Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1757 Six evil spirits have no life

Chapter 1757

When Qiao Ye and Xiao Ji left, the window of a box on the top floor of the Yunbian restaurant slowly opened a gap.

On the seat by the window, sat a beautiful woman with an oval face, thin brows with willow leaves, and fair skin like jade, extremely charming.

"Blue Star, are you human?"

The woman took a sip from the wine glass on the table and murmured, "It's been a long time since I saw you."

The woman finished speaking and looked at the clouds in the distance.

"Could it be..." The woman put down her wine glass and said, "It's going to change again?"


at the same time……

Qiao Ye took Xiao Ji out of Yunbian Restaurant and continued walking forward.

After about a cup of tea, the two of them saw a small pier at the end of the sea of ​​clouds, with a huge stone tablet standing beside it, which read: Crossing the Clouds.

Before at the entrance of the restaurant, listening to the people around him talking, let Qiao Ye know a lot of things, so it is still good to swallow your anger.

Qiao Ye has already figured out what is going on where he is right now.

This place is not within Duanliu Jietian, but the periphery of Duanliu Jietian.

Duanliujietian is surrounded by five-color flowing wind all year round. At the earliest time, you can enter Duanliu Jietian by passing through the five-color windflow. , which is the cloud world where Qiao Ye is currently.

The cloud world is not very big, you can arrive at Yunbiandu within an hour or so, and then get on the floating cloud boat, you can enter the Jieliu Jietian.

Both Yunbian Restaurant and Yunbiandu belong to Miss Yunxia.

As for Miss Yunxia's origin, this Qiao Ye is not clear, and no one discusses it, but to be able to monopolize a property in such a place, it is obvious that she has strong strength or an extraordinary background.

A while later, Qiao Ye and Xiao Ji came to Yunbiandu, and someone came up to greet them immediately.

"Young master, are you going to Duanliu Jietian?"

Qiao Ye nodded.

The man said: "I don't know what kind of floating cloud boat is needed?"

Qiao Ye asked curiously, "What else is there to pay attention to?"

"It's mainly about time. The fastest one can enter the Heaven of Disruption, and the slowest one takes seven days."

The man smiled and said: "From here forward, there are five-color flowing clouds, all of which are condensed by the essence of heaven and earth. There are great benefits to practicing in it, but it will become useless after a long time. If you come here for the first time, sir, Then I suggest to make the slowest floating cloud boat, which can have seven days of cultivation time, which is of great benefit to the improvement of cultivation base, and those who come here often, who have been here many times, naturally don’t need it, take the fastest floating boat The cloud boat will do."

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Then take the slowest one."

While talking, Qiao Ye took out the money bag he had snatched earlier, and grabbed a handful of star stones.

"Just take nine pieces."

The other party smiled, and then took nine star stones.

But at this moment...

"That's my starstone!"

Suddenly, there was an angry shout.

Qiao Ye looked sideways, but it was the same face as before. The other party was obviously going to enter Duan Liu Jie Tian, ​​and it was not a strange thing to meet him at Yun Bian Du.

In the next moment, the two of them were about to rush up angrily, but they were stopped by someone.

"You want to make trouble by the clouds?"

The two said anxiously: "The star stone in his hand belongs to us."

"That's your business and has nothing to do with us, but it's not okay to make trouble in Yunbiandu. If the two of you dare to move forward again, don't blame us for being rude."

Qiao Ye watched the excitement, watched the two being stopped by Yun Biandu's men, and quietly shook her finger at the two, making them even more angry.

Qiao Ye ignored the other party, but said: "Can we go?"

"Yes, please!"

The Liuyun boat looks like a black-covered boat. It looks like an ordinary boat, a bit like a flying boat, but Qiao Ye can clearly feel that the flying boats that are common in the Canglan Star, no, even the airships of the people in the sky, are the same as The floating cloud boats in front of me are not of the same grade, and the difference in the materials used is too huge.

"After boarding the boat, there is no need to drive, the Liuyun boat will take the two of you all the way to the ferry in Duanliu Jietian."

Qiao Ye nodded, and he and Xiao Ji got on the floating cloud boat, and then the floating cloud boat started to move slowly and gradually accelerated.

Surrounded by a sea of ​​clouds, the floating cloud boat sails in it, really like rippling in the sea, watching the sea of ​​clouds churning and cascading around, has a special charm.

Qiao Ye sat down on the bow of the boat, and soon, the surrounding clouds turned into five colors, and...

A different feeling!

Qiao Ye could feel that something was conceived in the sea of ​​five-color clouds. When Qiao Ye sat cross-legged in meditation, a little halo appeared in the sea of ​​clouds, continuously entering Qiao Ye's body.

"I see!"

Qiao Ye raised her eyebrows and said, "Is this the so-called essence of heaven and earth?"

Qiao Ye's eyes lit up involuntarily, and then he wiped the jade tablet on his waist.

"You absorbed the essence of heaven and earth, and got the martial soul value: 10,000 points."

"You absorbed the essence of heaven and earth, and got the martial soul value: 10,000 points."

"You absorbed the essence of heaven and earth, and got the martial soul value: 10,000 points."


Qiao Ye now also understands the origin of the jade plaque.

The jade tablet itself is a rare treasure. Later, my own soul, or that of Chongtian Mozun, was sealed in it. Later, Ye Xuan helped to reshape his body. Although Qiao Ye was reborn, but his previous body The supernatural powers were all left in the jade tablet, and finally created the current jade tablet.

Therefore, when it comes to the effect of the jade tablet, it has to be traced back to the kung fu practiced by Mozun Chongtian.

As one of the six Great Demon Venerables, Chongtian Demon Venerable's cultivation at that time had already broken through the Unfettered Journey, he was able to reach the level of great freedom, and he already had his own rules.

According to Ye Xuan, the law of Chongtian Mozun is one of the second-level laws under the law of destruction, second only to the top-level law powers, and corresponds to the black hole born in the primordial void, which can swallow everything. And it corresponds to Qiao Ye's current Wuhun Tianmo Dazzling, and his own magic technique Daheitian Void Xuan.

The martial soul was naturally inherited by Qiao Ye because it was connected with the soul. However, the soul has no cultivation level, and all the skills of the original body were lost. Instead, it created this jade tablet and became a peerless treasure, which can be absorbed by everything in the world. For your own use.

As for the Nine Realms, you can only rely on killing and slaughtering beasts. That's because the Three Realms and Nine Realms are broken, and the essence of heaven and earth is scattered, and there is nothing that can be absorbed by the jade card.

However, leaving the Nine Territories and the Canglan Star is another matter. In this world of primordial emptiness, there are countless good things.

The value of this jade card has obviously become greater.

At the same time, Qiao Ye also took out the book of the six evil spirits given by Ye Xuan.


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