Chapter 1758 Getaway

Qiao Ye opened Liu Sha Wusheng and looked at it for a while, and then he knew why Ye Xuan said that this thing is very suitable for him, and it can also help him enter the realm of free travel!

The Wusheng of the Six Demons is a set of exercises. At the same time, this set of exercises is also equipped with martial arts, and this martial art is...

Halberd method!

Qiao Ye used the halberd, and Liu Shawusheng used the halberd technique. Isn't that just sending pillows when he was dozing off?

Without hesitation, Qiao Ye let the jade tablet absorb the essence of heaven and earth, and at the same time began to study the six evil spirits.

The six evil spirits have no life, and the source of their exercises is evil spirits.

This is also a very suitable place for Qiao Ye.

When Qiao Ye was in Nine Regions, why could she cultivate more?

At that time, I was obsessed with it, but now I have the answer, thanks to the foundation laid by Qiao Ye when he was still Chongtian Mozun.

Chongtian Mozun is a rare genius in the heavens. His talent lies in the fact that no matter what martial art or skill, Chongtian Mozun can imitate one or two after watching it once, and he can learn it after a while.

Of course, this kind of talent is terrifying, but it also has disadvantages.

As the saying goes, it is better to be well-educated than to be well-educated. It is better to be proficient in one subject than to be knowledgeable. When he was young, Chongtian Mozun did not know the key points. The power of the law created the void of the black sky, which turned the world around and soared into the sky.

And the power of Heitian Void and Hole Spin is to take other people's things for his own use.

The evil spirit of the six evil spirits is very similar to the evil spirit of the evil way, but it is only similar. If you really want to practice, there are still two things after all, but it is an exception if it falls into the hands of Qiao Ye. Qiao Ye can take the evil spirit and turn it into evil spirit. Combine the two into one through your own martial soul, and boost your cultivation.

That feeling was similar to the demon power in Qiao Ye's body.

The demon power is different from the qi that is usually used for cultivation, but Qiao Ye can complete the transformation.

What Qiao Ye has to do now is actually the same. First, cultivate the evil spirit of the six evil spirits, and then transform the evil spirit into the devilish energy that blends with his own martial soul. Although evil spirit and devilish energy are different, they are similar. There are similarities in purpose, which makes this transformation easier and more suitable for Qiao Ye.

For the next time, Qiao Ye devoted all his attention to practicing the six evil spirits.

Of course, absorbing the five-color flowing cloud cannot be stopped. Besides Qiao Ye, Xiaoji is also absorbing.

Xiao Ji does not need to practice, she was conceived from the rare earth of primordial origin, and she herself represents the essence of heaven and earth. Similarly, as long as she absorbs the essence of heaven and earth, she can cultivate.

But so many years have passed, and Xiaoji's cultivation base has remained at the level before the Three Realms and Nine Realms were broken, without any progress. Naturally, it has something to do with the suppression. No wonder how miserable Xing's cultivation environment can be, it's no wonder that after so many years, it takes a lot of effort to get out of the divine realm, let alone reach the level of a leisurely excursion and cross the void of the primordial realm.

But now, for Xiao Ji, it is also an opportunity. Compared with Qiao Ye, in the world of primordial void, there are obviously more things that can help Xiao Ji cultivate. For that, it's just the beginning.

After practicing like this for three or four days, Qiao Ye suddenly opened his eyes at the dawn of dawn.

The next moment, Qiao Ye's palms were slightly closed, and a cloud of gray mist appeared between them.

The fog gave people an extremely sinister feeling, full of dead silence, and seemed to be able to absorb life force.

This is evil spirit, the power from the darkest place, that is...


Only places with a large number of dead bodies can breed evil spirits. It is even said that evil spirits can communicate with the underworld, which is the power of the underworld and belongs to the branch of the avenue of reincarnation.

It's a bit of a pity for Qiao Ye right now, her own Bianhua was already shattered when she confronted Xingming, if not for that, if she used her evil spirit to activate the Bianhua, her power would definitely double, it would be extremely terrifying.

However, Qiao Ye is also open-minded. If it is gone, it will be gone, and there is nothing to think about.

In the next moment, Qiao Ye slowly folded his palms into a circle, circled the evil spirit, and kneaded the evil spirit into a ball. Gradually, the evil spirit gradually changed from gray to black. Although the evil spirit remained undiminished, But it's not a thing at all.

Qiao Ye couldn't help smiling, it's done!

That evil spirit transformed into demonic energy!


And the moment the transformation was completed, Qiao Ye also roared to the sky, and then smashed the demonic energy ball in his hand with all his strength.

In an instant, the black smoke from Qiao Ye's body danced wildly, shot straight into the sky, and turned into a huge black smoke column!

Qiao Ye's eyes lit up, and a strong breath erupted from his whole body.

In the physical body, the bones kept ringing, crackling like popping beans!


Break through!

The black column of smoke lasted for at least a cup of tea before it slowly subsided, fell quickly, and then entered Qiao Ye's body.

Qiao Ye moved the prison for a while, and the six evil spirits were born, and then relying on absorbing the essence of heaven and earth in the five-color flowing clouds, Qiao Ye stepped into the realm of leisurely travel in one fell swoop.

After feeling the enhanced breath in his body, Qiao Ye couldn't help touching his chin.

Although this breakthrough is a breakthrough, it is somewhat unreal.

Ye Xuan told Qiao Ye a lot, which made Qiao Ye feel that he might have to travel in Duanliu Jietian for a long time before he could make a breakthrough in cultivation, but in the end, he had already traveled freely before entering Duanliu Jietian.

But the getaway isn't the end, it's just the beginning.

After all, who can cross the primordial void, which one is not the cultivation base of Xiaoyaoyou?

Speaking of which, Qiao Ye was at most a back door before, and now he is truly qualified to walk in the primordial void.

And the free and unfettered tour is obviously just the beginning, breaking through the free and unfettered tour, there is still a realm of great freedom, not to mention, in the future, you need to calm your heart and clear your mind to achieve the way of innocence.

at the same time……

Xiao Ji also opened her eyes and said, "Congratulations."

Qiao Ye smiled and helped Xiao Ji cut her hair and said, "It's just the beginning, there's nothing to congratulate. Speaking of which, it's about to end, isn't it?"

It took Qiao Ye five days to complete the Silence of the Six Shades, so it will take another two days to reach Duanliu Jietian.

Qiao Ye let herself rest for a while, and after two days, the floating cloud boat sailing in the sea of ​​clouds finally began to slowly descend and landed below the clouds.

A piece of land appeared in front of Qiao Ye's eyes.

The Duanliu Jietian was bigger than Qiao Ye imagined. Standing on the floating cloud boat and looking from the air, he couldn't see the edge around him.

About half an hour later, the floating cloud boat finally landed outside a forest.

There is a large-scale market here, and Yunbiandu is built on the edge of the market. Compared with the Yunbiandu when we came here, it is obviously much more lively.


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