Chapter 1748 Weakened

The next moment, Qiao Ye looked up at the ghost car, and his pupils turned into golden vertical pupils, and the white of his eyes turned into a bright red color, which looked extremely strange.


Qiao Ye jumped forward fiercely!

The black smoke behind him moved with him, ran wildly, and turned into a black line, approaching the ghost car.

The ghost car roared loudly!

The feeling of aura appeared, very familiar, and then...


Qiao Ye didn't intend to stop at all, and slammed straight into it, directly hitting the barrier built by the ghost car.

There was a violent roar, and the surrounding ground continued to shatter, spreading large cracks.

The violent air wave launched an impact in all directions, as terrifying as a typhoon passing through, setting off pieces of yellow sand.

And with Qiao Ye's impact, a nearly transparent barrier appeared in the air, and one could see the central position, which was deeply sunken, like a huge piece of cloth, pulled back from the central point forcefully.



There was another loud noise, and Qiao Ye directly smashed through the barrier abruptly.

Qiao Ye came to the ghost car, swept the black halberd in his hand, and a black halberd light appeared, passing over one of the ghost car's heads, and then a stream of blood sprayed out, spreading all over the ground.

The ghost car screamed in pain, and even had lingering fears in his heart. At that moment, he lowered his body, which prevented the halberd light from hitting directly. If he was even a beat slower, he might lose another head.

"A mere human..." Ghost Che looked at Qiao Ye and gritted his teeth: "It is impossible for a mere human to have such abilities!"

Boom, boom, boom!

Accompanied by the roar of the ghost car, the sound of explosions appeared continuously, and the surrounding ground was continuously shattered, large areas of the ground were broken, and countless gravels were turned up.

Although the ghost car's physical body is also very powerful, it is actually a type that tends to attack with mental abilities.

And the current attack comes from another usage of the Vientiane, using the invisible force formed by the Vientiane to directly crush the space, and everything can be shattered.

However, Ghost Che obviously forgot about Xiao Ji's existence, the crushed ground and flying sand are not necessarily his help, but Xiao Ji's!

Looking at the flying sand and stones, Xiao Ji directly raised her hand and squeezed them. The sand and stones seemed to be pinched, and suddenly hovered there.

Ghost Che was startled, he thought of Xiao Ji at this moment.

Unfortunately, it's too late!

"Earth Star Cage!"

Those sands and stones crazily smashed towards the ghost car, and as before, they stuck tightly to the ghost car's body again, restraining the ghost car continuously, so that the ghost car could not move.

The ghost car roared immediately, twisting and struggling.

But Xiaoji also didn't intend to stop.

"Piercing Hell!"

Boom, boom, boom!

The ground on the ghost car body trembled continuously, and then one by one the thorns continued to rise from the ground, piercing into the ghost car's body, intersecting vertically and horizontally, while causing damage to the ghost car, it also killed the ghost car. The body is locked firmly.

At the same time, Chen Ling jumped up and slashed the black halberd in his hand forward.

With a pop, the sound of flesh and blood being torn apart appeared, and then a head flew up again.

The third head of Ghost Che was chopped off by Qiao Ye again.

The ghost car roared, this time it was not only anger, but also deep fear.

Losing heads will also weaken the ghost car's strength. For every missing head, the ghost car's strength will be weaker. Therefore, as the number of ghost cars' heads decreases, the possibility of ghost cars being killed Naturally, it is getting bigger and bigger!


A hysterical voice sounded, and the ghost car roared.

In the next moment, the surrounding space shook violently, and a crack in the void suddenly burst open.

With the appearance of void cracks, the gravel wrapped around the ghost car body was crushed by the void cracks, and the ghost car finally escaped by using the broken space.


Qiao Ye raised the corners of his mouth!

This is a wrong choice!

The ghost car has a lot of tricks, but the most powerful one is undoubtedly the void crack to cut off the space!

This is almost invincible, and it can even be said to be a stupid move, because the void crack is impossible to defend, as long as you hold this move in your hands, as long as the ghost car does not die, there will always be a chance to come back and kill the enemy Chance.

It's a pity that Ghost Che used this trick to save himself.

To know……

The Void Fissure can't be summoned whenever you want, it can be used at any time!

Every time the ghost car uses the void crack, there needs to be a certain time interval before the next time!

At the beginning, in Ye Xuan's reincarnation, Jiang Liuxue didn't attack immediately, but waited for the ghost car to use the void crack to appear and kill him!

Therefore, in a short period of time, it is impossible for the ghost car to use the void crack, which means that Qiao Ye has almost no scruples during this period of time.

That being the case...

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!

Qiao Ye raised the black halberd and slammed it hard towards the ground!

Nether Demon Realm: Introduce the power of heavenly demons from the void, and turn an area into a part of Nether Demon Realm. Within the scope of Nether Demon Realm, your own body and spirit will be improved at the same time. Using any treasure will temporarily increase the rank of one rank. There is no limit to the number of targets, both the body and the spirit are reduced at the same time, and the level of any treasure is temporarily reduced by one level, and within the coverage of the Netherworld, the position of the smoke can be used to shatter the void and move arbitrarily.

When the halberd fell, it felt like the sky was falling apart, the ground around was trembling, the mountains and rocks were collapsing, and the sand was flying!

At the same time, a large cloud of black smoke appeared around Qiao Ye, churning continuously, like sea waves, rushing towards the surroundings crazily...

Boom, boom!

The black smoke passed by, and the ground seemed to be cut in half, broken piece by piece.

In an instant, while the ground trembled, bone mountains continued to rise one after another. On each bone mountain, there was a pitch-black iron chain tied to it, and skeleton heads hung one by one on the iron chain.

The magic domain has been completed!

Qiao Ye took a step forward, using the Nether Demon Realm to directly shatter the void and move across a distance of several hundred meters to the sky.


With a low growl, Qiao Ye slashed forward with a halberd!

Black smoke lingered between the halberds, turning into a huge black blade, and slashed forward.

The ghost car roared, the moment the Nether Demon Realm took shape, the ghost car felt the weakening of its physical and mental strength!

The horror of Netherworld is also here.

The Netherworld's enhancement of Qiao Ye and the weakening of the enemy's target are not fixed, because this increase is based on a fixed ratio, not a fixed value!


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