Chapter 1728 Hurrying

After Lin Jiao told Zhang Liwang that he could "cross talk", he still worked honestly.

How else could it be?

It's all here, can't we still go?

Moreover, Qiao Ye was still thinking, after going to the City of Beasts to fish out King Zhang Li, he had to go to Haotian Division.

In his thoughts, Lin Jiao took Qiao Ye across the space continuously.

After ten times in a row, Lin Jiao reluctantly took the first Concentrating Heart Breaking Cocoon Pill, and then continued to move forward for ten times, Qiao Ye and Lin Jiao finally saw the enlightenment of the seventh city in the sky.

Qiao Ye glanced at Lin Jiao, whose face was pale, and said, "Take a break, King Zhang Li can still hold on."

Ningxin Pococoon Pill can restore Lin Jiao's body to the best state, but it is not good at the mental level. Continuous use of abilities makes Lin Jiao quite exhausted on the mental level. This is because Ningxin Pococoon Pill cannot recover of.

Lin Jiao nodded, and found a big tree to lean against to rest, while Qiao Ye released the night crow to investigate the situation in Kaiming City.

The result was similar to Qiao Ye's imagination, Kaiming City was finished, it was completely occupied by Evil Beasts, and the whole city was full of Evil Beasts.

However, the good news is that after the city of God is occupied, almost all those evil beasts are wandering in the city or around the city of God, and they will not travel too far.

In this way, Lin Jiao can have a good rest right now, and when using his ability, he doesn't have to worry so much about getting his head into the herd of evil beasts.

About two hours later, Qiao Ye lifted Lin Jiao up and said, "Continue to work!"

Lin Jiao opened his eyes vaguely, and said pitifully, "Boss, let me sleep for a while."

"I can't sleep anymore, I really can't sleep anymore."

Tension King's avatar projection shouted: "Those guys are attacking again."

While talking, King Tension adjusted his position so that the background of the projection could see the situation outside the City of Beasts.

Not far from the City of Beasts is a canyon. At the moment, the mouth of the canyon is densely packed with evil beasts. After spreading towards the sides, the continuous black line almost exceeds the cliffs on both sides of the canyon.

Qiao Ye said, "Can you hold on?"

Tension King stirred his throat and said: "It should last for a while, hurry up."

Qiao Ye signaled Lin Jiao to hurry up, Lin Jiao reached out and pressed Qiao Ye's shoulder helplessly, and then the two started to straddle the space again!

at the same time……

Outside the City of Beasts, the beasts began to roar together. The terrifying roar shook the sky, and the earth began to tremble!

After a while, the evil beast at the front suddenly charged forward.

Those evil beasts looked like wolves, but they were much bigger than wolves. Their body hair was white, and their bodies were covered with pieces of stone flakes. They were so fast that they rushed to the bottom of Hundred Beasts City in the blink of an eye.

Zhang Liwang licked the corner of his mouth, feeling nervous, holding an iron talisman in his hand, and then shouted: "Tomb of Beasts!"

Almost instantly, there was a buzzing sound in the sky above Hundred Beasts City, and then a ray of light suddenly appeared.

The ray of light was khaki, and after spreading in the air, it slowly split, and then formed the shape of a large formation.

The iron talisman in Zhang Liwang's hand also radiated light at this moment.

next moment...

There was a change in front of the city of beasts, and the dark aura continued to appear and spread towards the surroundings.


A mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​bones!

A large cemetery unexpectedly appeared outside the city of beasts!

The cemetery of the royal beast!

Immediately afterwards, the corpses stood up one by one, and rushed forward.

In the next moment, as if two torrents collided together, there was a huge roaring sound, and the bones of those imperial beasts collided fiercely with the herd of evil beasts.

An angry roar appeared, and then the two sides began to bite crazily.

Legend has it that countless bones of royal beasts are buried under the City of Beasts, which is a huge beast mound, and the central core formation of the City of Beasts is built with the beast mound.

Suddenly, there was another loud noise from behind.

A huge beast came forward.

The evil beast looked like a turtle, but had elephant feet, and had no shell on its back but carried a small mountain.

But also at this moment...

The color of the sky suddenly changed, and then, the sound of a dragon chant suddenly sounded.

The thick cloud suddenly broke, and a white dragon poked its head out of the cloud, and then opened its bloody mouth.


A dragon chant shook the sky, and then a white beam of light sprayed out from the dragon's mouth, fell downwards, and hit the huge evil beast.

That body like a hill was knocked down with a single blow, crushing to death a large number of evil beasts around it.

Tension King stretched out his hand and waved again, and the iron talisman in his hand shone brightly again.

In the next moment, a ray of golden glow descended from the sky and wrapped around the city wall.

Between the walls, twelve little golden dragons suddenly appeared!

The sound of the dragon's roar reappears!

The twelve little golden dragons opened their mouths in unison, spitting out golden streamers, like sharp golden swords, stabbing down continuously towards the front.

Boom, boom, boom!

The golden glow pierced into the group of evil beasts, nailing a large number of evil beasts there.

Qiao Ye and Lin Jiao saw everything, and Lin Jiao said in surprise, "This guy is so fierce, we don't need to save him at this level, right?"

Qiao Ye didn't speak, but was also shocked.

Rescue is definitely necessary.

This is not Zhang Liwang's own ability, but relying on the power of Beast City. No one knows how long this power can last.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the City of Beasts has not been breached. When the City of Beasts is breached, the formation will break down by itself, and King Zhang Li will naturally fall to the street.



Qiao Ye said: "Try to arrive within an hour."

Lin Jiao said honestly, "I will try my best!"

This guy Lin Jiao, he can escape if he can, run if he can run, and avoid if he can. However, when he can't escape, can't escape, and can't escape, Lin Jiao is still reliable.

For example, right now, Lin Jiao is also very clear that if he doesn't work hard, with his little ability, he will definitely be trapped here to death, so when it's time to do things, he is also unambiguous.

Moreover, right now it is the seventh city in the sky, and you can reach the city of beasts by crossing four more cities. The distance is indeed not too far. beast city.

The eighth city, the ninth city, the tenth city, the eleventh city...

After passing through the Eleventh City of Heaven, Qingming, Lin Jiao was also exhausted and paralyzed. After completing the space spanning, he collapsed on the ground, gasping for breath.

Qiao Ye squatted down, stuffed two pills into Lin Jiao's mouth, and looked around.

After crossing the Eleventh City, it is certain that they are near the City of Beasts. However, unless they are lucky, it is impossible to just enter the City of Beasts, or to see the City of Beasts by looking up.



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