Chapter 1734 Confrontation


The golden radiance soared upwards and collided with the falling pillar of divine power, making a huge roar, and immediately after, the world in all directions trembled violently in the collision.

The sand and dust rushed up to the sky one by one, which was extremely terrifying.

Heaven, earth, four fields.

Everything is covered by gray sand at this moment, the hurricane passes by, and the dust rolls into the sky.

The corpses of ferocious beasts were densely piled up all around, and those evil beasts suffered unreasonable disasters, and were slaughtered because of the battle between the two.

After a while, the dust gradually dispersed, and Chen Ling reappeared, his chest heaving slightly, looking at the ghost car.

Ghost Che laughed arrogantly: "You think I can't do anything about you without Void Slash?

Innocent! "

While roaring, the ghost car slammed its claws on the ground.

A piece of golden ripples pushed away towards the surroundings, forming a circle of golden light, covering all directions.

The golden ripples were sharp and unparalleled, swinging towards the surroundings, and the surrounding rocks exploded one after another, showing traces of slashing one after another.

Qiao Ye hurriedly waved the black halberd, and then the surrounding smoke was filled with smoke, and it was crazily pushed away, and then the sound of "clinking" metal sounds continued, and the black smoke collided with the golden ripples continuously, and the surrounding area The ground continued to explode.

Suddenly, the ghost car's nine heads shook and screamed again!

Qiao Ye didn't care at all, but suddenly felt something was wrong!

Compared with the previous one, the cry was obviously not right!


Qiao Ye finally realized something, leaped towards the rear, and quickly opened the distance, but it was still a step too late.


The next moment, Qiao Ye's face suddenly showed pain, and he knelt down on one knee, covering his head with one hand.

Lingyin attack!

At this moment, Qiao Ye felt an incomparable pain in his head, as if there were countless small knives constantly gouging at his head, and it also seemed that there were countless small bugs constantly crawling in his head.

It's no wonder that Qiao Ye was unprepared for the spirit sound attack. The strength of the spirit sound attack depends entirely on the spiritual power. With Qiao Ye's spiritual power, no one has ever been effective against him with the spirit sound attack.

But the spirit sound attack from the ghost car is another matter.

And after using the spirit sound to attack Qiao Ye into pain, the ghost car screamed again without hesitation.

next moment...

A wind blade appeared, came close to the ground, and slashed Qiao Ye's body fiercely.


Qiao Ye opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, and fell backwards, hitting the ground hard.

Ghost Che taunted: "Mozun?

But that's all! "

While the ghost car was talking, he flapped his wings, and a large wind blade appeared, slashing down in Qiao Ye's direction again.

Immediately, a large cloud of black smoke appeared around Qiao Ye, spreading wildly towards the surroundings, and then Qiao Ye was like a ghost, using the black smoke to fly quickly to avoid the blow of the wind blade.

Boom, boom, boom!

The wind blade kept slashing the ground, making violent noises, smashing the ground continuously, and a large cloud of smoke and dust flew up and surged towards the surroundings.

Qiao Ye also let out a long sigh of relief. It seems that the ghost car's spirit sound attack cannot be carried out at the same time as other attacks, otherwise he will be in great trouble.

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye stretched out his hand in the direction of the ghost car, and pressed down again.

A new beam of divine power appeared and fell in the direction of the ghost car.

The figure of the ghost car flashed, and quickly avoided the bombardment of the divine power beam. The next moment, the divine power beam hit the ground, and after a loud noise, the ground was smashed into pieces.

Qiao Ye stopped and took a deep breath!

Immediately, his body suddenly burst into light.

Absolute world, the forbidden area is king: Expand the forbidden area, within the forbidden area, the user can randomly get a kind of martial art, if there is already a martial art in him, he can change his own martial art at will.

The forbidden area was opened, and a large piece of golden light spread towards the surroundings.

Shenjue Tianxia is the scope of the domain in the positive direction, which is much larger than the area covered by the general domain ability, and can cover 100 meters vertically and horizontally.

At the moment when the radiance spread, a golden pillar reaching the sky suddenly appeared in the four corners of the southeast, northwest, and pierced the sky, at least a hundred meters in size.

The final shape is like a square golden arena!

Entering the forbidden area, Qiao Ye could feel the aura in his body change obviously, and an inexplicable and unknown power was emerging.

The power of martial arts!

Qiao Ye breathed out, then looked at the ghost car, and suddenly punched out!


Suddenly, a muffled sound suddenly appeared.

Qiao Ye and Ghost Che obviously met for about 20 meters, but after Qiao Ye's punch was thrown forward, a sunken fist mark suddenly appeared on Ghost Che's body, and then the huge body moved towards the ghost car. The rear was pushed out five or six meters.

The eyes on the ghost car's heads also stared instantly, and they couldn't believe that they had been hit.

But at this moment...

Qiao Ye jumped up again, sweeping forward with one foot.

This time, Ghost Che learned to be smart, and the moment Qiao Ye jumped up, he spread his wings and flew directly into the air.


A loud explosion followed, and after Qiao Ye's kick swept out, it hit the cliff in front of him.

Amidst the loud noise, a trace of a slash appeared out of nowhere on the cliff.

Immediately, loud bursting noises sounded continuously.

In the canyon ahead, smoke and dust kept rising into the sky, and strands of sand and dust kept flying into the air!

Qiao Ye's kick pierced through an entire canyon.

The ghost car flew in the air, with a look of surprise in its eyes and said: "What kind of attack is this?"

Qiao Ye lowered the corner of her mouth and said, "Qi Jin!"

Qiao Ye didn't use any martial arts or skills!

This is the ability given to Qiao Ye's martial arts by the Forbidden Domain. Any attack can be accompanied by vigor, invisible and powerful!

The moment Qiao Ye spoke, he swept his foot into the air again.

The speed of the ghost car was fast, and it moved sideways.

Even so……


There was a gap in the ghost car's wings suddenly, bright red blood splashed out continuously, and then the ghost car's body fell from the air and hit the ground fiercely.

Qiao Ye kept attacking, rushed forward with a stride, and then kicked towards the ghost car.

Ghost Che raised his head, his eyes glowed red!

In the next moment, Qiao Ye hit an invisible wall and was stopped abruptly.

The defensive barrier created by mental power is exactly the same as Qiao Ye's aura.

Ghost Che sneered: "I can't be defeated so easily..."


Before Ghost Che's voice fell, a wound suddenly opened on his body, and blood sprayed out.


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