Chapter 1760

The owner of the second ring is Qingkong, whose race is Yiren. He entered the ring three years ago and made it to the top three rings. He has been fighting with Miss Yunxia for three years.

The first one is the well-deserved overlord today, named Qingmei, the bloodline of the real dragon of the orc race.

Qingmei entered Duanliu Jietian for 12 years, and on the first day, she went from the ninth to the first. In the following twelve years, Qingmei has always been the first.

If there is no accident, Qingmei will be able to defend the ring successfully and wait for the throne ceremony. Moreover, the throne ceremony for the throne ceremony this time will most likely belong to Qingmei in the eyes of outsiders.

After reading the list, Qiao Ye discovered a very interesting thing.

In the history list, every record of defending the ring is all belonged to the Beast Race.

As for the current nine masters, five of them are from the orc race, and among the first five, the first, fourth, and fifth occupy three of them alone.

From this, it can be seen that the blood of this beast race is not generally strong.

Xiaoji thought for a while and said, "Life."

Qiao Ye nodded, this explanation is very reasonable.

Beast races have a long lifespan, usually at least two thousand years. With the improvement of cultivation base, the life span can be increased to about three thousand years, and a few bloodlines can even reach five thousand years. The bloodline inheritance is very complete.

As far as that Qingmei is concerned, she is a descendant of the magic dragon Hongzhuang, and she needs to be called her ancestor, but if she is called by human beings, Qingmei is just called Hongzhuang's grandma. After a few generations, this inheritance Of course it will be complete.

Secondly, the physical body of the orcs has an innate advantage. They don't need to look at the level of cultivation. After they reach adulthood, they can cross the void by relying solely on their bodies. Even, most of the orcs were born in the void of the primordial, not the seven stars of the grandmist. , which means they are born with more resources.

After all, one was born in the primordial void and the other was on the broken blue star, can the resources found be the same?

Finally, there is the issue of life continuation. The orc race is a litter for a lifetime, and the race group is huge. This kind of continuation also makes the orc race have many masters, which is far beyond the comparison of other races.

Of course, the benefits of the orc race are numerous, and there must be some disadvantages.

Orcs practice very slowly!

Still speaking of the blood of the real dragon, the birth of a new life takes about 150 years from infancy to growth and then to adulthood. A strong physical body is an innate advantage, but it can't help one's cultivation. It takes at least two or three hundred years to cultivate to the level of leisure travel.

Adding this up and down, even if you are very talented, it will take you three hundred and fifty years, which is already considered a genius!

And humans...

For three hundred and fifty years, human beings have passed on the family line for several generations.

Therefore, in terms of cultivation speed, races with shorter lifespans have faster speeds. However, those beast races usually live two thousand years, and they don't care about these hundreds of years.

In fact, Ye Xuan would have more say in this matter. Every time the world goes to reincarnation, the races that can survive the most are always the orcs.

"Anyway, let's take a look."

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "This time the Throne Festival is none of our business."

Qiao Ye still has self-knowledge. In the next Throne Festival ten years later, he may have a chance, but this time he definitely has nothing to do with him. Let alone those who can be in the ring, which one is not the big one? Free cultivation?

Qiao Ye's goal is very simple, to improve himself in Duoling Jietian as much as possible, and to get some good things. Right now, he has just entered it. After passing through the Five Colors Flowing Cloud, Qiao Ye has already tasted the sweetness, and continues to move towards Duoling Jietian. If you go deeper, you will definitely get greater benefits.

Then, ten years later, if you are interested, you can come and compete for the so-called throne ring. However, it may be that after ten years, Qiao Ye will no longer be able to enter the Duoling Jietian. Human beings can enter the Heaven of Disruption.

And this is actually the reason why all the historical records of the major arenas belong to the orc race. How can other creatures have such a long lifespan to soak in the arena?

If it was Qiao Ye who went up here, the guardian would not have to be beaten for a hundred and twenty years, and he would die of old age.

Therefore, Qiao Ye has a clear position.

The Throne Sacrifice has attracted everyone's attention. As long as the Throne Sacrifice begins, the other places in Duanli Jietian will inevitably be in a relatively vacuum. Some treasure lands do not have so many competitors, so they can show their talents.

"And..." Qiao Ye stopped suddenly, and said with a smile, "Occasionally, you can meet someone who comes to give money like this, so why not do it?"

Qiao Ye and Xiao Ji had already left the market far away, and gradually entered the Senhai near the market along the path, and then...

Behind the two big trees in front, two figures slowly came out.

"This time, no one came to stop me, let me see what you two do!"

The two men had ferocious looks on their faces, and they were naturally the two monks from the Five Elements Department they had met before.

Qiao Ye took out the purse and threw it away, then said with a smile, "Are you two so poor?

It's just a few star stones, but they are still stalking? "


The man of Huo Ling gritted his teeth and said, "Do you think this is still about Xingshi?"

"A matter of face, right?"

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "I've seen people like you a lot, and I'm just curious. Although face is very important, is it more important than your life?"

The man from Yanling's lineage sneered and said, "What do you mean by that, do you think you can kill us?

Just rely on you as a mere human being?

How many years has the Canglan Star been useless? I really thought that the top of the waste heap would be able to do whatever it wanted when it came to the Primordial Void?

Today I will send you back to the west, and then we will see when Canglan Star can produce another human being to cross the Primordial Void. "

The man from Huo Ling's lineage laughed loudly and said, "Maybe, we won't see each other in this lifetime."

Qiao Ye smiled, looked at Xiao Ji and said, "One for each, kill them immediately!"

Xiao Ji nodded and walked forward, while Qiao Ye took a deep breath and half-bent.

Qiao Ye didn't intend to spend too much time on these two people.



Becoming a demon: The world does not allow me, so I fall into a demon, enter the flesh with the power of gods and demons, shape the demon body within a certain period of time, and fight in the incarnation of gods and demons.

Almost instantly, a strong killing intent erupted from Qiao Ye's body, making it hard to breathe.

A large cloud of black smoke rose from Qiao Ye's feet, swirling around Qiao Ye's body!


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