Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1735 Little Ji Arrives

Chapter 1735 Xiao Ji Arrives

Ghost Che fell into surprise again, he had already blocked Qiao Ye's fist with a barrier, why was it so?

Qiao Ye hooked the corners of her mouth, the most terrifying part of her vigor was...


Any defense, any powerful physical body is meaningless in front of Qi Jin, Qi Jin can cause damage to the target through anything!


Qiao Ye raised his head and roared angrily, waving his arms continuously, punching and blasting forward.

One punch, two punches, ten punches, a hundred punches!

Qiao Ye's fists bombarded continuously, and immediately after that, fist marks appeared one by one on Ghost Che's body, and the body continued to be dented.

The surrounding ground, cliffs, and rocks were all continuously shattered, and large swathes of smoke and dust billowed up.

It took a whole stick of incense before Qiao Ye stopped and fell back to the ground, her chest heaving and panting continuously.

The ghost car's body has been deformed, and it fell to the ground with a bang, with its head all hanging down to the ground, as if it had lost its voice.


Qiao Ye looked up at the ghost car.

But at this moment...

A large piece of purple-black light suddenly surged from the body of the ghost car, and then amidst the billowing dust, the body of the ghost car continued to shrink.

"I take back what I said before, as one of the six great demons, you still have some skills."

The ghost car's voice came faintly: "At least you made me serious!"

After a while, a figure slowly walked out of the dust.

The ghost car's body has shrunk down to the size of a normal human being. Its two claws have turned into legs, and a pair of feathered wings have turned into human arms. Its body is similar to that of a human, with black feathers falling down. The nine heads have lost their necks and are directly attached to the body. .



The bird's foot of the ghost car was raised, and after rubbing against the ground a few times, it suddenly rushed forward.

The ground was shattered the moment the bird's feet fell, and then, in just a split second, the ghost car came to Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye's eyes widened involuntarily, and he punched out.

Ghost Che sided his body, avoiding Qiao Ye's fist, and then raised his foot to kick Qiao Ye's chest.


Qiao Ye was sent flying, and at the same time, a piece of her clothes was torn off, and three scratch marks appeared on her chest.

Enduring the pain in his chest, Qiao Ye violently twisted his body in the air, then pressed his palm to the ground to stabilize his body.

But just as he stabilized his body, Qiao Ye found a shadow covering his body. When he looked up, he saw that the ghost car had already caught up.


The ghost car raised its head and punched Qiao Ye in the face, knocking Qiao Ye back. Before Qiao Ye could stand still, he swept across again and kicked Qiao Ye in the waist.

Qiao Ye gritted his teeth tightly, and punched out with a backhand, but at the moment of punching, Ghost Che bent down fiercely, avoiding Qiao Ye's fist, and at the same time swept across with his foot, knocking Qiao Ye to the ground, and slammed He got up and kicked Qiao Ye.


Qiao Ye was kicked out again and rolled continuously on the ground.

After a while, when Qiao Ye's body stopped, her throat felt sweet, and she spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Before, it was just in normal form, but now it is what I look like when I am fighting."

As the ghost car walked forward, it moved its arms and said, "It's been a long time since I fought with people like this. After all, those guys are too weak, and they can be killed casually."

While the ghost car was talking, those heads suddenly spread out, and then the body leaned forward, and suddenly started running.

In an instant, the ghost car came to Qiao Ye and punched Qiao Ye again.

Qiao Ye crossed her arms, resisting Ghost Che's punch, and then swept across with her foot, but at this moment, Ghost Che suddenly jumped up, dodging the blow lightly.

"You should feel honored to be able to force me to fight seriously, but that's all."

Ghost Che sneered and said, "Although I don't know what move you are using, but since you can't defend yourself, then don't let you hit it!"


The ghost car swept across again, kicked Qiao Ye in the face, and kicked Qiao Ye away.

The moment Qiao Ye fell to the ground, Ghost Che's head suddenly parted, and the pupils of the nine heads shone with crimson light at the same time!

"It's time to send you on your way!"

The ghost car let out a low growl, and then beams of light appeared in its pupils, attacking in Qiao Ye's direction.

Seeing those beams of light flying towards him, Qiao Ye gritted his teeth and wanted to stand up, but the severe pain made Qiao Ye unable to move his body freely.

The beam of light bloomed in front of his eyes, the brilliance was extremely dazzling, and it carried the breath of death.

Seeing that the light beam was about to hit, but at this moment...

Boom, boom!

A huge roar sounded suddenly, and then, the ground shook, and the ground hit by the light beam, with a radius of ten miles, sank directly downward.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, there was a deep pit on the ground, which was more than ten meters long, and the ground was directly flattened.


The ghost car didn't show the slightest joy, but roared: "Whoever is there, get out!"

In the center of the deep pit, there was a huge stone ball, which wrapped Qiao Ye up.


There was a crisp sound, and large cracks appeared on the stone ball, and then the stone flakes continued to peel off one by one.

Qiao Ye reappeared, feeling like she was alive after a catastrophe!

at the same time……

In the flying dust, a figure walked over!

Tall figure, with legs spread wide, step by step, a beautiful face looming in the dust, waist-length hair blowing back with the wind.

Ghost Che stared wide-eyed and said, "Daughter of Heaven?"

Qiao Ye raised her head and whispered, "Xiao Ji?"

The little Ji in front of her was different from what Qiao Ye remembered, because she had grown up.

Is it the little Ji of this era?

Just as Qiao Ye was thinking, Xiao Ji jumped up suddenly, fell into the pit, stood in front of Qiao Ye, and looked at the ghost car.

Qiao Ye was stunned for a moment, and then a happy look appeared on his face.

This is the little Ji I knew, or in other words, Xiao Ji replaced the Ji Ba of this era, although the two are the same person.

Ghost Che looked at Xiao Ji and said, "Daughter of Heaven, what are you going to do?"

Xiao Ji looked at Gui Lane: "Damn you!"


The moment Xiao Ji spoke, a ground thorn suddenly rose from the ghost car's feet.

The ghost car's reaction was extremely fast, and it quickly pushed back. Even so, a wound was cut on its chest, and bright red blood oozed out immediately.

Ghost Che said angrily: "Are you crazy?

You forget that we are allies now?

Don't you want to destroy the heavens and make the gods repent?

Now that we are about to do it, you actually shot at me? "

Xiao Ji looked at Ghost Lane: "So what if you make a move?

Are you teaching me how to do things? "


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