Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1727 Brother, I have kidney deficiency

Chapter 1727 Brother, I have kidney deficiency

"No, the time is wrong!"

Qiao Ye frowned and murmured involuntarily.

Tension King couldn't help saying: "What time is wrong?"

Qiao Ye didn't respond, but fell into deep thought.

It's normal for Zhang Liwang and Lin Jiao not to understand, but Jiang Liuxue told Qiao Ye about the periods when the heavens were destroyed.

Qiao Ye said: "Do the gods want to seal the heavens and go to the Nine Realms?"

King Tension nodded and said: "It seems that there is such a thing, but it must have failed. When I heard the rumors from those maids that the three great god kings might have escaped from the heavens and went to the world, they seemed to have said this."

"Sure enough!"

Qiao Ye thought for a while.

When I came to the heaven, it should be the period when the evil beast had just invaded the heaven.

However, after finding Lin Jiao, it became six years later, that is, the gods and demons of the heavens were completely unable to resist the attacks of the evil beasts, and the heavens had begun to be continuously destroyed.

If Qiao Ye appeared in the first period when the heavens were shattered, then Lin Jiao should appear at the junction of the second and third periods.

That is to say, the time point when I want to leave the God Realm as a cage, trap the evil beasts, and return all the gods and demons to the Nine Realms, but it didn't work. After failing, the gods and demons thought of a new way, which is to use the nails to create the first Four circles.

Now they have found Tension King, and the time point when Tension King appeared should be the junction point between the third and fourth periods.

According to the rumors, it can be known that the gods really wanted to give up the heavens, but it is certain that they failed, and since the rumors have been formed, it means that this matter has passed for a while.

So, now is the third period, making boundary nails and doomed beasts.

However, considering that the three great god kings have already gone to Xuan Tianzhi, it means that the matter of Jie Nai may not be successful, but it is still the third period, not the fourth period, because, according to Jiang Liuxue's It is said that the fourth period is the period of the destruction of the realm of the gods, that is, the three kings of the gods lay flat after opening the Xuantianzhi, making the heavens lose their last resistance.

After all, the god king has given up, what else can others do?

But now that the three great god kings have found Xuan Tianzhi, they obviously haven't given up their resistance, otherwise what would they do in Haotian Division?

Therefore, right now should be the junction point between the third period and the fourth period. If there is no accident, after the three great god kings return from Haotian Division, they should give up resistance completely, and then the fourth period will come to an end. After being destroyed, the Demon Lord of the Demon Realm struggled to support him, but in the end he failed to cast the Demon Sword, and all the gods and demons were wiped out.

In this way, the time nodes of the three are clear, which also means that the current period of Qiao Ye and Lin Jiao is obviously a few years later.

Qiao Ye rubbed her forehead, what is going on with this broken place?

Why is each of them exactly at the junction point of the changing era of the heavens?

Although Qiao Ye is in the early stages, the invasion of the heavens by evil beasts is of course a turning point for change.

Lin Jiao appeared at the junction of the collapse of the heavens, and King Zhang Li was the junction of the fall of the gods.


"Then Hao Tiansi has a problem!"

Qiao Ye suddenly raised an eyebrow!

When I first came to the Heaven Realm, I was at the gate of Haotian Division. According to Zhang Liwang's narration, after the three god kings got Xuan Tianzhi, it seems that they did not give up resistance directly, but took Xuan Tianzhi to Hao Tiansi.

So, is there something related to Hao Tiansi recorded in the Xuantian Zhi?

It's hard to judge, but it can be concluded that the three god kings gave up everything after they went to Haotian Division.

In other words, something must have happened to them in Haotian Division!

Qiao Ye felt that it was very necessary for Haotian Division to investigate.

Moreover, Qiao Ye did not forget that their purpose was to find Jie Ding.

The current situation is that there are only four god kings left in God's Domain. King Zhang Li, a fake beast god, should treat him as a real beast god. Then at this time point, the beast god should die in battle in Hundred Beasts City.

Then, in the end, the remaining three god kings must have the boundary nails in their hands. The Heavenly God Domain has not been completely destroyed in this period, so of course, the boundary nails should not be lost.

The fact that the three great god kings have gone to the Haotian Division, does it mean that the current nail is in the Haotian Division?

Qiao Ye suddenly felt that things seemed a little clearer, and then said to Lin Jiao: "Hurry up, go to the City of Beasts!"

City of Beasts is easier to find.

In other words, God Realm and God City are easier to find!

There are quite a few cities in the God Realm, thirty-two large and small, but there are only twelve cities named God City, from the first city of the sky to the twelve cities of the sky, these twelve god cities correspond to The twelve god kings are their main city.

If you look at the map, you will find that after the land occupation of the twelve cities is connected, although the drawn lines are winding, they are all in the same direction. If you draw a straight line from the map, it happens that they are all twelve cities. within the limits of the city.

In fact, the twelve god cities were built according to the dragon veins of the sky, and the twelve cities are connected in the shape of a dragon!

Therefore, since the direction is good, it is naturally easy to find. As long as you start from Tianmen City, the first city in the sky, and then head in the same direction, although it is impossible to find the next city in a straight line, you can enter the main city of the Twelve Gods. In the urban area, it is very simple to find the specific location.

Of course, this matter had to fall on Lin Jiao in the end.

"From this direction!"

Qiao Ye patted Lin Jiao's shoulder and said, "Spanning two-thirds of the fairyland, it's the Twelve Cities of Heaven and Hundred Beasts!"

Lin Jiao wiped off his cold sweat and said, "Most half of God's Domain?

Boss, people will die! "

Qiao Ye said: "Don't worry, it's actually not that big. The Heaven Realm is actually only one domain, and half of it belongs to demons. Therefore, the God's Domain is only half the size of one of the Nine Domains."

Lin Jiao was not fooled, and asked vigilantly, "Which domain is it equivalent to?"

Qiao Ye said: "Demon Realm?

Wu domain?

Or Lingyu? "

Lin Jiao almost rolled his eyes and passed out. The area of ​​these three domains is the largest, okay? If you look at the Dao domain, it has become a sea, and he crossed it in three or five rounds. The area of ​​the domain is really small, and it only takes seven days to travel across by flying boat, which is trivial for Lin Jiao.


Lin Jiao knows the situation in Moyu and his hometown best.

Wuyu, that is a land of thousands of cities, Wuyu has hundreds of countries, large and small!

Lingyu, this one is even worse, there are wilderness everywhere, it should be the largest area in the Nine Domains.

Qiao Ye was too lazy to argue with Lin Jiao, and said to Zhang Li Wang: "Look, he doesn't want to save you, and that has nothing to do with me."

Zhang Liwang suddenly said aggrievedly: "Master Lin, we have something to discuss, so please feel wronged, save the little one!"

Lin Jiao said: "Brother, I have kidney deficiency, so I really can't run this far!"


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