Chapter 1737 The End

"Do not!"

The ghost car screamed.

Then the ghost car's body exploded suddenly, turning into a large cloud of blood mist and bursting in all directions.

Ho, ho, ho!

Almost instantly, at the moment the ghost car died, the evil beast in front of the canyon rioted instantly, roared crazily, and then began to scurry wildly.

Jiang Liuxue looked back at Qiao Ye and shouted, "Go, get out of here first!"

Qiao Ye nodded, and jumped directly to Lin Jiao's side.

Qiao Ye said decisively: "Let's go."

Lin Jiao asked, "Where are you going?"

Qiao Ye said: "Wherever you want to go, just leave here!"

Without the suppression and command of the ghost car, those evil beasts will definitely go crazy, and if they stay, they may be swallowed up, and at this time, they will know the benefits of Lin Jiao.

Lin Jiao quickly activated his ability to wrap everyone inside, and the surrounding scenery quickly blurred and flowed quickly!

After about half a stick of incense, everything around him gradually became clear.

Qiao Ye looked around. It seemed that this place was on a cliff, and there were still large areas of collapse and fragmentation around it.

Qiao Ye looked at Lin Jiao and said, "Where is this place?"

"I do not know either."

Lin Jiao said: "Those evil beasts are rushing forward, so I will run to meet them. As long as I pass those evil beasts, I am sure it will be safe."

This idea...

Qiao Ye could only say that there was nothing wrong with him, so Lin Jiao was indeed an expert in the matter of running away.

At this time, Qiao Ye suddenly felt a weight on his back, and when he looked back, it was Xiaoji who had returned to her original size and threw herself on her back.

Qiao Ye smiled and hugged Xiao Ji down, "Miss me?"

Xiao Ji nodded.

Qiao Ye rubbed Xiao Ji's head and said, "I miss you too!"

Jiang Liuxue stepped forward and said, "There is something wrong with this place, someone trapped us here."

Qiao Ye said: "This is nonsense."

The real heaven has been destroyed, so this must not be the heaven.

Qiao Ye looked at Jiang Liuxue and said, "How does it feel to experience what I have experienced again?"

Jiang Liuxue snorted coldly and said, "The other party is provoking me, do you think I will regret seeing this?

Even if I do it all over again, I will still kill the gods and demons! "

Chen Ling shrugged and said, "The problem now is how to get out of here."

Jiang Liuxue said: "I don't have any clue yet."

Qiao Ye said, "I do have some clues."

Jiang Liuxue asked doubtfully, "Oh?"

Qiao Ye said, "What era was the Beast God killed in battle?"

Jiang Liuxue said: "It's the end of the destruction of God's Domain, but I don't know the details. I have no contact with the Beast God, and I didn't kill him. Judging from the situation just now, it should be a good thing that Ghost Che did."

Qiao Ye said: "It is indeed the end of God's Domain's disintegration. According to what you said, the last three God Kings found Xuan Tianzhi, but they gave up resistance, right?"

Jiang Liuxue said: "Yes."

Qiao Ye looked at Zhang Liwang and said, "I've found it."

Tension King nodded and said, "The news I heard is true."

Jiang Liuxue said: "And then?"

Qiao Ye said: "The three great god kings have been to the Haotian Division after getting Xuan Tianzhi, do you know?"

Jiang Liuxue was stunned for a moment and said, "I really don't know about this."

"We have to go to Haotian Division."

Qiao Ye said: "Firstly, we came here to find Jie Nai, right?"

Jiang Liuxue nodded.

Jiang Liuxue said: "It is very likely that the world will be nailed to the hands of the three great god kings. In this case, the final destination of the three great god kings will be Haotian Division, and the possibility of Jie Jie being nailed to Haotian Division is very high!"

Qiao Ye said: "Other than that, don't you think there is something wrong with Hao Tiansi?

Did the three great god kings give up resistance because of Xuan Tianzhi, or because of Hao Tiansi?

The most important thing is that I feel that someone is waiting for us in Hao Tian Division. "

Jiang Liuxue raised her eyebrows and said, "Huh?"

Qiao Ye said: "You once told me about the changes in the heavens. When I appeared, it was when the evil beasts had just invaded the heavens. When Lin Jiao appeared, it was when the gods and demons were defeated. King Zhang Li was when the gods were destroyed. Therefore, the extinction of gods and demons is coming to an end, shouldn't there be a result?"

Jiang Liuxue nodded and said, "So, either Haotiansi or Demon Sword?"

Qiao Ye said: "It's impossible for the Demon Sword, because the remaining Demon Lords were not killed by evil beasts, but died by casting the Demon Sword. Strictly speaking, before the Demon Sword was cast, the Demon Realm had already come to an end." , They tried desperately to cast a demon sword but failed, the era of gods and demons has been completely destroyed by the evil beast at this moment."

"Then there is only Hao Tiansi."

Jiang Liuxue said: "Let's go to Haotian Division!"

Everyone looked at Lin Jiao.

Lin Jiao said, "Look at what I'm doing?

I can help with the journey, but I don't know where the Haotian Division you are talking about is. "

Qiao Ye said: "Go to Fenglan, the Ninth City of the Sky, there is a sea of ​​trees!"

Qiao Ye has been to Haotian Division, although it only went to the door, but it is enough, as long as you know where.

And since Qiao Ye knows the way, Lin Jue naturally doesn't talk nonsense, his task is to lead everyone on the way.

It is indeed convenient to have Lin Jiao's ability. After crossing the space continuously, Qiao Ye and the others quickly arrived at Wind and Mist City, and then entered the sea of ​​trees!

After re-entering the sea of ​​trees, Qiao Ye had a strange feeling.

Everything is like a circle.

From the beginning to the end, and finally to the end.

It seems that there is a thread of fate, which is always pulling.

what is the reason?

Because I appeared in the sea of ​​trees and Haotian Division, but ended up wandering around, and finally came back here to find the truth?


Everything started with the fall of the red demon star and the destruction of the gods and demons of the heavens. In the end, all the answers were found after the destruction of the gods and demons of the heavens, after the end of an era?

Qiao Ye couldn't tell why, everything made him feel a little mysterious, even a little uneasy.


At this time, King Zhang Li shouted from the front: "Is there Hao Tiansi?"

In the sea of ​​trees in front, a stone palace has gradually appeared in outline, looming in front of it.

"That's Hao Tiansi."

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Maybe there will be a fight, you two remember to run far away!"

In Qiao Ye's impression, the people in Haotian Division were not very friendly, and they got into a fight for no reason as soon as he arrived.

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye took the lead and walked to the front, walked through the sea of ​​trees, and came to Haotiansi.


Qiao Ye stopped involuntarily.

In front of Hao Tiansi, there was a stone table that had never been seen before. On the stone table was a chessboard and a wine gourd. A man in white was sitting there, with his back to them, holding the black and white twins alone. , I play chess with myself there.


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