Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1726 God's Domain

Chapter 1726 God's Domain

Qiao Ye first asked Polaris to go back to the beast cage, then took out two Ning Xin Po Cocoon Pills and handed them to Lin Jiao.

Even if Lin Jue's ability to cross space can quickly send them to God's Domain, it is only theoretical. With Lin Jiao's strength, it is impossible to use his ability continuously to reach the city of beasts.

Therefore, it is necessary to concentrate on breaking the cocoon.

Qiao Ye also checked the inventory by the way. Because of the inexhaustible punch, Qiao Ye has been collecting Ning Xin Po Cocoon Pills. However, this thing is really rare. After giving Lin Jiao two, Qiao Ye also only has Order the last five in stock.

However, it is normal for Ningxin Pococoon Pill to be rare. If it is not rare, Qiao Ye will directly find a way to fill the space of the jade token, and punch anyone who sees it. Even if it is the six evil beasts, Qiao Ye will Confidence can be killed directly, after all, the full blow of the gods keeps repeating, who can stop it?

Lin Jiao took the Ningxin Pococoon Pill, but he didn't forget to work hard, and said directly: "Where is the direction to God's Realm?"

Qiao Ye said: "The direction of the altar desert is the place where you were rescued!"

Lin Jiao nodded, and then began to use his ability to continuously cross the space!

Needless to say, Lin Jiao's ability is really easy to use when it is easy to use. After several times in a row, Lin Jiao and Qiao Ye crossed the altar desert.

The Altar Desert is located at the junction of the God Realm and the Demon Realm, and after crossing it, you enter the Demon Realm.


"Tianmen, the number one city in the sky!"

Qiao Ye looked at the majestic giant city in front of him, and frowned involuntarily.

Below the tower, and on the wall of the tower, looking in from the collapsed door opening, you can see that there are densely packed evil beasts.

Around the city wall, there are still many bones of gods, who have been dead for a long time.

Obviously, Tianmen City has been completely destroyed and occupied by evil beasts.

In the past, after passing the Dengtian Road, the first city of the God City in the Heaven Realm has turned into what it is today, which is really embarrassing.

"Go, go around from the side!"

Qiao Ye pointed to the side, not intending to enter the city.

The situation in God's Domain is even worse than in Demon's Domain. As the first city in the sky, Tianmen City must be one of the first cities to be breached. There is no possibility of any activities at the moment. There is no point in killing Tianmen City. It is better to bypass.

The news of King Zhang Li has not been interrupted. Judging from the situation of the clone projection, it seems that the evil beast has not attacked the city yet. King Zhang Li sits on the wall looking unloved, but it seems that there is no danger for the time being, but what is more interesting is There was no one else on the city wall except King Zhang Li.

Qiao Ye couldn't help but said, "What's going on with you?"

Zhang Liwang said: "That's the situation. The City of Beasts has been surrounded and is attacked every day. It has survived today, but I don't know when the city will be broken."

Qiao Ye said: "Why are you the only one, what about the other guards?"


there is none left! "

Zhang Liwang said: "The City of Beasts is now an isolated city, and I am the only one."

"Are you guarding the city alone?"

Both Qiao Ye and Lin Jiao couldn't help being stunned, is Zhang Li Wang so awesome?

Guarding an isolated city alone?

Did you make it through today?

No, judging from his tone, Zhang Liwang has lasted for more than a day.

Tension King explained: "Because I can use the central formation of Beast City, there are a bunch of other messy ones, so I can hold on for the time being."

"Why can you use the central formation of Beast City?"

Qiao Ye was confused at first, then his eyes lit up and he said, "What is your identity now?"

Qiao Ye became the Chongtian Demon Lord, Lin Jiao became a traitor everyone called out to beat, so what about King Tension?

Zhang Liwang raised his chin proudly and said, "Beast God!"

Lin Jiao was dissatisfied and said, "Why are you either Demon Lords or Beast Gods, and I have to be like street rats?"

"Shut up and don't talk yet."

Qiao Ye glared at Lin Jiao, and then said to Zhang Liwang, "Go ahead and speak more carefully, starting from coming to the Heavenly Realm, and then explaining how to guard the isolated city."

Zhang Liwang said: "I passed out at the time. When I woke up, I found myself lying on the bed, surrounded by some maids and guards. When they saw me, they cried bitterly, and said that they thought I was seriously injured and could not survive. , I struggled for a few days before I realized that I had turned into Ulu, the beast god. I was exhausted from fighting against the evil beast, and then I was seriously injured by a surprise attack. My personal guards dragged me back to the city of beasts, so I was able to survive. One life."

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Continue."

Zhang Liwang said: "Then I found out that Hundred Beasts City has been besieged for three months. Everyone in the city ran away, and those who couldn't run were killed. Only me, three hundred guards, and Some family members in the Beast God Mansion, all the gods in the entire city died in battle, and after five days, my personal guards also died. A few maids said they did not want to drag me down, so they all committed suicide. Let me have to escape."

When Zhang Liwang said this, he looked desperate.

"I escape with a hammer."

Zhang Liwang said depressedly: "Then I have to be a real beast god to escape, how can I escape as a fake, I can only stick to it!"

Qiao Ye said, "How is the situation in God's Domain?"

Zhang Liwang said: "It's over. Once my fake beast god dies, there are only three god kings left. Now almost all of the city of God is lost. The living people are scolding Hao Tiansi every day, scolding them for not taking action. If it weren't for this, how could God's Realm be defeated so completely? There were also god kings who went to Haotian Division, but they were all rejected. Right now, the dead horse is a living horse doctor, and the remaining three god kings are looking for a book called Xuan Tianzhi. thing."

Qiao Ye asked in surprise, "Xuan Tianzhi?"


Zhang Liwang said: "It is said that Xuan Tian Zhi is the treasure left by the lineage of ancient spirits and gods. There have always been legends that if one day the gods and demons are in trouble and all ways are destroyed, Xuan Tian Zhi will be able to open it, but no one believes it. It's nonsense, how could the gods and demons suffer?

How could Wan Dao be completely destroyed?

Laughing at people from the lineage of the spirit gods, look at this, the heavens are really going to be abolished, and then remember that they still have a book of Xuantian Zhi, and think that the spirit gods can peek into the past and predict the future, the three gods The king pinned his last hope on Xuan Tianzhi. They believed that since the ancient spirit god had left Xuan Tianzhi on purpose, it must be to prepare for the present, and there might be a way to solve the crisis. "

Qiao Ye said, "And then?"

Wang Zhangli said: "It is said that they were found, and then the three great god kings took Xuan Tianzhi to the Haotian Division, but this time there was no news. There were rumors that Xuan Tianzhi had no way to crack it, and the three god kings saw it. It’s not good, I have escaped to the world.”


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