Chapter 1759 Ring Master

"The Luoyun tea from Yunxi is fresh, come and see it!"

"Mica mountain stone crystal, don't miss it when you pass by, the last three pieces are all top grade."

"Map, map, the map of the first robbery area, is there anything I need!"


There are many pavements in the market, and outside the market, those who don't have pavements simply hold their things and sell them directly.

Qiao Ye was also attracted by the cries when he left Liuyun Boat, so he couldn't help but glanced in the direction of the market.

Xiao Ji said, "Shall we go and have a look?"

Qiao Ye thought for a while, then spread her hands and said, "I'm too shy, let's forget it."

Qiao Ye snatched a bag of star stones, and Qiao Ye also counted them before, and there were almost 300 of them.

However, considering that nine star stones are needed to take a trip on the floating cloud boat, at this price point of view, it seems that a meal is not worth twenty or thirty star stones?

Three hundred star stones is definitely not a huge sum of money, and it is enough to eat ten meals, which is barely enough to maintain expenses.

What's more, the star stone is not only a currency, but also a consumable itself.

These things are the fragments of the star explosion when the seven great stars of Hongmeng were born. Of course, when a small world like Duoling Jietian was born, a large number of star stones would also be produced.

Therefore, this thing is not worth much, but it can be used for daily practice.

Therefore, star stones are things with astonishing output and astonishing consumption.

Entering the market with so few star stones, what can you buy?

I really can only go shopping. In this case, it is better not to go shopping, and then I will be rich in my hands. There are many such opportunities.

However, although Qiao Ye didn't plan to go to the market, there was one thing that she still planned to buy.

When he came to a peddler, Qiao Ye asked, "How do you sell the map?"

The peddler immediately laughed and said, "Twenty star stones are enough."

Qiao Ye didn't talk nonsense, and directly handed over twenty star stones, then took the map from the other party, and frowned involuntarily.

Qiao Ye said, "Why is this map incomplete?"

The peddler said: "I said this when I was yelling just now. It's the map of the first robbery area. I haven't been to the deeper ones, so naturally I can't draw it."

Qiao Ye asked suspiciously, "The district was robbed?"

The peddler smiled and said, "You two are newcomers, right?

Then let me tell you that there are five major calamity areas in the Duanliu Jietian, the first area is the outermost area, and the danger is the least. We have almost explored. Some of the immortal mansions left by Taikoo Da Neng are still there, but most of the tests they left behind have been broken. There should be some leftovers. If we can break the game, there should still be some benefits , but basically just drink soup. "

Qiao Yeming realized: "The second calamity area, the third calamity area, and so on. The further you go, the greater the danger. However, there are many treasures that can be found, and the fairy mansion of the cave left by Taikoo Da Neng has not been explored. However, even the inheritance they left behind is still there, but the test left behind is naturally very difficult, right?"

The peddler nodded and said: "That's right. If you two have the ability to go in, it's okay. There are map sellers like me in every robbery area. Just buy maps. This business doesn't make much money, but the advantage is Stability, after all, there are always some newcomers who need a map, so don’t be afraid that you won’t be able to sell it, or you won’t be able to buy it.”

Qiao Ye nodded, then cupped her fists and said, "Thank you!"

The other party smiled and said, "You're welcome."

After leaving the market, Qiao Ye and Xiao Ji walked along the path outside the market and looked at the map at the same time.

The front of the map is the various places in the First Tribulation Area. There are even signs and some simple introductions, which are very detailed. Qiao Ye is quite satisfied with this. need this.

Moreover, there are bonuses on the reverse side of the map, which are two lists.

The two lists are Duanliu Jietian's highest record of defending each ring in history, and the current owner of each ring.

Among them, the current owner of the arena also marked three days ago, that is, as of three days ago, this ranking. After all, in order to forcefully accept the throne sacrifice, the arena is fought every day, and the owner is also changed every day. It is not easy to succeed in the ring. easy thing.

Qiao Ye was quite interested in this. First, he looked at the record of the highest defense in the historical arena.

The highest first arena, the owner of the record is Shengren, who is the God Jielong from the lineage of the real dragon of the orc race. He has occupied the first arena for a full 120 years. Qiao Ye's tongue is so powerful. right?

Being able to occupy the first round for 120 years is equal to these 120 years, and is invincible in the world.

Then I looked at who was so capable and beat Shengren down...

Human race, Ye Xuan!

Qiao Ye wiped off her cold sweat, that's all right.

However, since there is Ye Xuan's name, it means that the historical records are very old and there is no reference, so Qiao Ye began to look at the current champion.

Duanliu Jietian still has nine rings now, Qiao Ye looked up from the bottom, and the owner of the ninth ring is called Ma Mian.

Qiao Ye immediately put on a question mark face.

Horse noodles?

What the hell?

Qiao Ye looked at the introduction again, and it was really a horse with a horse face and the blood of a beast unicorn, no wonder it was called this.

The eighth ring, Feng Jiu, is also of the beast race, but the bloodline is even more terrifying, it is the bloodline of the real phoenix.

The seventh round, Wang Daojun, the Gu clan, came from the famous Gu King Cave in the Great Void.

The sixth round...

The fifth round...

Qiao Ye kept looking up.

In fact, the next few rounds are of little significance. The fights are too fierce, and people may be replaced every day. However, according to the rules of the ring, the ring needs to be fought upwards. Therefore, the more the front of the ring, it means The stronger the strength, the greater the probability of success in defending the competition, and those who can enter the top three competitions are definitely the best of the best.

And in the third round, Qiao Ye also saw a familiar name.

In the third round, Miss Yunxia, ​​whose race is unknown, is suspected to have been born into a human body by a strange thing born from heaven and earth. In the past seventeen years, since she became the leader of the competition, Miss Yunxia has never fallen out of the top three competitions.

Qiao Ye stroked her chin and pondered for a while, so isn't that woman human?

In fact, it is easy to understand that the heaven and earth bred strange things and evolved into a human body. They are creatures born from the essence of heaven and earth. Xiaoji is such a creature.

As Miss Yunxia was the host of the third round, Qiao Ye finally understood why she was able to occupy the world of Yunbian, owning the two properties of Yunbian Restaurant and Yunbian Ferry.

Looking back at the scene of the two guys admitting their cowardice for a second, Qiao Ye also understood why no one dared to make trouble anymore. How dare you make trouble in the third place where the master was challenged?

Beat you so badly!


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