Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1724 The Tension King's Communication

Chapter 1724

The larger the scale of the beast herd, the more dangerous it is, and it also means that it is more difficult to control.

Because some evil beasts want to run eastward, some evil beasts want to run westward, and some evil beasts want to run northward.

This is going to get messy!

So, right now, it's just that the evil beasts in an area have become disorganized.

However, the entire horde of evil beasts remained stable and headed towards the Nanying Dazhai.

This means that it is not Tian Yun who is controlling the tide of the evil beasts, or more accurately, it is not Tian Yun who is controlling the tide of evil beasts.

According to Qiao Ye's estimation, it would take three or four evil beasts of Tian Yun's level to control such a scale.

This means that the tide of evil beasts will continue to attack the Nanying Dazhai.

This made Qiao Ye a bit anxious. If he could find out all the evil beasts in charge, that would be the best solution. If all the evil beasts in charge were killed, the tide of evil beasts would gradually dissipate. The crisis in Camp Dazhai was lifted.

However, it is obviously very difficult to find out who is in charge of such a large-scale tide of evil beasts.

Moreover, through Ye Ya, Qiao Ye has already seen that there are evil beasts rushing out of the Nanying Dazhai. This represents the "vanguard" evil beasts. They should have started to attack at this moment. If they want to attack, there must be someone in charge of the command Therefore, even if Qiao Ye can find someone like Tian Yun, it should only be the commander responsible for continuing to push the evil beast forward, and it is not certain that it can stop the attack of Nanying Dazhai.

That being the case, Qiao Ye didn't think too much about it anymore. After taking a deep breath, he continued to charge through the beast herd with all his strength, and forcibly killed a bloody path.

Fight, fight, still fight!

Qiao Ye didn't know how long he had been killing, but only knew that it had been a long time. Qiao Ye felt that the world in front of him was full of bright red colors.

The clothes on his body were completely soaked in blood, and the dried blood hung on the clothes, giving off an unpleasant smell.

Even though Qiao Ye was in a state of ecstasy now, she still felt a little tired at this moment.

In fact, the stronger the strength, the stronger the sense of powerlessness in the face of the tide of evil beasts.

When you are weak, you still think, as long as you are stronger, what will happen to the tide of evil beasts?

The things that can be killed with a raised hand are just more in number.

However, how strong can one be if one enters the divine realm?

Facing the inexhaustible evil beast, all that remained was a deep sense of powerlessness.

However, the good news is...

Qiao Ye finally saw the Nanying Dazhai, but what made Qiao Ye nervous was that the gate of the Nanying Dazhai had been broken.

Qiao Ye said to Lin Jiao: "With such a short distance, you won't make any mistakes, right?"

Lin Jiao nodded, and stretched out his hands to hold Qiao Ye and Beixing's shoulders. Then the figures of the three flashed, and when they reappeared, they had already arrived at the gate of Nanying Dazhai.

Looking up and looking around, Qiao Ye's heart skipped a beat.

The surrounding area is still full of evil beasts, besides, there are corpses everywhere on the wall of the village, inside and outside the gate of the village.

"Is it broken?"

Qiao Ye frowned tightly, and after killing the evil beasts, he withdrew the night crow.

There is nothing wrong with multitasking on weekdays, but multitasking in battle is definitely courting death. Therefore, Qiao Ye could not use Night Crow to monitor the situation in Nanying Dazhai during battle.

Right now, it seems that Nanying Dazhai is not holding up!


A bit of doubt appeared on Qiao Ye's face again.

First of all, if the Nanying Dazhai was breached, there should not be so few corpses. Although there are densely packed corpses around, there are only fifty or sixty corpses.

Secondly, Nangong Zhuo, the lamenting blade, sits in Nanying Dazhai. As the leader of the demon stars under the seat of Chongtian Demon Lord, Nangong Zhuo's strength can be said to be second only to the existence of the six great Demon Lords.

Even among the Twelve Divine Kings of God's Domain, the lower ones may not be able to beat Nangong Zhuo.

With such strength, unless one of the six evil beasts makes a move, it should not be easy to destroy the Nanying Great Village. Even if there are so many evil beasts, the Nanying Great Village will not be able to hold on sooner or later, at least it should be able to last for a long time That's right.

Qiao Ye raised his hand while thinking.

A large cloud of black smoke billowed up, and then countless night crows poured out of the black smoke, flying towards the front continuously!

Polaris faithfully guarded Qiao Ye, raised the crystal crossbow, and kept pulling the trigger.

Aurora beams shot out one after another, falling into the herd of evil beasts, and then...

Boom, boom, boom!

Accompanied by the sound of explosions, the surrounding evil beasts were instantly blown away by the blast waves, or there were no bones left, and they disappeared in the splendid aurora.

You killed an evil beast (Steppenwolf), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 26500 points. "

You killed an evil beast (sword-toothed tiger), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 42000 points. "

You killed an evil beast (sneaking python), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 55,000 points. "


The Polaris helped Qiao Ye guard it, so Qiao Ye could naturally use Night Crow to explore with confidence.

After a while, Qiao Ye showed a dazed expression: "That's how it is!"

The camp in the southern camp was empty, and the night crows kept flying forward, and some corpses could be seen, but the number of corpses was not many. Moreover, although the evil beasts were densely packed, the corpses of the evil beasts were not counted. many.

To put it more bluntly, it doesn't seem like there was a fierce battle or fierce resistance in the Nanying Dazhai.

In this way, Qiao Ye understood that it wasn't that the Nanying Great Village was breached, but that Nan Gongzhuo directly gave up the Nanying Great Village, leaving a few dead men to resist, and then retreated with his people.

This is also a wise decision. Facing the dense crowd of beasts, it is of course the priority to run away if you can run away.

Qiao Ye told Ye Ya to continue chasing forward, and waved: "Follow me!"

"Can't chase, can't chase!"

Lin Jiao quickly grabbed Qiao Ye and said, "Boss Qiao, I can't chase him anymore!"

Qiao Ye turned aside Lin Jiao and said, "Listen to you or mine?"


Lin Jiao took out the meeting grass talisman and said: "Submission, there is a subpoena, this shit can suddenly work."

Qiao Ye was stunned for a moment, and then quickly took out her meeting talisman. Sure enough, one of them was lit, which meant that someone was summoning, and the messenger was King Zhang Li.

Without hesitation, Qiao Ye directly picked up the Seed Grass Talisman and connected the message.

Zhang Liwang's voice sounded instantly: "Boss, help!"


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