Chapter 1725 Goodbye

Qiao Ye glanced at Lin Jiao speechlessly.

You two are actually long-lost brothers, right?

The first sentence of this opening is exactly the same?

Besides help, can you two shout something else?

Qiao Ye said helplessly, "What's the situation?"

Zhang Liwang said helplessly: "Boss, I'm about to die, I'm surrounded."

Qiao Ye said, "What surrounded you?"

Zhang Liwang said: "Of course it is an evil beast, what else can there be besides that thing?"

Qiao Ye rolled her eyes and said, "You can hope for good luck, die early and be reborn sooner."

Zhang Liwang said anxiously: "No, I think I can still be rescued, don't give up on me so quickly."

Qiao Ye said: "You are surrounded by evil beasts, which means that you must have encountered a herd of evil beasts. If it is of that scale, I can only collect your corpse when I rush over there."

Zhang Liwang said: "No, I still have a city to defend, and I have a lot of beasts to hold on to. So, I think if you are faster, you may still have time."

Qiao Ye asked suspiciously, "Is there a city?"

Tension King nodded, and then directly projected his clone, appearing in front of Qiao Ye.

The next moment, King Zhang Li was startled. Looking at the densely packed evil beasts around him, as well as Polaris who was fighting against the evil beasts and preventing the evil beasts from approaching Qiao Ye, he couldn't help wiping off a cold sweat.

"Boss..." Tension King said speechlessly, "Your situation here is not much better than mine."

Qiao Ye paid attention to where Zhang Liwang was. According to the background of the clone projection, Zhang Liwang seemed to be on the top of a city wall. Behind him, he could see rows of wall stacks, and there was a dilapidated building in the distance. Watchtower.

"Don't worry about my side."

Qiao Ye said, "Where are you?"

Zhang Liwang said: "City of Beasts."

Qiao Ye showed doubts on his face, recalling the map that Xifeng had shown him. Is there a city called Beast City in the Demon Realm?

Like, no?

"Be more specific."

After thinking about it, Qiao Ye said, "Where is the surrounding area?"

Zhang Liwang said: "South of Baixi Mountain, after Longping Pass, after Bailidi is the City of Beasts."

Qiao Ye's face showed confusion, good guy, not to mention the City of Beasts, this Baixi Mountain and Longping Pass, I have no impression at all.

If it was just one place, Qiao Ye felt that it was possible for him to accidentally miss it when looking at the map, but it is not normal to have no impression of all three places.

King Zhang Li said anxiously: "Long Plain, the Twelve Cities of Heaven and Hundred Beasts, is very famous, how could you never have heard of it?"

"The Twelve Cities of the Heavens and the Hundred Beasts?"

Qiao Ye was stunned for a moment, this statement was a little familiar, and then suddenly said: "Are you in God's Domain?"

Tension King nodded again and again: "Yes, yes!"

Qiao Ye waved his hand and said, "You continue to wait for death, I'm in the Demon Realm, and this land is far away by thousands of miles."

Although it’s not very good to say this, but, Zhang Li Wang, if you really can’t save him, let him go to the street. Anyway, Lin Jiao is the main reason for leaving the heaven. This guy must not die. Although Zhang Li Wang is also useful, Jiang Liuxue He also needs to be used in arranging the array, but relatively speaking, the effect is much smaller.

Zhang Liwang said anxiously: "Look for Lin Jiao, he will come here soon!"

Lin Jiao leaned over half of his head and said, "Looking for me?"

Tension Wang was overjoyed: "Boss, save me."

Qiao Ye fell into deep entanglement, and continued to chase forward by herself, maybe she could catch up with Nangong Zhuo and Su Lingyu who had evacuated from Nanying Dazhai.


Long lost...

I can see my parents again!

However, Tension King...

If he wanted to enter and exit the heaven smoothly, it would be better if King Zhang Li could not die.

Qiao Ye took a deep breath and said to Lin Jiao, "Go, get out of here, go north!"

The Na'e Beast Tide charged from the front of the Nanying Dazhai, and the north was a vacuum zone. As long as it moved in a large range, it could directly leave the Evil Beast Crowd.

Lin Jiao said: "Moving directly according to the maximum range, I need a certain amount of preparation time."

"Then get ready, how can there be so much nonsense."

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, he turned to Zhang Liwang and said, "Don't cut off the communication. The Seed Grass Talisman will work for a while, but not for a while. Cutting off the communication may not mean that you can get back in touch again."

Tension King nodded, and said pitifully, "Boss, hurry up!"

Qiao Ye didn't talk nonsense, and just waved her hand, and the Wanfa Lingtu bloomed a large area of ​​brilliance behind Qiao Ye.

The next moment, the wind and rain came suddenly!

Using the vicissitudes of the situation to summon the thunder cloud, the raindrops that kept falling were like sharp knives, falling crazily towards the bottom.

The evil beasts around continued to whine, and the moment the rain fell, their bodies were continuously pierced and blood flowed.

"You killed an evil beast (Wild Wolf), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 39800 points."

"You killed an evil beast (fox monkey), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 50,000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (hard gold beast), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 88,000 points."


Qiao Ye slaughtered a round of evil beasts, and Polaris also cooperated with Qiao Ye's continuous pull of the trigger, and aurora beams shot out one after another, blowing up those evil beasts.

After a while, Lin Jiao was finally ready and shouted at Qiao Ye: "Ready!"

Qiao Ye glanced at the depths of the Nanying Dazhai, recalled the faces of Nangong Zhuo and Su Lingyu, and finally walked towards Lin Jiao.

Mom and Dad, goodbye!

Hope to be able to, bye!

Lin Jiao put his left and right hands on the shoulders of Qiao Ye and Polaris, and then the three disappeared at the same time.

Qiao Ye finally chose to save King Zhang Li!

Nangong Zhuo and Su Lingyu were so similar to their parents. This made Qiao Ye very curious, but Qiao Ye also knew that these two could not be his parents. After all, they were not figures of the same era. Not real, everything here could be unreal.

So, what if I catch up with Nangong Zhuo and Su Lingyu?

I can still ask them: Are you my parents?

The answer is of course no!

There is no meaning, other than being able to see those two faces again, it has no meaning.

In comparison, saving King Zhang Li is still meaningful, no matter what, we must first gather people together.

After a while, the surrounding scenery changed, and Qiao Ye and Lin Jiao appeared in a wilderness. Looking around, they could find that there were not even half of the evil beasts.

This is normal. The evil beasts that attacked the Nanying Dazhai did not appear out of thin air. They just gathered all the evil beasts in a large area through command. Therefore, the area near the tide of evil beasts must be free of evil beasts. animal.


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