Chapter 1730 Qiao Ye Arrives

The iron talisman activated the Hundred Beasts City formation to resist the tide of evil beasts.

Tension King was able to last for so long, relying entirely on the existence of the iron talisman, and the iron talisman has reached its limit right now.

If the iron talisman is broken, the Beast Tower in the Beast City, which hosts the souls of the beasts, will become invalid, and it will not be able to continue to connect to the underground Beast Tomb.

Tension King immediately shouted at Qiao Ye's clone projection: "Boss, help!"

There's nothing wrong with looking for Qiao Ye when you're indecisive!

"I'm here!"

At this time, Qiao Ye's voice suddenly sounded.

Zhang Liwang was stunned, why was the voice behind him? Looking back, it was Qiao Ye and Lin Jiao who had already arrived.

Originally, it was somewhat troublesome to find out the exact location of Hundred Beasts City.

However, King Tension made such a big commotion, several real dragons hovered in the sky, and the target was so huge, even if Qiao Ye couldn't see it, it was equivalent to helping Qiao Ye point the way, so naturally he came directly up.

Holding the iron talisman sadly, King Zhang Li said: "Boss, this city of beasts really can't hold on anymore, the formation is about to be destroyed."

Lin Jiao said: "At this time, you should beg me. I am an expert in running away."

This is really not bragging. Although Qiao Ye can fight, can he fight all the way out?

There are more evil beasts outside the Hundred Beasts City than the horde of evil beasts rushing to the Nanying Dazhai. It is absolutely impossible to kill them. I am afraid that they will be exhausted before they are killed.

Therefore, running away really depends on Lin Jiao.

Qiao Ye observed the battle outside the city for a while, but at this moment...

The real dragon flying in the sky that day suddenly began to whine, and then its body began to blur, and then gradually faded away!

On the ground, the white-haired Zhu Yan suddenly supported his body with a stick, and began to pant continuously.

Zhang Liwang glanced at the iron talisman in his hand in horror, and there were two more cracks, which seemed to be really unable to hold on.

Qiao Ye was also decisive, and immediately said, "Let's go!"

If you can't hold on, hurry up, don't let all three of you stay here.

Without further ado, Lin Jiao grabbed the arms of Qiao Ye and Zhang Liwang. It would cost his life, how could he do it!

The next moment, Lin Jiao entered the demonized state, and then activated his ability, and began to span the space, and the surrounding scenery quickly flowed.

But at this moment...

In front of the city of beasts, the group of evil beasts at the mouth of the only canyon suddenly squirmed, and after those evil beasts spread out towards the two sides, a huge evil beast gradually appeared.

It was a giant bird with black and white feathers all over its body. The tail feathers and crown feathers were like flames. It looked a bit like a phoenix, but it had a total of nine heads!

Those nine heads shook and chirped continuously, like the sound of wheels running over the ground, rumbling straight, extremely unpleasant.

But it was also at the moment when the evil beast screamed...

Qiao Ye's expression changed suddenly, and he shouted loudly at Lin Jiao: "Stop, don't continue to cross the space!"


It's too late!

As soon as Qiao Ye finished speaking, before Lin Jiao understood what was going on, a crack in the void suddenly appeared in front of them.

The crack in the void is like a sharp knife, cutting the entire space open with one blow!

Qiao Ye hurriedly slapped Lin Jiao and Zhang Liwang flying. If they hit directly, they would be cut in half by the crack in the void in the blink of an eye!

The space created by Lin Jiao was torn apart, and then the three of them fell from the sky and fell back to the ground.

next moment...

When Qiao Ye saw the big bird with nine songs, his pupils shrank involuntarily!

Such a strong breath!

Just looking at each other, Qiao Ye felt an unimaginable terrifying aura from each other.

At that moment, it felt like sailing a boat in the vast ocean, surrounded by wind and waves, constantly blowing against the boat, so that the boat would be destroyed at any time.

There is no doubt that there is only one possibility to have such an aura!

One of the most powerful six-headed beasts!

Xiaoji, Zhubai, Gu Diao, Xingming, and Qiao Ye have all seen each other, and the only ones who have never masked are the roe owl and the ghost car!

The roe owl was broken in the Three Realms and Nine Realms, and died in the hands of Jiang Liuxue when the evil beasts invaded the human world. Jiang Liuxue once told Qiao Ye about this, and described the shape of the roe owl, which looks like a beast. Rather than the nine-headed giant bird.

That is to say...

This guy in front of me...

It is a ghost car, one of the six evil beasts!

At the same time, Lin Jiao looked around in surprise, he didn't run away?

Only moved from inside the city of beasts to outside the city of beasts?

Unbelievably, Lin Jiao reached out and grabbed Qiao Ye and Zhang Liwang's shoulders again, and then the surrounding scenery twisted again, crazily flowing!

Lin Jiao activated his ability again, wanting to leave here.


A bird and beast in the ghost car uttered the sound of chirping again, and immediately after that, a void crack appeared in the sky, tearing the space apart.


Lin Jiao let out a scream, and then the surrounding space shattered, and the flowing scenery returned to normal again, Qiao Ye and the three directly fell out of the space created by Lin Jiao.

Lin Jiao fell to his knees, his face was pale, and he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.

Zhang Liwang quickly supported Lin Jiao and said, "Are you okay?"

Lin Jiao said with tears in his eyes, "You still care about me, brother."

"Of course, what kind of friendship do we have?

Love is stronger than gold, love is higher than the sky, share the blessings and share the difficulties, if I eat, you will drink. "

Zhang Liwang grabbed Lin Jiao's hands and said, "It's mainly because you're dead, and we won't have a chance to run away. If you don't die, there is still some hope. Let's do it again, this time it will definitely work."

"Go to hell!"

Lin Jiao twitched the corners of his eyes and pushed Zhang Liwang away.

"it's useless!"

Qiao Ye looked at Ghost Lane: "He also has spatial ability!"

Spatial ability is almost unsolvable. The reason for using the word "almost" is because spatial ability is afraid of spatial ability!

Or to be more direct, if both sides have spatial abilities, it usually depends on who has a higher level of cultivation and who is stronger.

Let Lin Jiao compete with Ghost Che?

This is like asking whether chicken bones are better or beef tendons, do you have to think about the answer?

at the same time……

"Three, why do you have to leave in such a hurry?

Is it my lack of hospitality? "

The ghost car shook its head and said in a voice, "I never expected that not only the beast god is here, but even the famous Chongtian Mozun is here."

Zhang Liwang said in astonishment: "Who is Chongtian Mozun?"

Qiao Ye said, "Me!"

Zhang Liwang was even more surprised: "Boss, are you the devil?"

Qiao Ye said: "Don't ask me why, I'm just like you, I don't know how to become Chongtian Demon Lord."


Zhang Liwang was discouraged immediately, he thought it was really one of the six great demons coming, so he might be saved, but he turned out to be a counterfeit just like himself.


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