Chapter 1718 Enemy Attack

Qiao Ye felt as if he had been struck by lightning for a moment, and he froze there.

A man and a woman who came out of Dazhai in Nanying, the man should undoubtedly be the number one demon star sitting down by Mozun Chongtian, lamenting the blade Nangong Zhuo!

As for women, they are Nangong Zhuo's right arm and right arm, and at the same time Nangong Zhuo's confidante!

Known as the Thorn Night Stalker...

Su Lingyu!

But the problem is...

Qiao Ye couldn't help rubbing her eyes again to make sure she wasn't dazzled.


The appearance of these two people is so similar to the parents in my memory?

When Qiao Ye's parents left, although Qiao Ye was still young, she was not so forgetful. Therefore, Qiao Ye's memory was very clear. Although the two people in front of her could not be said to be exactly the same as her parents, they did not look at each other. Human magic horns are at least seven or eight percent similar to magic patterns.

And the reason for these similarities is that Nangong Zhuo and Su Lingyu look younger. As gods and demons, they have a long lifespan. Naturally, each stage can maintain their appearance for a longer time. Nangong Zhuo and Su Lingyu Su Lingyu's appearance is only in her early twenties.

If you can remember the age of your parents back to when they were in their early twenties, Qiao Ye believes that the two sides should look almost exactly the same!

Qiao Ye's thoughts were extremely chaotic, and he couldn't figure out the reason at all. At this moment, Qiao Ye's head was completely blank.

After a while, Qiao Ye seemed to have made up her mind and turned around to leave.

"Come on!"

"No way!"

Lin Jiao said speechlessly: "Boss, are you really going?

It has nothing to do with us, why bother! "

Qiao Ye said: "You don't have to follow!"

Lin Jiao looked around, then sighed, and followed Qiao Ye obediently.

Not with?

Do you have the guts not to follow?

Although there are no evil beasts in this place right now, what if they appear later?

Didn't he rush to the street?

If he didn't follow Qiao Ye, he would probably be cold in all likelihood. If he followed Qiao Ye, at least he wouldn't be cold until Qiao Ye became cold.

While thinking, Lin Jiao quickly followed Qiao Ye: "Boss, wait for me!"

The two walked north all the way, and their location was not very far from Nanying Dazhai, only an hour's journey away.

However, Qiao Ye soon discovered that things were not that simple!

After about an hour, there was still half the distance, but Qiao Ye found that he couldn't move on.

Because, the front is full of evil beasts!

The densely packed evil beasts completely blocked the road ahead, and the scale was unimaginable.

"There are so many?"

Qiao Ye also couldn't help frowning.

The scale of the Nanying Dazhai is neither small nor large. Nangong Zhuo and Su Lingyu spent half a month and probably gathered six or seven hundred people.

This scale does not need so many evil beasts to be flattened.


Qiao Ye suddenly raised his eyebrows.

The usual hordes of evil beasts are headless flies, and it is impossible to advance in one direction in such an orderly manner.

To put it simply, the evil beasts gather while running, and then disperse while running. The order of this group of evil beasts is so orderly, it is obvious that the leader of the evil beasts is in command, and when there is a command, you don't need to think about it. They were going to the Nanying Dazhai, but with the scale of the Nanying Dazhai, it seemed a bit overkill to gather such a level of evil beasts.


These evil beasts might be targeting Nangong Zhuo and Su Lingyu!

As the leader of the seven demon stars under the seat of Demon Lord Chongtian, Nangong Zhuo's strength is extraordinary, and he can fight alone, unless the six evil beasts personally act, or the top group of the six evil beasts' generals can compete with the others. fight for the front.

Well, if you can't do it alone...

You can gang fight!

This is the most terrifying part of the Evil Beast. As the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat with four hands. With endless Evil Beasts, even the Demon Lord may be consumed to death, let alone Nangong Zhuo.

In fact, apart from the three god kings who were beheaded by King Shura, the remaining Fengshen and Yushui were really piled to death by the tide of evil beasts.

Even if it is a god, it is impossible to fight day and night, and sooner or later there will be moments of exhaustion.

Qiao Ye's gaze became more serious, and she said to Lin Jiao, "Follow me, or don't blame me if you die!"

Feeling the determination in Qiao Ye's words, Lin Jiao couldn't help but tremble. He couldn't figure out why Qiao Ye suddenly became like this, there was no need to go all out!

It's a pity that Lin Jiao didn't have the right to speak. Anyway, Qiao Ye ignored him if he spoke.

In fact, Qiao Ye is really not in the mood to pay attention to Lin Jue now, he only has one thought in his head!

Nangong Zhuo, Su Lingyu!

If you want to see them, you must see them!

The next moment, Qiao Ye shot up into the sky, his body was covered by layers of black smoke, and he turned into a huge puff of smoke, falling from the sky.


The huge puff of smoke directly smashed into the herd of evil beasts, and after a loud noise, the black smoke rolled wildly in all directions.

Puff puff……

The black smoke was like a knife, and the moment it was pushed towards the surroundings, it chopped off all the evil beasts around it, and in an instant, the ground was covered with corpses.

"You killed an evil beast (Steppenwolf), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 29,000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (Steppenwolf), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 31,000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (Purple Scale Earth Dragon), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 35500 points."

Seeing that Qiao Ye was already killing all directions there, Lin Jiao quickly shouted: "Boss, wait for me!"

Lin Jiao's figure flashed, and he moved directly across the space to Qiao Ye's side.

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand and held it empty, condensed the black halberd and said: "Follow me closely, if you fall behind, don't blame me for watching you die!"

As Qiao Ye spoke, he raised his halberd and swept across. Once again, black smoke billowed and he slashed forward, beheading a large number of evil beasts.

After one blow, Qiao Ye reached out and grabbed the beast cage, and threw it forward.

Although Sibuxiang is here with Xiaoji, the Polaris is still there!

A flash of white light flashed, and Polaris appeared. After tumbling in the air, it landed steadily on the ground.

"Kill through and make a way!"

Qiao Ye spoke, and Polaris was as indifferent as ever. After nodding, he raised his legs and walked forward.

Every time Polaris takes a step forward, crystals will appear under his feet, forming beautiful crystal flowers.

One step at a time!

The moment Polaris walked forward, he stretched out his hand to hold it forward, and then the sound of "click, click" appeared, and two crystallized hand crossbows appeared in Polaris' hands.

The next moment, Polaris raised the crystallized hand crossbow and pulled the trigger!


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