Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1754 useful information

Chapter 1754 Useful Information

Qiao Ye felt the strangeness in the eyes of these people. The strangeness was hard to describe, as if she had seen something rare and felt that she should not have seen it at all.

Beyond that, there was obvious contempt mixed in.

Then Qiao Ye heard a few people talking.

The other party didn't mean to be provocative on purpose, but he didn't deliberately lower his voice, so Qiao Ye could hear clearly and understood that the other party seemed to be despising his human identity and Canglanxing.

Qiao Ye couldn't help frowning.

This attitude of normal conversation is even more humiliating than direct provocation.

Xiao Ji wanted to get up, but Qiao Ye grabbed her wrist and pressed her down.

Angry is definitely angry, too defiant.

Qiao Ye is not a character who takes a step back.

However, now is not the time to do it!

Through the other party's conversation, Qiao Ye has almost heard it.

To sum it up, there is only one point: Canglan Star is too weak!

The people around include people from other six major stars, as well as natives born in the small world of the Primordial Void. As for the Canglan Star, no one has been able to cross the void and walk in the Primordial Void for a long time.

That being the case, it naturally means that the humans on Canglan Star are too weak.

Besides this contempt for the weak, Qiao Ye could also feel that the people around him were very interested in him.

Interested for two reasons.

The first point is naturally because there have been no humans from the Canglan Star in the primordial void for a long time, and the rarity will naturally arouse the curiosity of others and make people feel interesting.

The second point is the Canglan Star itself. In the eyes of many people, the Canglan Star is now a rather strange place. In the eyes of outsiders, human beings have fallen. After all, there are no human beings who can cross the void. What could it be?

Human beings can only be trapped in the blue star, imprisoned in one place!

However, the strange thing is that those strong people who can cross the void have never been to the blue star, but according to the rumors, everyone who enters the blue star will disappear without a trace. disappeared.

Qiao Ye listened to everything, but he knew the reason for the second point.

Have gone and never returned?

What else could be the reason, of course they are all dead!

Entering the Canglan Star from the Primordial Void does not directly enter the Nine Realms, but first enters the Second Realm of Gods and Demons in the Celestial Realm. That place is now full of evil beasts and has been completely destroyed.

The realm of free and easy travel is very strong, but, as the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat with four hands, even if a master of the realm of free and unfettered travel is swallowed by a herd of evil beasts, it will be dead.

Don't forget, before the Three Realms and Nine Realms were shattered, King Shura, the Six Demon Venerables, and the Twelve God Kings all had masters of the Unfettered Wandering Realm, but they didn't die under the attack of the evil beast.

Even, in Ye Xuan's mouth, those evil beasts were once a disaster in this world, which represented a higher level of cultivation. In fact, there is no good way to get rid of the evil beasts.

So, everyone who entered Canglan Star died, what's so strange?

And this is why Qiao Ye endured silently!

Not because of weakness, but because Qiao Ye needs information!

In fact, the ordinary free and easy tour is not the opponent of Qiao Ye and Xiao Ji.

Qiao Ye's cultivation level is just not up to the level of the Happy Tour, but being enchanted, the Nether Demon Realm, the boiling demon energy, and the supreme killing realm can all improve Qiao Ye's combat power. It can also be fought, otherwise how can we kill the ghost car?

As for Xiaoji, Qiao Ye doesn't know how advanced Xiaoji's cultivation is, but surely she has the cultivation of Xiaoyaoyou? After all, at her peak, Xiaoji swept across the two domains of gods and demons, confronting the demon king and the king of gods He didn't lose the wind, and even cut several of them.

However, since the surroundings are talking about Canglanxing out of curiosity about themselves, it is naturally a good opportunity to obtain information, so you might as well listen.

"Having said that, I heard from our ancestors that there seemed to be a powerful one from Canglan Star who once crossed the Death Star domain."

"How is it possible, whoever goes to that place dies."

"Even if it's true, it's from the past. How long has it been since you saw someone from Canglanxing?"

"Damn it, I've never heard of it."

"Then it's over!"


Qiao Ye listened silently, discarding useless information and leaving useful information.

Useful information 1: This is the periphery of Duolu Jietian, and these people are all here to observe the Throne Sacrifice.

As for what the Throne Sacrifice is, Ye Xuan didn't elaborate on it before, but now Qiao Ye knows.

Duanliu Jietian has nine arenas, and each arena has a master. Whoever can challenge successfully can become the master. At the same time, the challenge needs to be fought from the bottom to the top, that is to say, to become the master of the first arena Master, you need to challenge all the masters and win the victory.

As for the Throne Sacrifice, once every ten years, it is a battle between the nine masters. Whoever wins the Throne Arena will get a chance to be baptized by the Throne Arena and receive the gift of the Throne Arena. As for the gift, it is hard to say.

Judging from the previous Throne Sacrifice, there are those who directly benefit from enlightenment to increase their cultivation, some who help to strengthen the physical body, and some who directly give power books, or weapons and treasures.

To sum it up in one sentence, everything is good.

Therefore, every year during the Throne Festival, Duanliu Jietian will become extremely lively, and everyone gathers here to fight for the ring, because only the ring master who gets a ring can participate in the Throne Festival.

Well, Qiao Ye is more self-aware about this matter, he must not join in the fun, and it is the result of being beaten. After all, the bottom line is the realm of a free and easy tour, and if you want to become the leader, this level must not be enough. The Lord is all self-cultivation.

This is useful information 2: Duoling Jietian can only enter Dazizai, or those whose cultivation base is lower than Dazizai can enter. More powerful people are not allowed to enter, because there are restrictions in Duoluijietian.

However, although it is to watch the excitement, it is also beneficial to watch the excitement. It is said that at the end of the Throne Festival, there will be a baptism, and bathing and baptism can also get some benefits.

This is another reason why so many people come to Duanliu Jietian. Meat is no longer available, but it is still possible to have some soup along the way. At the same time, since we are here, let’s take a walk in Duanliu Jietian by the way , Maybe you can get some treasures easily.

The third useful information: This has nothing to do with Duoling Jietian, but the news about the Canglan Star that these people around are talking about. The time of these news is almost all before the shattering of the Three Realms and Nine Domains.

Being able to cross the Void of Primordial Mist, the lifespan will be longer, let alone a few hundred years, and different races may have a longer lifespan. Taking a step back, most of these people around are young. In terms of such a lifespan, even if they are not familiar with Canglan Star, their parents should still know about it.


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