Chapter 1736 Cut

Boom, boom, boom!

Xiao Ji didn't intend to stop at all.

There was a constant roar on the ground, and then one after another mud springs shot up into the sky, falling towards the ghost car continuously.

The ghost car reacted extremely quickly, constantly moving its body sideways to avoid the attacks of those mud springs.

But at this moment...

The mud spring that spread out after hitting the ground suddenly turned into a huge palm, attacking from behind the ghost car.

With a bang, the huge mud hand grabbed the ghost car, and then quickly solidified, turning into a stone hand, firmly restraining the ghost car.

While struggling, the ghost car roared: "Daughter of the sky, why?

tell me! "

Xiao Ji looked at the ghost car, and said indifferently: "The reason for destroying the heavens is because I want to destroy them. Now I want to kill you because I want to kill them. I can do whatever I want. Do you need any reason?"

The ghost car roared: "In that case, I will kill you together!"


With the roar of the ghost car, the stone hand exploded, turning into countless stones and scattered around.

The next moment, the ghost car fell from the sky and rushed towards Xiao Ji.

Qiao Ye couldn't help but said, "Be careful!"

The strength of the ghost car is extremely strong, even the simplest fists and kicks have the power to split mountains and rocks, which Qiao Ye has personally experienced.



Xiao Ji raised her arm, and directly stopped the ghost car's foot, her feet seemed to take root, and she did not retreat at all.

This is embarrassing!

It was only then that Qiao Ye remembered that Xiao Ji was one of the six evil beasts in this era, and her strength was not inferior to that of Ghost Che!

After the blow, Xiao Ji reached out and grabbed the ghost car's calf.

This pinch, it seemed, was just lightly grabbing Ghost Che's calf, but Ghost Che's face changed drastically in an instant, and even screamed out.

That calf actually wilted at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if it had been sucked dry of flesh and blood in an instant, it became withered, and even the feathers on the calf kept falling down.

Ghost Che gritted his teeth fiercely, raised his palm and slashed down at his calf, cutting off his calf!

After severing its calf, the ghost car staggered and kept retreating towards the rear.

This is to be broken when it is broken. If it does not break free from Xiaoji's hands, Ghost Che can fully predict its own result, that is, it will become a mummy.

After retreating a few meters, Ghost Che gritted his teeth, and suddenly there was a "poof" on his right leg, and a new right leg grew out.

Regeneration ability!

Qiao Ye narrowed his eyes, this ghost car is really extraordinary, it can regenerate in an instant.

However, the ability to regenerate is not immortal. Every regeneration consumes a lot of energy. Every regeneration can be regarded as a serious damage to the ghost car.

at the same time……

Xiao Ji walked forward, just raised her foot, and the ghost car jumped back with great vigilance.

There is a record in the heavens, the daughter of the sky, the place where no grass grows, and the world is severely drought!

The ghost car really didn't dare to get too close to Xiao Ji. Facing Xiao Ji in close combat, Xiao Ji was completely helpless. As long as she was touched by Xiao Ji, Xiao Ji would suck all the blood and moisture from her body.

Xiaoji didn't care, since she didn't let her get close, she just hit her directly!

Boom, boom!

Xiao Ji waved her hand casually, the ground trembled again, and countless stone pillars rose from the ground, crashing towards the ghost car.

The ghost car kept dodging until the surrounding area was densely packed with stone pillars. The ghost car's eyes turned cold, and then it roared angrily.

Lingyin attack!

Accompanied by the ear-piercing sound, countless cracks appeared in the surrounding stone pillars, and then began to shatter and collapse continuously.

The next moment, the ghost car slashed towards the void ahead.

Xiao Ji's gaze sank slightly, and she quickly dodged to the side.

And the moment Xiao Ji got out of the way, a crack in the void suddenly appeared, and immediately after that, the space was instantly divided into two, completely cut apart.

Looking at Xiao Ji who landed on the ground, Ghost Che said ferociously: "I can make many mistakes, but you only have one chance!"

The ghost car is terrifying, and its strength is very tyrannical, but the most terrifying thing is that the ghost car has the ability to use void cracks to attack.

As Ghost Che himself said, he can make countless mistakes, but Ghost Che's opponent, as long as he makes a single mistake, he will be lost forever.

Because, as long as one is touched by a crack in the void, no matter how strong one's strength or cultivation is, one's body will be cut off and killed on the spot.

The ghost car roared at Xiao Ji: "Come on, let's see who dies first!"

Boom, boom, boom!

With the sound of the ghost car, the surrounding ground continued to shatter and collapse, and there were pieces of flying sand and rocks everywhere.

But at this moment...

"You don't have countless chances, because this time is enough to kill you!"

Xiao Ji didn't speak, but a voice suddenly came from the sky.

Qiao Ye raised her head abruptly, it was Jiang Liuxue's voice!

The next moment, the surroundings suddenly flickered with light!

Ghost Che widened his eyes, then looked at Xiao Ji and said, "Surgical Formation?"

The place where Xiao Ji released the stone pillars before was not released randomly. Even though all the stone pillars had been broken, there were still remnants, and those remaining stone pillars were obviously arranged according to a certain law, forming a magic circle!

"Asura formation!"

A hole suddenly opened in the sky, and immediately after that, countless coffins fell from the sky and fell on different positions, completing the array!

Jiang Liuxue also fell from the sky, landed on a coffin, and quickly pinched out her fingerprints!


One of Ghost Che's heads burst open suddenly, and blood was everywhere!

The ghost car roared angrily: "Who are you?

Why Shura formation?

No, it's impossible! "

Jiang Liuxue sneered, but did not answer, but quickly changed the spells.


The surrounding art formations emitted more intense radiance, and then three of Ghost Che's heads exploded again, and a large cloud of blood mist floated in the air.

The ghost car roared angrily: "It's not that easy to kill me!"

The ghost car raised its hand, wanting to directly cut out the crack in the void and divide this space. As long as the space is divided, the magic array will also be divided.

Of course, if the divided array is not formed into an array, it will lose its effect!


The raised arm of the ghost car froze there.

Can't use it!

The ghost car had just attacked Xiao Ji with a void rift, and it was unable to open a second void rift in a short time.

Jiang Liuxue said with a smile: "Don't waste your energy, I only activated the array after I saw that you had used Void Slash. Right now you have no other means to escape, so go with peace of mind!"

As Jiang Liuxue spoke, she pushed her hands flat!

The brilliance of the magic circle reached its peak in an instant!


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