Chapter 1722 Your Bad Luck

Qiao Ye raised her eyebrows, but the Spiritual Words couldn't be suppressed!

This result...

Well, Qiao Ye wasn't too surprised.

Words and spirits are sometimes quite tasteless.

You say that Spiritual Speech Art is weak, but in fact it is very strong. As long as the cultivation base can suppress the opponent, then using Spiritual Speech Art can crush the opponent to death, and will definitely not give the opponent a chance to turn the tables and defeat the strong with the weak.

Simply put, Spiritual Words can be used to control the field, prevent accidents from happening, and make the crushing trend more obvious.

However, when encountering people with equal strength or stronger strength than oneself, the effect of the Spiritual Words can be very limited.

It can't be said that it is completely useless, but the effect is quite limited, just like Qiao Ye's current attempt to force Tianyun to the ground, it is not without effect, but it can only last for such a short period of time.

To sum it up, it is that the wind is super god, and the wind is super ghost.

When Qiao Ye was thinking, Tian Yun had already spread its wings again.

Suddenly thunder and lightning crossed the sky, the flames flickered, and the wind blew violently!

The wind, thunder and fire came together, and the sky was gray.

Qiao Ye raised her head and cast a glance, then raised her hand to wipe it, and the Wanfa Lingtu behind her frantically burst into light.

Ten thousand dharma spiritual diagrams, everything is going on!

In the sky that day, a second thundercloud came, and the light of thunder billowed, followed by thunderbolts.

The next moment, thunder and lightning intertwined!

Boom, boom, boom!

The sound of cracking kept ringing out, one after another thunderbolts shattered crazily, and the sky was constantly illuminated and trembling, as if the entire sky was about to collapse.

at the same time……

The surrounding air suddenly became a little cool, but it was raindrops floating in the sky, which gradually became larger and finally turned into heavy rain.

The flames spewed out by Tianyun were extinguished in the blink of an eye, and they didn't even reach the ground.

Qiao Ye lowered the corner of his mouth.

This is why Qiao Ye is confident that he can kill Tian Yun, because Tian Yun's attack methods are useless to Qiao Ye, and Qiao Ye's vicissitudes can suppress Tian Yun's ability in all directions.

However, there is still the problem, this guy can fly, even if he can kill, it is not so easy to kill.

Moreover, since the spirit speech technique is useless, we can only find another method!

The method is...

Take your luck!


Qiao Ye opened his mouth, and a low moan came from his throat, and two black smoke appeared from the corner of his mouth.


With Qiao Ye's low shout, a large cloud of black smoke rose from Qiao Ye's feet, quickly covering Qiao Ye's body.


Qiao Ye raised his foot and stomped hard, and the ground under his feet suddenly shattered. Immediately afterwards, Qiao Ye's body rushed forward.

The moment he rushed forward, black lines appeared on Qiao Ye's face, painted into strange patterns, a crack appeared between his forehead, and a scarlet pupil appeared.


With a puff, behind Qiao Ye, a pair of giant black wings suddenly opened, and the black feathers flew all over the sky like snow!

In the next moment, Qiao Ye spread out her black wings, turned into a black light, and shot straight into the sky!

In an instant, Qiao Ye came to Tian Yun, and chopped down the crystal halberd in his hand towards Tian Yun.

Tian Yun was also startled by Qiao Ye's sudden approach, so he quickly twisted his body and slid sideways to avoid Qiao Ye's attack.



The halberd light fell to the ground, and there was a violent roar on the ground.

Countless crystal thorns continued to rise from the ground, densely packed, there were dozens of them, and they kept nailing the evil beast to the ground!

"You killed an evil beast (Xingzhao magic talisman), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 118,000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (sword-tailed tiger), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 60,000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (Steppenwolf), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 25,000 points."


A large number of evil beasts were swallowed by crystal thorns and died!

Qiao Ye swept the crystal halberd casually, then turned to look at Tian Yun.

"Your luck..." Qiao Ye grinned and said, "Not so good!"

The form after being enchanted can be able to fly. However, Qiao Ye has the final say on the matter of becoming enchanted. Like the virtual image of the demon, the enchanted form appears randomly.

Therefore, Qiao Ye had to gamble on luck.

However, Qiao Ye finally got the enchanted form with wings, which means that Qiao Ye's luck is not bad.

Then, it naturally means that Tian Yun's luck is not very good!

"Shut up!"

Tian Yun roared angrily: "The two domains of gods and demons will be flattened, gods and demons?

Mere bait! "

After Tian Yun's words fell, he let out a loud roar, and then, the sky was bright with thunder, and thunder appeared one after another, and fell towards Qiao Ye's position, covering a large area.

Without saying a word, Qiao Ye spread out the black wings on his back and charged forward.

Almost instantly, Qiao Ye's body directly turned into a black line, the speed was really frightening, and before the thunder fell, he passed directly across and came to Tian Yun.



The crystal halberd in Qiao Ye's hand swept across, and then, a blood flower bloomed!

Qiao Ye cut a wound on Tian Yun's neck, dripping with blood!

Tianyun was in pain, and kept moving towards the back. When he looked up, Qiao Ye didn't give it a chance to breathe, and had already killed him again.

Tian Yun roared angrily: "Thunder and fire roar!"

Tian Yun's two heads flickered at the same time!

In the next moment, a bolt of thunder and a flame struck at the same time, and after being entangled together, they became mighty and powerful, passing through the air, making continuous roaring sounds.

Qiao Ye's face remained unchanged, and he raised his hand directly!

Catch the dragon and move the crane, yin and yang counterattack: catch the dragon with one hand, and move the crane with the other, reverse yin and yang, multiply the power, use the way of the other, and return it to the other body.

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand to press the void, and a pattern of yin-yang swimming fish appeared in front of him. Immediately, all the thunder and fire spouted by Tianyun were sucked into the pattern of yin-yang swimming fish.

The next moment, Qiao Ye shook his hand forward again, and a large piece of thunder and fire spewed out from the pattern of the yin and yang swimming fish, heading straight for the sky and clouds!

Give back to him in the same way!

Tian Yun had no chance to react at all, and was hit by the thunder fire he spit out!


Amid the sound of the explosion, Tian Yun's body kept shaking and almost fell from the air.

But also at this moment...

How could Qiao Ye let go of such an opportunity?

As soon as the black wings on the back spread out, Qiao Ye swooped down towards the sky and turned into a black line again!


The moment he passed in front of Tian Yun, Qiao Ye raised the crystal halberd, and slashed forward with all his might!


Hands raised and lowered, blood flew everywhere!

Accompanied by the sound of tearing flesh and blood, Tian Yun's head, which looked like an immature child who manipulated lightning, was chopped off by Qiao Ye!


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