Chapter 1719

Beast-monitoring skills, dawn aurora!

Intense aurora appeared at the front of the crystal crossbow, and Polaris soon completed the accumulation of the aurora at dawn.

At this moment, the aurora was emitted at a fast speed, and a huge aurora column flew forward, hitting the group of evil beasts.


The sound of the explosion suddenly sounded, and a large area was blasted to pieces, and those evil beasts were naturally bloody from the bombing.


Polaris was as indifferent and fierce as ever, constantly walking forward, constantly moving his arms, and pulling the trigger in different directions.


One after another, dazzling aurora beams appeared continuously, swept out in all directions, and fell into the herd of evil beasts continuously.

Boom, boom, boom!

One after another, the aurora beams entered the group of evil beasts, exploding continuously, rolling away the air waves, and constantly tossing those evil beasts out.

Qiao Ye was quite satisfied with Polaris' performance.

In fact, strictly speaking, even though Polaris is not weak in one-on-one battles, she can transform into various weapons, which are suitable for various battles, and according to different weapons, she can also use different animal control skills, which can be said to be omnipotent typical.

But what is Polaris' most common weapon?

It's a hand crossbow!

And the bombing of those two crystallized hand crossbows is really suitable for facing the hordes of evil beasts, which are not so powerful, but there are a lot of battles, and it is completely seven in and seven out!

Therefore, this is actually the battle situation Polaris is best at!

That being the case...

Qiao Ye hooked her mouth, she can do it herself!

After all, I can borrow the power of Polaris!

Qiao Ye took a deep breath, and then raised the black halberd in his hand high!

"Beast Soul Resonance!"

Polaris glanced at Qiao Ye, and then responded!

Qiao Ye's body suddenly exuded a silver-white radiance, and the radiance spread round and round, and then shattered continuously, like whirling snowflakes. clear.

for a moment...

Around Qiao Ye, two auroras appeared around Qiao Ye, like two little snakes, surrounding Qiao Ye's body.

There was a sound like freezing on Qiao Ye's body, and then a crystal armor appeared on Qiao Ye's body, silver white with a little transparency, it looked extremely beautiful.

As for the black halberd in Qiao Ye's hand, a large area of ​​frost and mist emerged at this moment, gradually covered by crystals, and finally turned into a crystal color, and finally turned translucent.

The next moment, Qiao Ye directly pointed the crystallized halberd in his hand towards the front.

The gorgeous aurora began to condense on the tip of the halberd, and then...


The thick aurora beam blasted forward, and after a loud noise, the area within a diameter of about 100 meters was completely covered by the aurora!

The exploding aurora directly formed the shape of a hemisphere, and within the range covered by the hemisphere of the aurora, all the evil beasts...

In an instant, the fly ash was annihilated!

"You killed an evil beast (Steppenwolf), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 28,000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (Steppenwolf), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 30,000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (Steppenwolf), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 35,000 points."


With just one blow, at least hundreds of evil beasts fell at this moment, and even the flesh and blood dissipated, the bones were completely destroyed, and directly dissipated into the world, leaving nothing behind!

Because Qiaoye is stronger than Polaris!

The move of beast soul resonance was actually misunderstood by many people.

Because, the beast master comes from the beast domain, and the beast soul resonance is also used by the beast master, and the beast master itself is too weak!

This weakness is not simply a matter of cultivation, but even if the beast master is not weak, his own combat power is not high, because, apart from the beast master, the beast master itself lacks offensive ability, and there is nothing wrong with it. Defensive ability, many times, the beast master wants to have direct combat ability, the best way is to use a treasure.

Therefore, the beast soul resonance technique, in the eyes of most beast masters, is to borrow the power of the beast master to raise their combat power to the same level as their own beast masters.

In this way, it becomes one plus one equals two, and I also become another beast master. After all, after the beast soul resonates, the combat strength is similar, and the ability is also the same.

Many beast masters are also complacent because of this, thinking that being able to have the same things as beast masters is the best proof of tacit understanding.

And in fact...

Not at all!

The value of beast soul resonance is not to raise the level of a beast master to the same level as that of a beast master. Beast soul resonance is actually a strengthening ability!

That is to superimpose the strength of the beast master, including the ability, on the beast master!

This is the real beast soul resonance!

This is not exclusive to Qiao Ye. In fact, before the shattering of the Three Realms and Nine Realms, all the beast masters in the beast realm understood and did this. In addition to domesticating beasts, the beast masters themselves also After a certain level of training, although the beast master was at the bottom of the Nine Realms without considering the beast master at that time, it was not so bad, but could be maintained at a certain level.

This level is after the beast soul resonates, the individual combat power of the beast master can reach the level of confrontation with monks from other domains.

While possessing this level, there is also the help of the beast master, so the beast master of the beast domain was actually quite capable at that time, and the resonance of the beast soul was also a trick that could turn the world around!

As for how it has become like this now...

Qiao Ye can only say that the Nine Domains have been broken for too long, and the Beast Master has not been in contact with the monks of the other domains for too long. First, there is no chance to learn the skills and martial arts to strengthen oneself. Second, there are too many chickens pecking each other. .

Thus, such a deviation occurs.

Anyway, after the beast soul resonated, Qiao Ye now felt that his strength had skyrocketed, definitely more fierce than Polaris, and the power of the aurora beam was still higher than Polaris.

Seeing the evil beasts gathering again in front of him, Qiao Ye raised his halberd and swept forward again without hesitation.

The crystalline halberd flickered with light, and as Qiao Ye swung the halberd, it turned into an aurora blade and flew forward.

The moment the Aurora Blade collided with the Evil Beast, it continuously cut open the Evil Beast's body, and even continued to grow bigger, and finally became more than ten meters away. Wherever it passed, blood flowed and corpses were all over the ground. The Evil Beast can't resist at all!

Lin Jiao immediately rubbed his hands together and said, "Master Qiao will last forever, no one can rival him."

"If you have time to flatter, why not follow me closely!"

As Qiao Ye spoke, she turned around and stabbed towards Lin Jiao!


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