Chapter 1747

Ghost Che let out a contemptuous laugh and said, "It's up to you?"

The ghost car shook its body, and the space around it suddenly trembled.

Broken domain!

In the next moment, a crack in the void suddenly appeared, and then the space was torn apart.


Before the crack in the void appeared, Qiao Ye and Xiao Ji had already separated in advance.

It is still very beneficial to have confronted the ghost car in Ye Xuan's reincarnation. Qiao Ye knows exactly what the ghost car has.

So, Qiao Ye knew what this guy wanted to do when the ghost car pouted his ass.

The wings on the back of the ghost car spread out, and it was about to take off into the sky.

But at this moment...

Xiao Ji suddenly stretched out her hand and shook it towards the void in front of her.

The ground suddenly shattered, turned into mud and rose up, directly entangled the body of the ghost car, and dragged the ghost car that wanted to spread its wings to fly from the air abruptly.

"This trick..." Ghost Che looked surprised, looked at Xiao Ji and said, "Are you the daughter of heaven?

You are Ji Ba! "

Xiao Ji ignored the ghost car, but raised her palm and held it in the void again, and then the surrounding ground continued to shatter, and a large piece of rock flew up, smashing towards the ghost car!

The smashing of those stones was the first layer of attack, and the second layer of attack was that after the stones hit the ghost car's body, they stuck firmly to the ghost car's body, restraining the ghost car like this.


Ghost Che continued to struggle, then looked at Xiao Ji and said, "Have you forgotten the original oath?

Have you forgotten how much you hate your power?

Have you forgotten that you want to destroy the world? "

Xiao Ji said indifferently: "That was before, now I just plan to send you away."

While talking, Xiaoji clasped her hands together!

Puff puff!

As the stones stuck to the ghost car continued to squeeze, a large amount of blood splashed from the ghost car's body, and crazily scattered towards the surroundings.

The ghost car's head kept shaking, struggling, and making strange noises!

Click, click!

The stone that clamped the body of the ghost car began to shatter under the struggle of the ghost car, and cracks continued to appear.

But also at this time...

A cloud of black smoke passed by, and Qiao Ye suddenly appeared above the ghost car.

"Punch the same!"

Qiao Ye stuffed a Heart Concentrating Cocoon Breaking Pill into her mouth, and at the same time raised her fist and slammed it down.

Breaking the sky and breaking the earth, the punch is the same: the whole body is penetrated with one punch, the supremely powerful person can open up the world, shatter the void, and cross the realm. , Hence the name: Fist out of no two.

Click it, click it!

As Qiao Ye clenched his fists, his knuckles crackled.

The surrounding black smoke flew in quickly, quickly encircling Qiao Ye's arm.

In the next moment, Qiao Ye punched hard in the direction of the broken blood.

With that punch, the sky and the earth suddenly changed!

The sky was clear and clear, but thunder suddenly appeared, and streaks of blue lightning flashed across the sky like long dragons.

The ground trembled, and huge boulders kept rolling up one after another.

The black smoke from Qiao Ye's body shot up into the sky, turning into a huge smoke column, and then spreading out in the air, condensing, and transforming into a huge fist, which blasted down towards the bottom Come.

Seeing the movement around, Ghost Che suddenly raised his head.

The moment he saw Xiao Ji, Ghost Che's eyes naturally fell on Xiao Ji. After all, this was once a god and became one of the six evil beasts. There is no doubt about its strength.

Because of this, Ghost Che ignored Qiao Ye's existence, and now, he will also bear a huge price for this neglect!


The huge smoke fist fell from the air and hit one of the ghost car's head, followed by a loud bang, the moment the head was hit by the smoke fist, it was crushed and exploded!

The mournful scream of the ghost car suddenly sounded, and as the head exploded, a large amount of bright red blood scattered around.

The ghost car is also very angry at this moment. He was beheaded just after he got out of trouble, and now he was blown to pieces with a sudden blow. How could he not be angry?

The ghost car looked at Qiao Ye who fell from the sky and said, "Who are you!"

Qiao Ye looked at the ghost lane: "The person who sent you away!"

Qiao Ye looked cold. Sure enough, after being suppressed for a long time, the strength of ghost cars has obviously been greatly weakened.

In Ye Xuan's Dao of Reincarnation back then, the ghost car was not a little bit stronger than it is now.

Even with the perfect punch, even Qiao Ye's best blow, he still couldn't break Ghost Che's head!

The ghost car at that time was too strong!

However, that was all in the past.

The ghost car in front of me is not at its peak, breaking through the suppression is also a huge consumption, the most important thing is...

Qiao Ye has become stronger!

Be strong!

Ye Xuan didn't just take Qiao Ye to see the wider world.

That is a kind of help, that is a kind of perception.

People, only when they know how small they are, will they work harder to pursue strength, and only when they know how small they are, can they become strong.

Even if Qiao Ye just took a look at the starry sky, he saw a new world.

This kind of strengthening is not a change in strength, but a state!

Body, mind, and spirit have all stepped into a more powerful state!

But this was not enough for Qiao Ye!

Regarding the world that Ye Xuan showed to him...

Qiao Ye not only wants to watch, but also wants to step into it!

Qiao Ye narrowed his eyes!

Ye Xuan said, human affairs, human affairs!

If the affairs of the world are out of order, Qiao Ye is not qualified to step out of the world, but if he wants to settle the affairs of the world...

Ghost car, you must die!

Only when the ghost car is dead can this world be clean!

If Qiao Ye wants to step into the new world, he must kill the ghost car first!


Qiao Ye took a deep breath, feeling the warmth coming from his dantian, the Concentrating Heart Breaking Cocoon Pill had already taken effect, and he had fully recovered from the exhaustion of punching out.

After exhaling the turbid air, Qiao Ye squeezed his fist fiercely and said, "Enchanted!"

Becoming a demon: The world does not allow me, so I fall into a demon, enter the flesh with the power of gods and demons, shape the demon body within a certain period of time, and fight in the incarnation of gods and demons.

Almost instantly, a strong killing intent erupted from Qiao Ye's body.

Indifferent, cold.

Depressed, depressing.

Amidst the endless killing intent, Qiao Ye bent her whole body and beat her arms down, as if she had fallen into dead silence.

However, in Qiao Ye's throat, there was a sound like the whimpering of a wild animal, and it was also like a violent gasp. The thick black smoke wrapped Qiao Ye's body, making Qiao Ye look a little strange.

Accompanied by the black smoke, a thin black line slowly appeared from Qiao Ye's chest. The black line kept moving, climbing up bit by bit, spreading along Qiao Ye's body, and came to Qiao Ye's chest. Ye's neck, and then to Qiao Ye's cheeks, forming obscure runes.

Qiao Ye's hanging arms gradually turned into a pitch-black color, and at the same time shone with a dim light. Soon, fine, snake-like scales appeared on Qiao Ye's arms, spreading all over the arms. .


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