Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1720 Three Heavenly Clouds

Chapter 1720 Three Heavenly Clouds

Seeing the tip of the halberd attacking him, and the strong wind howling around him, Lin Jiao's legs trembled in fright, and he sat down on the ground.

It's over, I flattered myself on the horse's leg.

But at the next moment, the ground behind Lin Jiao cracked, and an evil beast suddenly sprang up, and Qiao Ye pierced through its body with a halberd.

Qiao Ye snorted coldly and swung the halberd, sending the corpse flying.

"Aren't you good at running away?"

Qiao Ye said: "There is no vigilance at all."

Lin Jiao said with a dry smile: "Accident, accident, definitely an accident."

Qiao Ye said: "It's about thirty miles from here to Nanying Dazhai. Can your ability directly cross the herd of evil beasts?"


Lin Jiao hesitated and said, "Although it's not impossible, it's best not to do this."

Qiao Ye said, "Why?"

Lin Jiao said: "Don't you know the law of space?

This is the same as the use of space treasures. It is better when moving in a large range. When moving accurately to a certain distance, there may be a possibility of spatial overlap. "

Qiao Ye frowned, Qiao Ye knew this rule.

It almost means not to travel through space towards a place with obstacles. Qiao Ye uses his own black smoke to move, and there are such restrictions.

To give a simple example, suppose there is a building in a position, what will happen if it also appears in this position when the space moves?

If you think about it normally, the body may be directly stuck in the wall of the building.

But in fact it is not that simple, because there will be spatial overlap, and then the spatial disorder will be caused by the spatial overlap.

As for the result...

do not know!

To be precise, there will be unpredictable results, which is very dangerous. There may be space shattering, forming the effect of space cutting, that is, overlapping body parts will be cut off directly. Moreover, no matter how high your cultivation is, supernatural powers It is so vast that nothing can resist it.

Space cutting is equivalent to digging out a piece of space you are in, and all the things in the space disappear. Therefore, if a certain part of the body is stuck in this space, it will disappear directly.

Just disappear, how to resist?

Therefore, space movement itself is a little dangerous.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with using it too much, mastering the skills, and paying attention to the environment where you move across the space. Qiao Ye has used the black smoke space to move so many times without any accident.

Lin Jiao said: "But I still can't do it very accurately, I can only do it within an approximate range, and this area is full of evil beasts, and those evil beasts are considered obstacles, not to mention the space cutting caused by space disorder, just rush at it." Street off, what if we overlap with the Evil Beast, and we become half-human, half-Evil Beast, and directly become the product of hybridization?

Therefore, my ability is generally only used in places with open space except for the last resort. "

As Lin Jiao spoke, he became gnashing his teeth. Qiao Ye's idea was too dangerous. Lin Jiao had already decided that he would not do it by beating himself to death. It would be a shame to be beaten by Qiao Ye. As long as he could not be beaten to death, it was better than taking risks.

Qiao Ye said: "Pull it up more than ten meters in the air and move it. There are not many evil beasts in the air."

Lin Jiao said with a dry smile, "Do you always think I can be accurate to more than ten meters?"


Qiao Ye glared at Lin Jiao and said, "Can't you work harder and be able to move accurately in space?"

The biggest problem with this matter is that Lin Jiao's ability is not so stable. Qiao Ye used black smoke to move, and when he used the Duankong pestle to cross domains, although it cannot be said that he did not have such concerns at all.

However, before the end of the movement, it can basically be accurately positioned in an open space.

In the final analysis, Lin Jiao didn't have that much ability, his deviation could range from one meter to one mile, and the deviation was so large that it was impossible to predict.

Qiao Ye took a deep breath and said, "Forget it, let's continue to kill them. Anyway, these evil beasts are not very powerful."

But at this moment...


Before Qiao Ye's words fell, there was a loud cracking sound in the sky.

Qiao Ye immediately looked up, and then saw a huge fireball smashing down from the air.

The moment the fireball landed, the sound of an explosion suddenly sounded.

The flames rolled wildly in all directions, and the surrounding beasts were instantly burnt to charcoal. The scorching air wave swept across, and the surrounding air seemed to increase in temperature instantly.

Qiao Ye's reaction was quite fast, she quickly grabbed Lin Jiao's shoulder, and jumped into the air.

However, the moment Qiao Ye jumped up, a strong wind suddenly blew up in the sky, and a huge wind blade of more than ten feet appeared, slashing towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye's pupils shrank, and he immediately waved the crystal halberd forward.


Accompanied by an aurora flying out from the tip of the halberd, and colliding with the wind blade, there was a loud roar, and the air waves churned and blew around, blowing Qiao Ye back to the ground.

After landing, Qiao Ye looked up into the sky.

It was a huge beast, in the shape of a bird, about five or six meters away, with huge wings that could reach twelve or three meters when spread out. The feathers on its body were colorful, red, blue, and purple.

And the head of that evil beast is very strange.

There were actually three heads, and the bird head had three faces, one face was a rough middle-aged man, the other face was a woman with delicate features, and the other face was an immature child.

at the same time……

Polaris also immediately raised the crystal crossbow and pulled the trigger in the air!

Two aurora beams appeared, soaring upwards, approaching the three-headed bird-bodied evil beast, but...

Although the evil beast was huge in size, it was quite nimble. At the moment when the aurora beam struck, it turned violently in the air, passed between the two aurora beams abruptly, and then flapped its wings. Slowly descended from the sky.

"Report your name!"

Qiao Ye raised the crystalline halberd and swung vigorously: "You should be able to speak!"

This kind of strength is definitely not just an ordinary leader monster, it is definitely a general directly under the six evil beasts!

"This deity is Tian Yun, the general under Zhu Huai!"

The three heads made sounds at the same time, and even the voices were rough, female, and immature, but each word was paused. Although there were three voices, each word was incomparably compatible and synchronized, as if it came from the same mouth. .

Tian Yun's three heads kept shaking, looking at Qiao Ye viciously!

"I didn't expect that there are experts outside of the Nanying Dazhai, but it doesn't matter, just eat them all!"

While Tian Yun was talking, a cyan light suddenly flickered on the head of the woman in the center.


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