Chapter 1749

For example, the Netherworld's enhancement to Qiao Ye is a 30% enhancement, so the stronger Qiao Ye is, the greater the 30% enhancement.

In the same way, if the strength of the enemy target is stronger, the 30% reduction will be greater.

The ghost car is very strong, but because it is so strong, the ghost car can feel this weakening more clearly!

Ghost Che felt that he had entered an extremely dangerous situation and wanted to escape from the attack, but...

Boom, boom, boom!

Xiao Ji shot again, and stone pillars rose up one by one, interlaced and overlapped around the ghost car, forming a circle of stone prisons, making it impossible for the ghost car to escape easily.

And Qiao Ye's black smoke giant blade also arrived at this moment!

Gritting his teeth, Ghost Che had no choice but to build the barrier again.


The moment the huge black blade slashed down and landed on the barrier, there was a huge roar.

The next moment, a crack appeared on the barrier of the ghost car.

However, Ghost Che was somewhat relieved. Although the barrier was broken, Qiao Ye's attack was at least blocked.

But also at this moment...

Qiao Ye looked at the ghost car, and suddenly, two golden lights burst out from those vertical pupils after being enchanted, and they moved towards the ghost car.

This attack was so sudden that Ghost Che didn't even have a chance to react, the golden light flashed across his neck, and another head of Ghost Che was chopped off.

After one blow, Qiao Ye roared.

The roar sounded like a dragon's cry, and immediately after, Qiao Ye rammed in the direction of the ghost car.

Circles of golden light appeared around Qiao Ye's body, and as Qiao Ye ran forward, the golden light became more and more intense, and finally turned into a piece of golden light.


The sound of the dragon chant reappeared, and then the golden light wrapped around Qiao Ye's body continuously condensed and transformed into a dragon shape.

A golden dragon came from the west, slammed into the ghost car fiercely, and sent the ghost car flying.

Ghost Che's body was tossing and turning in the air, and after finally stabilizing his body, the rest of his head looked at Qiao Ye.

While roaring, the ghost car slammed its claws on the ground.

A piece of golden ripples pushed away towards the surroundings, forming a circle of golden radiance, rippling unceasingly, turning into golden ripples, covering all directions.

The golden ripples were unparalleled in sharpness, and the surrounding rocks burst into pieces one after another, showing traces of slashing one after another.

Qiao Ye has also seen this move before, jumping up directly, passing over the golden ripples, can avoid the slash, and then use the aura to run in the air.

Seeing that the ghost car couldn't make a hit, the remaining head kept shaking, making piercing screams.

Lingyin attack!

Qiao Ye has also experienced this trick before.

Most of the time, spiritual attacks such as spirit sound attacks would not work on Qiao Ye, but Ghost Car was one of the few that could use spirit sound attacks to work on Qiao Ye.

However, the effect is limited.

Qiao Ye just stood there looking at the ghost car. Although the spirit sound attack was effective, it was completely tolerable. However, when the ghost car used the spirit sound attack, it could not use other attacks.

The end result is to consume each other. However, compared to the ghost car, Qiao Ye obviously takes advantage.

The damage caused by the spirit attack to Qiao Ye was far less than that consumed by Ghost Car's own actual attack!

After a stalemate for a while, the ghost car finally had no choice but to give up and stop its screaming!

And the moment the ghost car stopped...


Xiao Ji took the opportunity to attack without hesitation.

With a bang, a piece of the ground under the ghost car's body exploded instantly, and the whole ground sank downward, forming a big hole that swallowed the ghost car.

The ghost car was startled, and quickly flapped its wings and flew up, and the moment it came out of the hole, Qiao Ye suddenly killed him.


With a wave of the black halberd in his hand, a black light flashed, and the ghost car's head flew up again, churning in the air.

Qiao Ye fell to the ground with the black halberd on his back, looked at the ghost car and said coldly: "It's the fifth head, you should probably die."

The ghost car finally panicked.

If it was in its heyday, the ghost car would have been on par with Xiao Ji, but now that it has been suppressed and sealed for so many years, the ghost car can't even beat Xiao Ji, let alone Qiao Ye.

"I'll go back."

The ghost car shouted loudly: "I will suppress myself, re-enter the magic circle, and never leave the Dragon Cave in my lifetime!"


Qiao Ye said: "Killing you can solve everything, why should I agree to this request?"

The map of the God of War, a blow from the universe!

Heaven and earth in the palm, heaven and earth in one blow: Heaven and earth are in the palm, the sun, moon and stars are in the hands, everything in the universe is one blow, destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

A large piece of light quickly emerged from Qiao Ye's palm.

The left hand is cold, the right hand is hot!

With Qiao Ye's palms together, the sun and the moon appeared in the palms, and that palm turned into a small world.

With Qiao Ye's palm, the sky was instantly filled with wind and clouds.

The color of the surrounding world changed, and suddenly dark clouds appeared.

Suddenly, there was a strong wind blowing around!

The ghost car wanted to run away, but at this moment, Xiao Ji suddenly half-bent and pressed her hands to the ground.

The ground under the ghost car turned into muddy mud in an instant, causing the ghost car's body to continuously sink downwards, and firmly bound the ghost car so that it could not escape.

At the same time, Qiao Ye raised his palms in the air.

A round of sun rises into the sky, illuminating all directions!

A round of the moon appeared, and the moonlight was bright!

The sun and the moon are in the sky!

The power of one palm changes the color of the world!

Qiao Ye raised his palm and lowered it towards the front cover, and then the brilliance of the sun and the moon bloomed, entangled and entwined in the air, and then turned into a beam of sun and moonlight, smashing down towards the ghost car.


The ghost car screamed.

The heads one by one burst open continuously, large swathes of blood scattered, and then the screams continued to weaken.




The huge body of the ghost car slammed down on the ground with a loud noise, smashing the ground to pieces, and soon, blood continued to flow from the bottom of the ghost car.

Qiao Ye breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the ghost car's body, suddenly felt a little empty.

The long-standing goal, the long-standing enemy, died completely, as if all the previous efforts had disappeared, and the only thing left was emptiness.

The simple thing is that Qiao Ye has found a new thing that he can hope for.

Qiao Ye wanted to take a look at the starry sky again, or even take a walk in that starry sky.

And now, it's time!

"Let's go, it's time to go back."

Qiao Ye turned around, stretched out her hand towards Xiao Ji, and said with a smile, "This matter is over."


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