Chapter 1731 Ghost Car


Qiao Ye let out a deep breath!

Lin Jiao can't count on it, since that's the case, he can only fight his way out.

"If you want to keep us as guests, it depends on whether you have the ability."

Qiao Ye let out a low voice, and without any hesitation, he punched out directly and said, "The punch is the same!"

The map of the God of War, the punch is perfect!

Breaking the sky and breaking the earth, the punch is the same: the whole body is penetrated with one punch, the supremely powerful person can open up the world, shatter the void, and cross the realm. , Hence the name: Fist out of no two.


Qiao Ye raised her head and roared angrily, and black smoke kept gushing out of her body.

The black smoke billowed and became extremely violent, and then rose into the sky, turning into huge columns of black smoke!

Boom, boom, boom!

The black smoke continuously collided with the yellow light, making a loud noise!

The next moment, the sky trembled and the earth cracked!

The surrounding black smoke gathered in front of Qiao Ye's fist, continuously solidified, and turned into a huge black fist, which blasted towards the large yellow light.


The surrounding earth trembled, feeling as if the sky was falling apart, the phantom of the fist was terrifyingly large, unparalleled in horror, as if the sky was shattered with one punch, and the black smoke billowing around was like a sea, as if it could annihilate nine heavens and ten earths.

That incomparably powerful momentum is like a tsunami, and like a rolling galaxy!

It's heartbreaking!

And after that punch, the vast expanse of yellow light was blasted out of a big hole, and a ray of light shone down from the shattered big hole.

The huge fist smashed down in the direction of the ghost car.

The ghost car chuckled, a pair of wings spread out suddenly, and it slashed forward.


The wings of the ghost car collided with the falling black smoke giant fist.

It feels like the sky is falling apart!

The moment the ghost car's wings collided with the giant black smoke fist, all the evil beasts around the ghost car were blown away.

The cliffs on both sides of the canyon in the rear are constantly breaking apart at this moment.

Boom, boom, boom!

Countless rubble rolled and fell down the cliff, hitting the ground continuously, smashing the ground into deep pits one after another.

Huge cracks spread from the bottom of the cliff to the top of the cliff, as if splitting the cliff.

The ghost car's body was also pushed backwards by the black smoke's fist, about ten meters away, the ghost car barely stabilized its body, and then the nine bird heads sang again, making a sound like wheels grinding the ground.

The wings slashed forward, shattering the black smoke giant fist.

Ghost Che smiled and said, "Chongtian Mozun?

But that's all! "

Qiao Ye didn't talk nonsense, and directly threw a Ningxin Pococoon into his mouth, and then punched forward again.

still is……

Fist is perfect!

The aura on Qiao Ye's body began to climb crazily, and then he slowly clenched his right fist, and the phalanges kept making "click, click" sounds.

The next moment, Qiao Ye punched forward forcefully.

That punch blasted out, and the frenzied wind of the fist was like a typhoon passing through, and it was pushed forward frantically.

The divine splendor poured down from the sky, covering everything around it.

The lingering power of the previous punch hadn't dissipated, and Qiao Ye immediately threw out a second punch. The power of the two fists overlapped, and he attacked the ghost car again.

The divine splendor all over the sky turned into a fist, shining with bright light, and the black smoke that had just dispersed began to condense again, quickly entangled and wrapped around the fist.


This time, the fist hit the ghost car firmly, sending the ghost car back.


The ghost car slammed straight onto the cliff behind. After a loud noise, the cliff that was at least a hundred feet high was smashed into pieces and began to collapse downwards.

The ghost car roared angrily, a lot of wounds were torn on its body, and black blood flowed out.

Qiao Ye had already swallowed the second Cocoon Concentrating Pill, and her face was quite serious.

It can be said that Qiao Ye did his best to strike with all his strength. Now, using the Ningxin Breaking Cocoon Pill, the two consecutive punches are only to this extent, and it only caused skin trauma to the ghost car, which is somewhat terrifying.

This is the strength of the six evil beasts, especially...

It was still the era before the Three Realms and Nine Domains were broken. At this time, there was no starvation in the ghost car.

After feeling the strength in her body come back, Qiao Ye turned around without hesitation and said to Lin Jiao and Zhang Li Wang: "Go!"

The ghost car struggled to stand up from the cliff again, then opened its mouth and roared.

"Who allowed you to leave!"

The ghost car roared angrily: "Duanyu!"

The wings of the ghost car flashed, and then a huge void crack appeared behind the three of Qiao Ye.

In an instant, the entire space was cut apart.

A crack appeared on the ground, and the strange thing was that the cut surface of that crack was incomparably smooth, as if a piece had been hollowed out in the middle, and that was the place that was swallowed up by the void crack.

At the same time, in the crack that appeared, countless chaotic smog sprayed out, and there was also a faint appearance of chaotic thunder, constantly roaring.

Qiao Ye gasped. The ghost car actually used the crack in the void to divide an area into two spaces. Anyone who jumped directly over that crack would probably be dismembered on the spot.

Ghost Che said coldly: "It doesn't matter if you are the Beast God or the Demon Lord, you will die today!"

While the ghost car was talking, the nine heads kept shaking, and then, as if being pulled by some force, the surrounding gravel floated up one by one, and smashed towards the direction of Qiao Ye and the three of them.

Qiao Ye accepted the challenge, raising his hands together vigorously.

A large piece of black smoke spread from Qiao Ye's feet, and it was pushed away frantically, one layer after another, layer after layer, continuously pushed away layer by layer, like a large wave, billowing violently.

Heavenly Demon Illusion!

Black smoke rose into the sky, and soon, a huge door was formed.

The door was slowly opened, as if leading straight into the abyss, countless black smoke poured out from the door, and then...


A giant foot stepped out from behind the door, stomping on the ground fiercely, smashing the ground to pieces.

The phantom of the heavenly demon that came out was about ten meters high, and its body was very huge. Its body only appeared in half, and it seemed to block out the sky and the sun!

Humanoid, with dark skin, a bone skirt made of white bones around her waist, and a necklace made of giant skull heads around her neck.


There was a strong stench on the demon phantom's body that day, and many places on his body were already rotten. In some rotten places, bones could be clearly seen, and his whole body was filled with an aura that did not seem like a living person.

The zombie is coming!


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