Chapter 1761 Flame Spirit

Accompanied by the black smoke, Qiao Ye's hair gradually changed color, turning into a silvery white color.

Bone spurs appeared on Qiao Ye's shoulders, elbows, and knees, and there was a constant "click, click" sound under the ribs, and then bone fragments appeared covering the ribs, and even Qiao Ye's face also appeared. Bone fragments were removed, covering half of his face.

The next moment, the moment the enchanted state was completed, Qiao Ye rushed forward, and the ground was smashed by Qiao Ye's foot, and a large crack appeared.

The opponents are both from the Five Elements Department, but one is Fire Spirit and the other is Rock Spirit. There is no doubt that the one of Rock Spirit must be handed over to Xiaoji to deal with, and of course Qiao Ye is to deal with the other.

"Lingshi rectifies the law, the earth is psychic!"

The man of the Yanling line gave a low drink, then squatted on the ground, pressing his palms towards the ground.

Boom, boom, boom!

The surrounding ground trembled continuously, large cracks appeared continuously, and countless broken stones churned.

In the next moment, those gravels continued to rise, condensed in the air, and soon turned into a rock giant!

Qiao Ye glanced at the rock giant, then at Xiao Ji with a calm face, and couldn't help but smile. This guy really doesn't behave well. It has been proved before that the rock giant is of no use to Xiao Ji. , to use the same method, it is really a head-scratcher.

However, having said that, there may be no other means.

Qiao Ye also has a little understanding of the Department of Five Elements.

The ancestors of this group of guys are the Spirit Race. Most of the things in this world cannot jump out of the five elements. The Spirit Race is the creatures born from the Five Elements and Five Spirits. At that time, the Spirit Race was still very powerful. However, the years have changed. After going through reincarnation and being shattered and reborn, the Eldar race is a relatively unlucky race. They failed to survive tenaciously from the vicissitudes of time, but were almost on the verge of extinction.

At present, the spirit race still exists, but it is very rare, and it is infinitely scarcer than human beings. Everyone knows that human beings live on the blue star, but the problem of strength is that they cannot be seen in the primordial void. As for the spirit race , it belongs to the situation where it is not clear where to live.

As for the Five Elements Department, it was a branch of the Spirit Race at the earliest time. The Five Elements Department corresponded to the original Five Spirits. At that time, the Five Elements Department was considered to be a non-existent Spirit Race. Their spiritual power was mixed, and they were not really born from the five elements of heaven and earth. Five spirits, to put it bluntly, the Five Elements Department could only serve as servants of the spirit clan at that time, that is, servants.

But what is amazing is that the Spirit Race is extinct, and the Five Elements Division has survived. Although the scale is not large, it is still okay, which also explains the unpredictability of the world.

And just like the literal meaning, the five elements belong to the five elements and five veins, and the rock spirit belongs to the soil. It seems that they really have no other means except the ability to manipulate mud and rocks.

In this regard, Qiao Ye silently mourned for the other party, and honestly be beaten by Xiaoji!

Sure enough, the rock giant took shape and came towards Xiao Ji with big strides, then raised his fist and slammed down on Xiao Ji fiercely.

However, that fist had just reached Xiao Ji...


The sound of rock shattering suddenly sounded, and immediately after that, dense lines appeared on the arm of the rock giant, and the entire arm shattered.

And Xiaoji didn't even move when she stood still!

Just, just took a look!

The man of the Yanling lineage didn't believe in evil, and after a low drink, the scattered rocks seemed to be pulled by some force, floating in the air, and then pushed with both hands, and slammed towards Xiaoji again.

It's just that it was difficult for the rocks to connect to Xiao Ji's body. Those rocks flew about two or three meters away from Xiao Ji, and they exploded directly, turning into a pile of dust flying with the wind.

Qiao Ye withdrew his gaze and stopped looking any further. If that guy had only so much skill and had no other means, the result would be nothing more than seeing how long Xiao Ji planned to deal with him.

Therefore, Qiao Ye didn't bother to look any further, so he might as well quickly kill the guy in front of him.

The man of the fire line stretched out his arms, and immediately after that, his arms were ignited with raging flames, and then he took a step forward and punched Qiao Ye.

The blazing flames surged and turned into a huge pillar of fire, hitting Qiao Ye's face.

Qiao Ye raised his hand expressionlessly, and a black halberd was condensed in his hand. Due to the reason of being enchanted, the black halberd was densely covered with bone fragments at this moment.

Facing the rushing pillar of fire, Qiao Ye slashed forward vigorously, and the pillar of fire was directly split by Qiao Ye's halberd, turning it into two halves.

After one halberd, Qiao Ye flicked his wrist, and turned from chopping to sweeping. After the halberd came out, a black halberd light slashed forward.

The opponent quickly jumped up, and the black halberd light passed under the opponent's body, and then...

Boom, boom, boom!

The halberd light cut through the big trees in the rear, cut off more than a dozen big trees in a row, and then disappeared.

Qiao Ye squinted at the other party and said: "If that's the case, you can't get your face back, so why don't you just be straightforward and take out the stone you planned to use before. This time, it should No one is stopping you, you can use it to your heart's content!"

"You asked for this!"

The man of Huo Ling's lineage was instantly furious. Qiao Ye's words were undoubtedly provocative, so he took out the red flame crystal without hesitation.

"I will burn you to ashes!"

The man let out a low growl, and suddenly exerted force on his palm.

With a click, the man pinched a gap in the red flame crystal, and then the red flame flowed out along the gap.

The flame was very strange, it was like a liquid.

After flowing out of the red flame crystal, it was like a little red snake, climbing along the man's arm until it spread all over the man's body.

With a bang, the man's body blazed up and was completely enveloped by the flames.

"Flame spirit!"

The man roared angrily: "The scorching power between heaven and earth burns the earth and the sky, and a majestic spirit descends on the world. In the name of flames, everything will be ashes!"

The flames surrounding the man's body burned fiercely, turning into the silhouette of a living being.

The silhouette is a bit like a burning flame in the shape of a "mountain", with arms on both sides, and a burning flame floating in the air on the lower body!

That is the phantom of the Yanling of the Spirit Race!

"I see!"

Qiao Ye narrowed his eyes and said, "Can that stone allow you to temporarily have the ability similar to that of the Spirit Race?"

Qiao Ye hooked the corner of her mouth, no wonder everyone was shocked before.

The spiritual power of the Five Elements of the Spirit Race is very pure, and it cannot be compared with the offshoots of the Five Elements Department. Even if it is only approximate, it can double the power!


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