Chapter 1756 Miss Yunxia

Click, click, click!

The sound of cracks kept appearing, and then one after another cracks appeared on the body of the rock giant, and finally...


After a loud noise, the rock giant suddenly shattered into a pile of huge rubble and fell towards the ground.

The monk of the Yanling lineage was completely dumbfounded.

What's happening here?

The stone giant that he summoned with the earth psychic disappeared like this?

Didn't even fight, just disappeared?

Qiao Ye lowered the corner of her mouth, any ability to manipulate earth and rocks would be ineffective in front of Xiaoji.

But also at this time...

The man who was blown away by Chen Ling before also stood up again at this moment.

"The Flame Demon rectifies the law, the brilliant flame breaks the army!"

The man let out a low growl, took a sharp step forward, and then raised his fist and blasted forward, immediately the air around him became scorching hot.

A raging flame was burning on the opponent's arm, and then, with that punch blasted forward, a huge pillar of fire appeared, galloping towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye's face was indifferent. Looking at the flying pillar of fire, he calmly raised his palm and drew a circle in the air.

Catch the dragon and move the crane, yin and yang counterattack: catch the dragon with one hand, and move the crane with the other, reverse yin and yang, multiply the power, use the way of the other, and return it to the other body.

With the completion of the circle, a group of yin and yang swimming fish appeared in the circle, one black and one white, the yin and yang coexisted, and they quickly circulated.



The pillar of fire struck and hit the pattern of the yin-yang swimming fish. Amidst the loud noise, it seemed as if a huge barrier appeared in the air, blocking the pillar of fire from falling.

In the next moment, with the circulation of the yin-yang fish, the pillar of fire was swallowed by the yin-yang fish bit by bit.

Qiao Ye couldn't help but sigh in his heart. There are indeed many masters in this primordial world, and the power of the fire pillar is very impressive. If he hits head-on, he may be injured a little bit. After all, it can be seen from the speed of the yin-yang counter attack and devouring attack. One or two, usually the yin-yang counterattack can complete the devouring in an instant, but now it takes at least five breaths.

On the other side, that man was stupid, his attack was completely ineffective?

how can that be!

At this moment...

The pattern of yin and yang swimming fish had completely absorbed the pillar of fire, and then Qiao Ye took a step forward, raised his palm and slapped it hard!


There was a loud bursting noise from the Yin-Yang Swimming Fish group, and then the pillar of fire reappeared, but this time the chariot ran towards the opponent.

The man obviously didn't expect his attack to come back, and when he reacted, the pillar of fire had completely engulfed him.

However, the opponent actually used flames, and the resistance to flames is naturally high, so the effect of the attack will not be very good. This is also the embarrassing part of the Yin-Yang counterattack.

But even so, when the man came out of the flames again, he was still in a state of distress, with a large area of ​​charred black on his body, and his hair was curled up by burning. His face, which was originally pretty, turned into a black bread boy at this moment. .

The people watching the battle burst into laughter, it was really interesting.

That laughter also stimulated the other party, and he was instantly furious, and suddenly reached out and took out a crimson spar from his waist pocket.

"No, it's the Five Elements Department, the Chi Yanjing of the Fire Spirit lineage, flash!"

"This kid is crazy, do you know where this is?

How dare you use this thing! "

"The devil knows what he wants to do, run away first, and save Chiyu!"


That crimson stone seemed to be unusual, and the surrounding people scattered like birds and beasts in an instant.

at the same time……

The other party raised the Chi Yanjing high, and suddenly a red mist of fire appeared around it, lingering around, making crackling noises continuously.

Qiao Ye squinted his eyes, and could feel the air around him gradually warming up, and the breath displayed by the other party was stronger and more terrifying than before.

Qiao Ye didn't talk nonsense, took a deep breath and said, "Demonization!"

Almost instantly, black smoke crazily gushed out from under Qiao Ye's feet, wrapping around Qiao Ye's body. After two strands condensed, they turned around Chen Ling's body like two black pythons.

Seeing that the battle between the two sides is about to break out, but at this moment...


There was a clear sound of swords whistling!

The sound of the sword's cry was so ear-piercing that people with less outstanding mental strength immediately covered their ears.

The next moment, a silver sword light suddenly pierced through the air, flew out from the top floor of the Yunbian restaurant, and stabbed directly at the ground between Qiao Ye and the opponent.

The sword is a bit short, only about a foot including the hilt, and there are golden tassels hanging on the hilt!

The moment it entered the ground, a circle of silver light suddenly bloomed and pushed away.

The man from the Huo Ling lineage of the Five Elements Department was hit in the chest by the sword light, and immediately spit out a mouthful of blood. He flew two meters backwards and fell to the ground.

Qiao Ye immediately urged the black mist to resist, and then his expression changed. The power of the sword light was terrifying, and it contained sword intent. He involuntarily chose to back up. In this way, Qiao Ye was pushed back five or six meters, which was barely resisted.

After a while, the silver sword light and the tip of the sword dissipated, and the short sword stabbed on the ground no longer trembled.

The moment the sword light dissipated, a cold female voice came from the restaurant: "It's none of my business that you fight at the entrance of the restaurant, but if it affects the Yunbian restaurant, don't blame me for being ruthless."

The man from Yanling's lineage hurriedly knelt down on one knee, cupped his fists, and apologized: "Miss Yunxia, ​​it's our fault, we shouldn't have made a mistake in Yunbian Restaurant."

"It doesn't matter what you say."

The voice appeared again: "Go away, Yunbian Restaurant doesn't welcome you, and doesn't plan to do business with you anymore."

"Okay, okay!"

The man hurriedly helped up his companion who was injured by Jian Guang, and without any hesitation, he led them away quickly.

The two left, and the voice in the restaurant sounded again: "What about you?

What are you doing here?

You are also not welcome at Yunbian Restaurant, please leave! "

Xiao Ji looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Do you want me to demolish the restaurant?"

"Hmph, tear down my Yunbian Restaurant?"

The cold voice sounded again: "Don't think that no one can kill you because you are the daughter of the sky. Guess if I have the rare earth in my hand!"

Qiao Ye raised her eyebrows, she could see Xiao Ji's real body, and knew that it took a rare earth to kill Xiao Ji?

The women in this restaurant have their own way!

Qiao Ye couldn't help but looked at the top floor of the restaurant, then smiled, took Xiao Ji's wrist and said, "Forget it, let's go find something to eat elsewhere."

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, she cupped her fists in the direction of the restaurant.



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