Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1769 My name is Dragon Slayer

Chapter 1769 My name is Dragon Slayer

Dragon Head Guillotine said: "Do you know the name of my knife?"

"Dragon head guillotine?

Oh no, not this one! "

Qiao Ye patted his forehead and said, "The dragon swallows the sun and the moon."

The dragon head guillotine shook his head and said, "The dragon head guillotine is my blade shape, as for the dragon swallowing the sun and the moon, that's just what people in later generations call me."

Qiao Ye thought for a while, cupped her fists and said, "Please enlighten me."

The dragon head guillotine said: "Do you know the era of star destruction?"

Qiao Ye shook his head and said, "It's not long since I first arrived in the Primordial Void, so I don't know much about its history."

The dragon head guillotine said: "In the ancient times, the Canglan Star was dominated by human beings, and masters appeared frequently, and all races had to avoid it. However, the changes of the times and the reincarnation of the ages have created new eras, and human beings have not always existed. In the world, the era of star destruction is the era of the beast race. At that time, there were many master beast races, rampant in the primordial world, and other races would be oppressed by them. Among them, the dragon and phoenix races were the leaders of the beast race. However, The dragon is the respect, the phoenix is ​​the assistant, the real dragon lineage is stronger, and I was born in that era."

While talking, the dragon head guillotine stretched out his hand to hold it, and then his blade appeared in his hand.

"My body is made of dragon iron. This iron needs to be bathed in dragon blood. My knife handle is made of dragon scales. Each piece is dug out from the body of a dragon with the purest dragon blood. And the fringe at the end of the knife, do you know what it is made of?"

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "I guess it has something to do with dragons?"


The dragon head guillotine said: "There are ninety-nine and eighty-one tassels, each of which is made of dragon whiskers. You are looking at the connection between the handle and the body of the knife. Is there anything wrong?"

What's wrong?

Qiao Ye had seen the dragon head guillotine before, and didn't find anything wrong...

Suddenly, Qiao Ye's eyes lit up!

The hilt of the dragon head guillotine is in the shape of a golden dragon wrapping itself around the handle to swallow the sun and the moon, but upon closer inspection, one finds that something is really wrong. The golden dragon wrapping around the blade is actually broken!

In the center, the golden dragon's body was broken into two pieces, leaving only the hilt of the saber without the dragon's body, and looking at it in reverse with the saber...

Qiao Ye said: "Slay the dragon?"

"Yes, this is my knife name!"

The dragon head guillotine said: "From the day I was created, there is only one reason, to kill the dragon!"

Qiao Ye said, "So, what do you want me to do?"

The dragon head guillotine said: "Since my name is Dragon Slaying, what I want you to do is naturally Slaying Dragons. Take a step back and say, if you want to exert my full power, you must Slay Dragons. Only by constantly bathing in dragon blood can I Only the sword intention and the sword momentum can achieve the supreme edge!"

Qiao Ye scratched her head and said, "I have no grievances or enmities with the real dragon..."

Dragon Head Guillotine said: "If you can't do it, I will naturally stay here..."

"Please listen to me."

Qiao Ye said: "Anyway, if there is no grievance or hatred, if you kill it, you will kill it."

The dragon hand guillotine was stunned, what kind of logic is this?

No, is this logical?

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "Just kidding, sorry, I can't agree."

The dragon head guillotine said: "This makes me very curious, as a person who cultivates the way of killing, is it possible that you care about the lives of others?

Or is there compassion?

Since you can't be heartless, what kind of killing do you practice?

What is the difference between this move and self-destructive cultivation. "

"you are wrong."

Qiao Ye said with a smile: "I have killed many people, many, many people, not only people, but also other creatures, but the more I kill, the more I can appreciate the value of life. Killing and indiscriminate killing are two different things. "

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, her eyes became deep.

"Slay the dragon?

Seems like a really nice thing to do. "

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "I can only promise you that if I feel like killing them, I will kill them."


Dragon Head Guillotine thought for a while and said, "It's a deal."

The dragon head guillotine walked forward, then reached out to Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye smiled, and then reached out to hold the dragon head guillotine.

In the next moment, a large piece of light burst out from the dragon head guillotine, and the human figure slowly blurred and melted, and finally turned into the shape of a knife again.

The surrounding space also collapsed at this moment, completely shattered.

Qiao Ye soon found himself back on the hillside of the weapon spectrum, holding the dragon head guillotine in his hand, or...

It should be called Zhanlong!


Cut off Jietian, the first round!

The Throne Festival is about to start. In order to compete for the throne arena, every arena is very busy now.

Every day there are challengers, every day there are champions who retire, and every day new champions appear.

Only the owner of the first fight has never changed.

She is Qingmei, a rebel from the lineage of the real dragon, a descendant of the devil dragon!

In the center of the arena, Qingmei was sitting cross-legged in a human form, almost no animal form could be seen. The reason for this was that Qingmei still had dragon scales from her chin to her neck, and there was a black strip behind her waist. dragon tail.

Among the orcs, being able to transform into a human form is a very important thing.

As the existence that ruled the primordial void in the ancient times, the human form is considered to be the most suitable form for fighting. Therefore, unless other creatures do not have such abilities, they will cultivate the human form, and the closer to humans, the higher the strength. .

Therefore, from a certain point of view, Qingmei can almost completely transform into a human form under the condition of great freedom of cultivation, and her strength can be said to be almost invincible in this realm.


The green eyebrow who was sitting cross-legged and practicing silently opened his eyes suddenly and looked towards the southeast.

There is where the weapon spectrum is!

"Has Zhanlong been born?

Someone really pulled it out? "

There was no serious expression on Qingmei's face, even a little playful.

"Guys of the real dragon lineage are probably going crazy?"

Qingmei laughed suddenly, jokingly and happily, and murmured: "There is a good show to watch."

When Zhanlong was born, it was necessary to Zhanlong!

Qingmei is also a dragon, but she doesn't care about Zhanlong's birth.

Even, Qingmei once wanted to pull out Zhanlong, but she finally gave up, because she is a dragon, and it is impossible to pull out Zhanlong if she is a dragon!

However, regarding the matter of slaying the dragon, Qingmei found it very interesting.

Because she is a dragon!

What is a magic dragon?

The magic dragon is a dragon exiled by the lineage of real dragons, so, starting from Qingmei's grandma, the magic dragon that has been passed down from generation to generation, one of the things that I like to do the most is...

Kill the dragon!

"I really want to see the faces of those real dragons!"

Qingmei said happily: "Are you afraid?


Or anger?

The guy who pulled out the dragon wouldn't die, right?

Well, it's better not to die, so that's interesting! "

Qingmei stretched out her hand while thinking, and then the sound of birdsong rang out, a small green bird fell from the sky and landed in Qingmei's palm.


Qingmei smiled and said: "Go and help me see, which lunatic pulled out Zhanlong."


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