Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1755 I usually just grab it

Chapter 1755 I usually use grabbing directly

rumors, history...

This kind of thing must be unreliable as it spreads for a long time, but if it's just every other generation, the authenticity of this kind of news is very high.

Qiao Ye got three pieces of news from it.

The first one is that the ancestors of Canglan Star used to be rich. In the ancient times before the last eternal night, when a hundred flowers bloomed and dragons and tigers contended, human beings could be said to be dominant existences. At that time, almost all of them were extremely powerful Humanity.

Therefore, the people around looked at Qiao Ye only with contempt, not just because they thought Qiao Ye was weak.

After all, the ancestors were bullied before, but now human beings have become such a field, why not gloat.

However, this message is very useful if it is useful, and it is really useless if it is useless. After all, when did it happen?

Let alone the time when the Three Realms and Nine Realms were broken, counting up from the period when the Three Realms and Nine Realms were broken, I'm afraid I don't know how long it will take.

The second piece of useful news is the era when the Three Realms and Nine Domains were broken. Although there were very few people at that time, there were indeed some humans who crossed the void.

Yes, King Shura is not the only human being who left Canglan Star.

This somewhat surprised Qiao Ye. In Qiao Ye's mind, King Shura should be the only one at that time, and there were other people as powerful as King Shura.

But thinking about it again, Qiao Ye felt that it made sense.

There is no doubt about King Shura's strength, but if the standard for crossing the Primordial Void is the realm of Happy Travels, then King Shura was indeed not the only one who was able to cross the Primordial Void at that time.

Don't the six Great Demon Lords all have that kind of strength? There are also a few of the twelve god kings, but they have never thought about leaving the Canglan Star, and maybe they don't even know that they can leave the Canglan Star.

That being the case, it is not known that some unknown masters at that time had done the same thing. Powerful hermits existed in any era.

The third piece of news was the most important. Qiao Ye heard the word Death Star Domain from some people.

What is the Death Star realm?

Qiao Ye didn't know, but judging from the tone of the other party, it should be a place to listen to, at least it is not a place where everyone can go easily, and there have been human beings who have crossed the Death Star field, and from their conversations Judging the time, it should be just before the Three Realms and Nine Domains are broken.

That being the case, could that person be King Shura?

Could the matter that Ye Xuan wants to investigate by himself be related to this Death Star domain?

Qiao Ye couldn't help thinking.

At this time, Xiao Er came out to call for someone, but there was an empty seat.

The two men got up and planned to enter the restaurant. When they walked past Qiao Ye, they smiled contemptuously, looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Human, this place is not for you, are you worthy of watching the Throne Festival?

In my opinion, for a soil turtle from the countryside like you, whether you have Xingshi to eat here is a problem, so hurry up and get out! "

After the two men finished speaking, they laughed and walked into the Yunbian Restaurant.

Qiao Ye did not refute or fight back, but was stunned.

What is a star stone?

Qiao Ye couldn't help looking into the restaurant, and then saw a group of guests get up and leave, and a woman took out a few small stones with shimmering surface from the money bag in her hand, and put them on the table.

Xiao Er immediately smiled and took the stone away, and sent them away respectfully.


Qiao Ye suddenly realized that he seemed to have encountered a rather embarrassing thing.

In the Canglan Star Nine Regions, eating a meal, staying in a shop, listening to songs on the bar, and finding a girl in a brothel, all use gold and silver. Even the transactions of monks use gold and silver for low-quality things, and for good things. It is barter.

However, this place does not seem to accept gold and silver.

To be precise, after leaving Canglan Star, it seems that the currency is not gold and silver, but this kind of thing called star stone!

The two men wanted to enter the door, but when they saw Qiao Ye's color change, they were suddenly happy.

They just said it casually and mocked Qiao Ye casually. After all, is there really anyone who hasn't seen Xingshi?

As a result, the two bumpkins in front of them had never seen Xingshi before.

A man took out a bulging money bag, tossed it up and down, and said with a smirk: "What?

Without star stones, do you want to eat Overlord Meal?

Do you want me to give you a little charity? "

Qiao Ye came back to his senses and looked at Xiao Ji.



Qiao Ye stood up abruptly and punched the opponent on the nose.

The man was thrown backwards, but before he could react, Xiao Ji's eyes shone with brown light, and the ground under the opponent's feet suddenly surged up, turning into mud, which quickly entangled the opponent's body, and then quickly solidified. The other party was tightly entangled to death.

Qiao Ye jumped in front of the other party and grabbed the other party's collar.

"You're mistaken. I usually don't ask for charity."

Qiao Ye reached out to take the other party's money bag and said, "I usually just grab it directly!"

Qiao Ye said, and punched the opponent in the face again, sending him flying.

The man's companion finally came to his senses and said angrily, "Two human beings dare to do anything!"

The man interlaced his palms and said in a low voice: "The spirit stone is rectifying the law, and the earth is psychic!"

The man interlaced his hands continuously, pinched out several different finger tactics, and then pointed towards the ground!

The faces of the people around changed, and they consciously left the place of right and wrong.

In the next moment, the ground trembled continuously, and then huge cracks appeared on the ground one after another, and rocks rose one after another, condensing in mid-air, overlapping and splicing together, and then turned into a stone giant.

Someone said: "Is this someone from the Five Elements Department?

It should be from the Yanling lineage. "

"Well, it should be right."

Someone echoed: "This earth psychic is used well, and it is very powerful."

"Those two humans are about to suffer. Aren't they going to be trampled into meat?"


Qiao Ye listened to the surrounding discussion, glanced at the stone giant, but laughed.

Qiao Ye smiled. The world of primordialism is indeed interesting, and it is quite powerful to meet anyone casually.

The aura emanating from the rock giant is definitely not weak. Although it can't reach the level of the six evil beasts, it can easily reach the level of the leaders of those evil beasts.

Qiao Ye laughed two times, and the other party was really unlucky.

The stone giant summoned by the psychic spirit of the earth does seem to be quite strong. Even if Qiao Ye can kill it, it will take some effort. After all, the defense of this thing in front of him seems to be very high.

But the problem is, are you playing with rocks and mud in front of Xiaoji?

Isn't this a bit of a jerk?

Qiao Ye looked at Xiao Ji with a smile and said, "I'll leave this to you, shall I?"

Xiaoji nodded, and then waved her hand casually!


A crackling sound suddenly sounded.


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