Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1746 Please Rest Here

Chapter 1746 please rest in peace

The world, Nine Domains!

The battle of the Red Clay Wilds finally began.

Humans need to kill the gu carving clones that have appeared before the evil beasts find them, so as to ensure that the last gu carving clones will continue to be sealed.

Therefore, we must race against time.

The Evil Beast also lacks time, one third of the Gu carving clones are not strong enough, so the remaining third must be found.

So, the war finally broke out.

With the No. 1 garrison as the target, the war lasted for a full nine days. Humans finally broke through the gates of the city, but all the masters showed up, but they were not the opponents of the Gu carvings.

The twenty-eight stars who defended the boundary and the sixteen generals who defended the boundary suffered heavy casualties.

King Ruyang was seriously injured!

Beast god Ling Zhouyu lost two imperial beasts!

The three major fleets in the airspace left more than two hundred empty ships in front of Gu Diao.

Grandma Taishang lost her tail.

At the last moment, Qiao Ye appeared in the red soil wilderness to suppress and kill the Gu Eagle clone!

In this battle, Qiao Ye became famous!

Although the Evil Beast is still there, Gu Eagle's clone has been chopped off again, leaving one-third of it still in the seal.

An evil beast without a command is not that scary.

The Allied Forces of the Nine Regions immediately organized a counter-offensive to disperse the Evil Beasts so that the Evil Beasts could not approach the underground palace. They also set up heavy defenses and formations to ensure that the Gu Eagle's last clone would not break through the seal.

As for other evil beasts, they can be killed slowly.

Although there are many evil beasts, but...

One year, two years, five years, ten years...

The evil beasts entrenched in the red soil wilderness will always be killed.

This battle, after all, was won by humans.

Qiao Ye should enjoy the glory as the person who slays the Gu carvings, but...

Qiao Ye is missing!

No one knew where Qiao Ye had gone until three months later, a deserted city in the north was populated.


This is an isolated city that has long been abandoned.

The city is not big, it can even be said to be very small, with the characteristics of the north, a small earthen city.

There are no more than a hundred earthen houses before and after, but they have long been abandoned, and most of the houses have been destroyed.

The reason for being abandoned is...

This earthen city was built just outside the Dragon Cave!

In the small earthen house, Xiao Ji sat at the table, no longer her appearance as a child, but her real appearance. After all, this place is deserted, and she is not afraid of being seen.

What's more, anyone who can recognize the appearance of the daughter of the sky will be damned dead!

Qiao Ye carefully combed Xiao Ji's hair, then inserted a wooden hairpin, and picked up the bronze mirror on the table.

Qiao Ye said, "Are you satisfied?"

Xiao Ji smiled and nodded.

Qiao Ye smiled and kissed Xiaoji's face, then went out of the earthen house and looked into the distance.

The north is always full of yellow sand, but even so, a huge cliff can be vaguely seen from the yellow sand.

The cliff winds up, like a huge long dragon, lying in the desert.

And under that cliff is the Dragon Cave!

The two clones of Gu Diao are dead, and only the last one is left, which is also under the control of the boundary guards, so there is nothing to fear. Even if one day, that clone reappears in the world, Qiao Ye doesn't think it matters. That's it.

Qiao Ye can kill.

Xiaoji can too.

The only danger in this world right now is that dragon cave.

There is the last evil beast-ghost car!


Suddenly, a voice sounded, and Qiao Ye looked back, but it was Qin Jianchuan, Jin Shengyi and Lin Ziyi who came together.

Qin Jianchuan held up the jug and shouted: "Qiao Ye, do you want a drink?"

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "Drink!"

The wine is excellent, not because of how old it is, but because it comes from Linglong Tower, and it has a familiar taste from the depths of memory.

Jin Shengyi said: "Are you really not going back?"

"The north needs someone to guard it!"

Qiao Ye drank, looked into the distance and said, "I want to keep an eye on the Dragon Cave!"

Lin Ziyi said: "Are you confident?"

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "What do you mean?"

Qin Jianchuan said: "Speaking of Dragon Cave, what else can there be?

Of course it was the last Evil Beast Ghost Car! "

"Don't worry, the world will be peaceful. The ghost car will not bring any danger. As long as he leaves the Dragon Cave, I will kill him."

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "I'm in the north, at the entrance of the Dragon Cave, and what I'm waiting for is not a ghost car."

The three asked in confusion: "Then what are you waiting for?"

Qiao Ye opened her mouth, hesitated to speak, then shook her head and said, "Stop talking about this, please send me wine and food on a regular basis."

Qin Jianchuan said: "Isn't it all about trivial things?"

Lin Ziyi said: "Call Xiaoji out for a drink together, there is no need to hide anything in front of us."

Qiao Ye smiled and nodded, and asked Xiao Ji to come out from the inner room. Soon, Polaris brought out a few small dishes from the kitchen and put them on the table.

Qiao Ye raised his glass with a smile and said, "Cheers!"





After drinking for three rounds, everyone fell into a deep sleep.

Qiao Ye stood at the door, looking up at the night sky.

Xiao Ji didn't know when she would arrive, she quietly nestled beside Qiao Ye.

"What are you waiting for?"

Qiao Ye looked at the night sky and murmured, "I'm waiting for an opportunity!"

"Waiting to be able to see that starry sky again."

"A new era awaits."

"Waiting to see if the times can go to glory."

"Waiting for fate to come."

"Waiting for the day when I can fight against fate."

Night breeze, slightly cool!

Qiao Ye's wait was not too long. In the sixth year of settling in the Northland, something strange finally appeared in the Dragon Cave that had always been peaceful.

Because, the ghost car is finally here.

Qiao Ye, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, opened his eyes, looked at Xiao Ji with a smile and said, "The day has finally come."

Xiao Ji nodded.

The next moment, Qiao Ye and Xiao Ji stepped out at the same time, and their figures disappeared without a trace. When they reappeared, they were already in front of the Dragon Cave.

"My uncle is finally out!"

The ghost car looked up at the night sky and roared.

But also at this moment...

A silver light fell from the sky, and in an instant, the dark night turned into day at this moment.

The roar of the ghost car stopped abruptly, when the cold light enveloped the body of the ghost car...


Before Ghost Che could understand what was going on, one of his own heads flew up, and then fell to the ground.

Blood spattered continuously, spreading all over the ground.

The ghost car howled and roared in pain, and kept retreating.

"Who, who is there!"

Amidst the roar of the ghost car, Qiao Ye and Xiao Ji stepped forward from the yellow sand.

Qiao Ye raised his hand, and countless black smoke condensed from all directions, and finally entered Qiao Ye's palm, turning into the black halberd.

Xiao Ji raised her hand forward, and immediately the ground around the ghost car continued to tremble.

Qiao Ye said: "There is no place for you in the world, so please rest here!"


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