying Dazhai."

Lin Jiao said, "What's that place?"

Qiao Ye said: "I don't know, but these people should be rescued. Let's wait for a while."

Qiao Ye did not follow those people directly, but followed Lin Jiao far behind.

The night crow reconnaissance can not only monitor from the air and land around those people, but also can hear the conversations of those people, and follow them into the place called Nanying Dazhai.

And this followed for a whole day, until at night, Qiao Ye and Lin Jiao set up a bonfire by the river and hunted some game.

At the same time, Qiao Ye almost understood what the current situation in the heavens was like.

Jiang Liuxue once said that the destruction of the heavens and the slaying of gods and demons did not happen overnight, and there were five changes in it.

The first time was against the evil beast, but the gods and demons were directly defeated. The gods and demons paid the price for their arrogance. The evil beasts and gods and demons all returned to the Nine Realms, but it didn't work. The third time, the gods and demons were forced to have no choice but to create a fourth realm and slaughter all the evil beasts. The problem is that it didn't work.

Then came the fourth time, and this time was also quite mysterious. At that time, the gods had already been defeated, and the remaining three god kings found Xuan Tianzhi, wanting to find a way to repel the evil beast, and what was more strange was that they saw Xuan Tianzhi, but after seeing Xuan Tianzhi, the last three god kings of the God Realm actually lay flat, and no longer resisted the evil beast, allowing the evil beast to level the God Realm.

The last fifth time is when the Sword Lord Demon Lord casts a sword. He wants to use the magical power of the Demon Sword to kill the six evil beasts and guard the Demon Realm. As a result, the Demon Sword is cast. After the death of Jun Mozun, the remaining Mozun failed to control the fierceness of the Demon Sword, and was brutally beheaded by the Demon Sword.

At this point, the heavens are completely on the road to destruction.

And right now, six years have passed since the scarlet demon star fell into the ghost world, and then the endless evil beasts rushed into the heaven.

Many things have happened in these six years, and the first change of the heaven has just been completed.

That is...

The gods and demons are defeated!

The Fengshen and Rainshen of God's Realm were the first to die in battle, the city of God fell, and the lives of all people were ruined.

Jiang Liuxue, no, it should be more accurate to call him King Shura at this time.

After King Shura issued the gauntlet, he first killed the arrow god Sikong Yi, and then he sent the gauntlet, beheading the feather god Liang without regret, and then gave the gauntlet three times to the god of thunder, Situ Qiongtian, but he did not kill Situ Qiongtian. But it was severely injured, and one month later, Situ Qiongtian died of serious injuries.

After King Shura swept away the three god kings, the Evil Beast also invaded the god city under the jurisdiction of the three god kings. So far, nearly half of the god's domain was completely lost.

After killing three god kings in a row, King Shura came to the Demon Realm again and challenged the Nether Spring Demon Lord again.

When the gods and demons expelled the Shura clan to the ghost world, the leader of the Demon Realm was Nether Spring Demon Lord!

This time, Demon Venerable Nether Spring did not refuse King Shura's invitation to fight.

The two confronted each other on the Demon Realm Mountain. They fought for two days and one night, and leveled half of the Demon Realm Mountain. In the end, the Underworld Demon Lord was not the match of King Shura and died at the foot of the Demon Realm Mountain.

As for King Shura, this battle was also quite tragic. After killing the Nether Spring Demon Lord, King Shura didn't get any favors and disappeared.

At the same time, because of the death of the Nether Spring Demon Lord, the three cities in the west and the south of the Demon Realm Mountain all missed.

Afterwards, Moyu encountered the second thing that hurt everyone.

That is the disappearance of Chongtian Mozun!

The outside world speculates that it has something to do with Ji Ba, the daughter of heaven, and it is even rumored that the two have died together.

At the same time, due to the disappearance of Chongtian Mozun, the battle situation on the northern border has become extremely difficult. Fortunately, there is a big snow mountain as a barrier, which can hinder the pace of the evil beast, but overall it is still not optimistic.

The good news is that under the guidance of Chongtian Mozun, his demon star Xifeng and Liang Hongye succeeded in rescuing the southern front. Botian Mozun set up the Nether Ten Killing Formation, repelled Xingming, one of the six evil beasts, and tried his best to protect the south. The battle line has not been lost.


Qiao Ye also inquired about a lot of things through the night crow, the first thing that can be confirmed is that six years have really passed.

In the past six years, the gods and demons have lost their previous arrogance, and they have been completely overwhelmed by the evil beasts.

At the same time, Qiao Ye also found out why Lin Jiao was hunted down!

To be precise, it is why Sima Yang is a rebellious person.

King Shura fought against Nether Spring Demon Lord, and King Shura won in the end, but the three western cities should not have been defeated so quickly. The evil beasts mainly attacked on the southern front and the northern border. There are also evil beasts in the west, but there are no six evil beasts. Leading them personally, the demon generals under Mozun Mingquan can still stabilize the situation.

However, there is a guy named Sima Yang who kills thousands of knives under the command of Demon Lord Mingquan, and he directly opened the city to let the evil beast enter the city.

The reason is simple, this guy doesn't want to die, but wants to surrender to the evil beast.

After opening the city gate, they found Zhu Huai's general Man Shen who was ordered to command the Evil Beast in the west, the one who had been hacked by Qiao Ye once on the Sky Throne.

It's a pity that this guy is self-indulgent, and he didn't communicate with Manshen beforehand, and Manshen didn't promise him anything. As a result, Manshen certainly didn't recognize him, and in the eyes of the group of demons, Sima Yang also became a sinner.

Then, the two were not happy, so they had to take advantage of the chaos and escape.

From a certain point of view, it can be regarded as a famous name through the ages. If the destruction of the heavens is passed down from generation to generation, there must be Sima Yang's name in this history. This guy may be the first guy to surrender to the evil beast. Anyway, there is no good name through the ages, and it is good to have a bad reputation for thousands of years, at least they are famous.

However, Qiao Ye learned something else from this incident.

Because, Qiao Ye was very sure that when he came to this world, he was still in the early stage of the Evil Beast's invasion of the heavens, but after finding Lin Jiao, it became six years later.

Originally, Qiao Ye thought it was something that happened when he found Lin Jiao.

For example, there was something weird about that altar that caused them to come to the world six years later.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

Because Lin Jiao has been hunted down by those people since he entered the heaven.

Therefore, Lin Jiao is in the era of six years from the beginning!


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