Chapter 1723 Kill

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

Losing one head, blood flowed horizontally, and Tian Yun's remaining two heads suddenly wailed in pain, shaking constantly in the air.

Immediately afterwards, the woman shook her head, opened her mouth and roared, dense cyan wind blades appeared, hung in the air, and flew towards Qiao Ye continuously.

Qiao Ye didn't talk nonsense, the black wings on her back spread out!


There is snow in the sky!

The snow is black, sprinkled one after another, all over the sky!

If you look carefully, you will find it!

The so-called black snow turned out to be countless black feathers suddenly appearing in the air, moving with the wind!

As the black feather fell, it kept colliding with the wind blades shot out from Tianyun, and then violent cracking sounds continued, and each collision would stir up air waves layer upon layer, pushing them away in all directions.

In the next moment, Qiao Ye took advantage of the wind and forcibly passed through the wind. Qiao Ye came to Tian Yun.

"Die to me!"

Qiao Ye let out a low growl, and the black halberd in his hand stabbed forcefully towards the face of the rather pretty woman.


With the piercing of the halberd blade, the head was directly pierced through.

Tian Yun wailed again, but only the last middle-aged man's face was left to wail.

But when Qiao Ye pulled back the crystal halberd, the head of the woman's face dropped powerlessly.

Qiao Ye didn't stop, she drew her halberd out, and ran directly to the last head!

Tian Yun roared angrily, and a sea of ​​flames spread out in front of him, enveloping Qiao Ye.

While stretching the height, Tian Yun roared angrily: "I will blow you to pieces!"

Boom, boom, boom!

In the spreading sea of ​​flames, the sound of explosions continued to sound, and clusters of flames exploded continuously.

Tian Yun's face was ferocious, as if he had seen the scene of Qiao Ye being blown to nothing.

But, at the next moment!

A silver light suddenly appeared, but it was Qiao Ye who threw out the crystal halberd, broke through the flames, and came straight towards Tianyun.


The crystal halberd pierced Tian Yun's body, piercing half of his flesh, causing Tian Yun to struggle again.

at the same time……

Qiao Ye spread her black wings and flew up from the sea of ​​flames.

Qiao Ye spread her palms together, and then the light shone brightly!

The map of the God of War, a blow from the universe!

Heaven and earth in the palm, heaven and earth in one blow: Heaven and earth are in the palm, the sun, moon and stars are in the hands, everything in the universe is one blow, destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

Gorgeous brilliance bloomed from Qiao Ye's hands, silver and gold, representing the moon and the sun.

In the next instant, a new moon and tomorrow appeared in Qiao Ye's palm.

The brilliance of the sun and the moon intertwined together. The moment Qiao Ye held the sun and the moon in his palm, the two rays of brilliance continued to intertwine, forming a huge beam of light in the air, and then fell towards the direction of the sky.

The sun and the moon shine together, blast and kill!

Exploding sounds continued to be made in the sky, terrifying waves rippling in all directions, the space was constantly torn apart, and void cracks appeared one after another, and then the brilliance of the fusion of the sun and the moon fell on Tian Yun's body.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the radiance spread in all directions, almost instantly, Tian Yun's body was completely enveloped by the brilliance of the sun, moon and stars, and was completely engulfed in it.

In that brilliance, Tian Yun showed an extremely painful expression, struggling and twisting crazily, trying to rush out of the brilliance.

However, that brilliance was like a huge cage, which locked Tian Yun firmly in it, preventing it from having any chance to break free.

"Wait, do you think killing me is useful?

You will have a terrible death..." Seeing that there is no hope of life, Tian Yun simply cursed loudly: "The heavens will be destroyed, the gods and demons will be wiped out, the end will come again, and all things will wither. When the time comes, you will die worse than me Miserable, worse than my death, with no corpse left! "

Tian Yun's cursing sound became weaker and weaker, and finally disappeared completely. Of course, what also disappeared was Tian Yun's body, which disappeared completely in the brilliance without a trace.

"You killed an evil beast (Tianyun), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 180,000 points."

Qiao Ye sneered, and didn't say much. After all, there's nothing to argue with a dying guy.

As soon as Tian Yun died here, Qiao Ye heard screams.

Looking down, it was Lin Jiao who was being chased by the evil beast and was running away.

After Tian Yun's death, the evil beasts in this area lost their command, so they wouldn't honestly bypass the area and continue to move forward. Instead, they went on a rampage just like before.

Qiao Ye pointed at Polaris and said, "Save him!"

Polaris naturally wouldn't take the initiative to take care of Lin Jiao, but since Qiao Ye had spoken, that was another matter.

Polaris spread out his hands, and soon, a long sword formed by crystallization condensed in his hands, and then Polaris pointed his toes and rushed out in the direction of Linjiao.

Beast Master Skill, Brilliant Charge!

Polaris rushed forward, and a large white radiance appeared on his body, wrapping his body.

In the next moment, Polaris passed directly through the herd of beasts.

The moment Polaris came to Lin Jiao's side, there was the sound of blood being torn apart from behind Polaris. Countless blood splattered towards the sky, falling all over the ground, and the beasts fell to the ground one after another.

You killed an evil beast (Steppenwolf), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 27000 points. "

"You killed an evil beast (red earth demon), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 72500 points."

"You killed an evil beast (red earth demon), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 75,000 points."


Qiao Ye also fell from the sky at this time, and said to Lin Jiao, "Let's go!"

Lin Jiao complained: "Do we have to go?

It has nothing to do with us! "

Qiao Ye cast Lin Jiao a cold look, and repeated, "Let's go!"

Lin Jiao hurriedly said: "Go, go, go, the boss has spoken, how dare you refuse!"

Qiao Ye didn't say anything else, and went straight to the group of evil beasts in front of him. Countless black feathers appeared and fell down, cutting the bodies of those evil beasts continuously.

Good news, there is!

Bad news, too!

The good news is that Tianyun has been killed, and the evil beasts in this area are a bit disorganized.

Disorganization means that those evil beasts will collide with each other, and even those evil beasts will directly fight because of this, so it will naturally be much easier to rush over.

The bad news is that Tian Yun died, and the herd of evil beasts still hasn't dispersed, or there is no sign of rioting. You know, it is almost impossible to maintain unity with such a large-scale tide of evil beasts.


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