Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1729 The Power of Beasts

Chapter 1729 The Power of Beasts

at the same time……

The battle in front of the city of beasts has reached a fever pitch!

A beast roar appeared, and then a huge beast stood up from the blood river.

It was a Xuanwu holy tortoise. After it appeared, Xuanwu's body trembled and trembled in all directions. The snake tail swept across the blood river, and the blood river surged instantly. Countless blood wolves flew up, knocking a large number of evil beasts into the air!

Immediately, the sky suddenly sprinkled sparse rain, and a dragon chant instantly shocked the world.

A long blue dragon poked its head out of the air, its body was hundreds of feet tall. Unlike most real dragons, that long blue dragon had a pair of huge wings on its back, which were bigger than its body, at least There are five hundred feet!

In ancient times, in the northeast corner of the great wilderness, there was a mountain named Jili Tuqiu. Yinglong was located at the South Pole. After killing Chiyou and Kuafu, he could not go up again.

This is, Ying Long!

Has the ability to call wind and rain!

The Yinglong protruded from the air, and immediately there was wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and the torrential rain came as soon as it was said, and fell towards the bottom.

Like cutting leeks, large pieces of evil beasts fell madly, and in the blink of an eye, densely packed corpses spread all over the field, with blood flowing, and pieces of blood mist drifted in the air.

Zhang Li Wang Xian was so excited that he cheered on the tower, and then raised the iron talisman in his hand again.

Countless brilliance bloomed from the iron talisman, spreading wildly towards the surroundings, shocking the world instantly.

A phantom of a ferocious beast with wings like a tiger appeared, walking towards the front with a murderous aura all over its body. Wherever it passed, all the vegetation withered, leaving only a dead silence.

He opened his mouth and screamed at the sky, dark clouds rose in the sky, the wind continued, and the wind and sand filled the air.

Qiongqi is here!

The prestige of the four ancient evils can be spread in the world for thousands of years, not by blowing it out, but by killing it.

Qiongqi raised his huge paw and slapped it down on the ground. Almost instantly, the ground cracked.

A terrifying force spread towards the surroundings, and the surrounding evil beasts were continuously crushed, with stumps and broken arms scattered all over the place.

The beast mound formation in Hundred Beast City is really fierce.

Almost instantly, the hundreds of meters in front of the city were densely packed with corpses, piled up like a mountain, and blood flowed like a river.

Finally, someone in the Nae herd couldn't sit still.

Suddenly, two evil beasts rushed out.

One Evil Beast has six wings on its back, a bird head and a human body, and the other end is a giant golden bear with no hair on its body, and its body is completely made of pure gold.

"Beast God, the shattering of the God Realm and the fall of the gods are already unchangeable facts, so why struggle!"

The two Evil Beasts were obviously the generals under the Six Evil Beasts who were in charge of commanding the tide of Evil Beasts. After they stood up, they uttered human words, shouted in the direction of Hundred Beasts City, and then charged forward at the same time.

The Evil Beast with two wings on its back flew straight up into the air and rushed towards Ying Long in the sky.

And the giant golden bear actually defended Xuanwu head-on, colliding with Xuanwu.


Accompanied by the impact, there was a huge roaring sound, the ground continued to shatter and crack, and layer after layer of air waves continued to push away towards the surroundings, like a violent wind and huge waves, appearing extremely violent.

King Zhang Li now has the heart to cry, the heavens are shattered, the gods have fallen, what does this have to do with him?

I just want to save my own life.

But if you don't let me, what can I do?

I can only fight!

While thinking about it, King Tension raised the iron talisman in his hand again!


The iron talisman exuded dazzling brilliance, illuminating all directions, followed by a terrifying beast cry.

In the sky, dark clouds cover the moon!

The phantoms of giant beasts began to transform and appear continuously.

That angry roar came from all directions, as if it could shatter the sky.

The next moment, above the cloud, a huge claw suddenly appeared, volleyed down, and fell directly towards the group of bandits, with supreme ferocity.

That huge claw came from a horned dragon.

After the horned dragon's claws fell, it poked its head out of the air, and then spewed out a mouthful of dragon's breath downwards, and then a large piece of evil beast immediately exploded its body, turning into bloody lumps of flesh.

With the appearance of the horned dragon, the situation was also abruptly reversed.

The two evil beasts were originally fighting against Xuanwu and Yinglong. Now that the horned dragon joined the battle circle, he breathed out a mouthful of dragon's breath, and immediately the surrounding area was like a typhoon passing through, setting off layers of air waves that kept pushing.

The two evil beasts were hit by the air wave, as if hit by a giant hammer, and immediately flew back, spitting blood!

The next moment, the herd of evil beasts in the rear moved again, charging forward continuously, trying to respond.

Not to be outdone, Zhang Liwang raised the Iron Talisman again!

On the iron talisman, the radiance reappeared, but it was the radiance of seven colors spread out in the sky like auspicious clouds.

At this moment, roars came from all directions, like the roar of a tiger, the roar of a wolf, and the cry of an eagle. It seemed that hundreds of wild beasts were calling together.

A strange appearance appeared, and amidst the radiant heavenly power, phantoms of hundreds of beasts appeared, continuously darting across the sky, and waves rose up.


A white-bodied ape-monkey beast turned out to be the famous immemorial giant Zhu Yan. He slapped the ground with his palms and shattered the ground. The bodies of those evil beasts were smashed to pieces.

In the sky, a piece of frost appeared all over the sky.

An ice chinch screamed for nine days, its vigorous body hovering, and countless hailstones fell from the sky, constantly smashing the heads of those evil beasts.

In the sky, a round of moon suddenly appeared, and then around the outer circle of the moon, a black shadow screen flashed, quickly covering the moon.

Tengu eats the moon!

A huge tengu appeared and flew across the sky. Under the darkness, the ground continued to shatter.

next moment...

Boom, boom, boom!

There were loud noises all around, one after another huge thunder appeared from the black clouds, fell towards the bottom, continued to wreak havoc, and spread towards the surroundings.

The sight of all the beasts coming out together is really frightening, and the horde of evil beasts in front of them was pushed back abruptly.

Even, the two evil beasts that jumped out and shouted before turned into two corpses at this moment, one was chopped into two pieces, and the other's head was crushed by the Tengu.

Tension King is also very proud, and then...


On the iron talisman, there was a crisp sound suddenly, and then a crack appeared, piercing through the entire iron talisman.

"No way..." Zhang Liwang was terrified suddenly, and tremblingly said: "It's over, this time it's really going to be over."


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