Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1770 What advice do you have?

Chapter 1770 What advice?

Cut off the flow, the weapon spectrum!

Seeing Qiao Ye dragging Zhanlong down the hillside, Rong Bao was dumbfounded again!

Why do you say again?

Because before a cup of tea, Xiaoji just got the new moon!

Although it is true that the new moon is the weapon recommended by Rongbao, it is not so easy to get it, or in other words, in the current weapon spectrum, how can there be a weapon that is easy to get it?

However, in comparison, it is more acceptable for Xiaoji to get the new moon.

One of Xinyue's restrictions is only available to women, which is ineffective for Xiao Ji, and the rest is a matter of hard power.

One of the main reasons why Xinyue has not been taken away is that female spear masters are very rare!

Women choose weapons, mostly swords, even knives are mostly small weapons such as lancets, and women who use long weapons can be said to be very few, not to mention that they must be guns, which is naturally even rarer.

After all, long weapons are weapons for killing on the battlefield, how many women would be willing to practice them?

But if there is really a woman who is good at guns, the possibility of pulling out the new moon is not small.

But Qiao Ye got Zhanlong, which made Rong Bao unbelievable.

This is one of the most difficult weapons in the weapon spectrum!

Not only Rongbao, but everyone in the weapon spectrum now has extremely shocked expressions!

When Qiao Ye came to him, Rong Bao asked incredulously, "You really got it?"

"As you can see."

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "The knife is in my hand, isn't it?

Unless you are dazzled! "

Rong Bao rubbed his eyes vigorously, and then said: "It seems that I am not dazzled."

Qiao Ye smiled, and then said, "Thank you for helping me choose weapons, and I will take my leave."

Qiao Ye cupped her hands and planned to leave.

There is only one chance to choose a weapon in the weapon spectrum. Whether you get it or not, you can't get another weapon. Naturally, it doesn't make sense to stay here.

"Wait a minute!"

Rong Bao hesitated for a moment and said, "Do you have any plans to sell the dragon head guillotine?"

Qiao Ye smiled and shook his head.

Rong Bao said: "If you don't act, I'm afraid life will be difficult."

Qiao Ye narrowed his eyes and said, "Are you threatening me?"

"Hey, you can't talk nonsense about this, we are in a serious business, if my boss finds out, why don't you beat me to death?

But you have to understand, is that what it means? "

Rong Bao lowered his voice and said, "Look at those people around you, what kind of eyes do you see right now?

The thing is in the weapon spectrum, someone wants to mess around, but there is no way, but the thing is in your hands, it is another matter. "

Qiao Ye looked around with a smile and said, "If they think their fate is hard enough, they can come and give it a try."

Rong Bao shook his head and said: "These people can't do anything to you, so what can you do?

With so many people watching, will this matter not get out?

Even if you kill everyone, if someone sees that the dragon head guillotine is gone later, won't this matter get out?

Unless you have killed all the people, don’t use the dragon’s head guillotine in front of people when you turn around, at least don’t use it during the time of the catastrophe, otherwise this matter is not that simple, and don’t say I’m alarmist, this kind of thing happened before. Quite a few, the better the weapon, the greater the trouble. Some people have made it through, and some have not. So, what about you?

The dragon head guillotine is not an ordinary weapon. These are the best weapons in the weapon spectrum, and they are also the most difficult weapons to obtain. Naturally, they cause much greater disasters than other weapons! "

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "This can be regarded as a test. If there is no way to take the knife away, it means that I am not qualified to use this knife."

Rong Bao was speechless: "Do you understand what I'm talking about?"

"I understand."

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "But I don't care."

"I think you may have misunderstood me."

Rong Bao said: "I didn't mean to take the opportunity to lower your price. We have always done business with Baozhai without deceit."

Qiao Ye said, "I know what you mean, but have you thought about one thing?"

Rong Bao said: "What is it?"

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "You and Baozhai want to buy this knife, and you don't mean to lower the price, so it should be a lot of money, right?"

Rong Bao patted his chest and said, "Small meaning, our Tongbaozhai is very powerful. We are the ones who make more than 50% of the spiritual materials and medicines in Kuilijietian. Two, the famous mid-month market in Duanliu Jietian was run by us, and there are at least 30 treasures open for bidding every fifteenth."

"It really is very powerful!"

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Then do you think that after I exchanged the knife for such a large sum of money, no one will make any decisions?"


Rong Bao was stunned and said, "This..."

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "Look, they are all the same."

Rong Bao nodded, then his eyes lit up and he said: "Guest officer, we also provide escort services with knives, and can escort you to any place in Duoliu Jietian."

Qiao Ye rolled her eyes. It's true that turning faces is faster than turning books.

"I do not need."

Qiao Ye said: "Let's go, see you by fate!"

Qiao Ye patted Rong Bao on the shoulder, then turned around and planned to leave the weapon spectrum.

However, when Qiao Ye turned around, he found that his back was blocked. Three men walked down from the hillside of the weapon spectrum at some point and blocked them there.

Rong Bao pushed Qiao Ye's arm with his elbow and said, "Look, I told you, trouble is coming!"

At the same time, a man wearing a silver robe and a jade crown came out, clasped his fists at Qiao Ye and said, "Besides the Beast Race, under the throne of Zhu Yan, the lineage of Jin Maohou, Shan Kun!"

The more human-like the beast race is, the higher the strength, and the sooner the human form is cultivated, the higher the talent. Therefore, in many cases, to see whether a beast race is strong or not, you only need to see how human-like the opponent is after transforming into a human form. Just know.

Generally speaking, if you don't break through the realm of great freedom, you can't achieve peace of mind, and it is impossible to completely transform into a human form, but Shan Kun is completely qualified to be a human form, and he can't see the appearance of a beast at all.

Rong Bao whispered, "Under the clothes."

Qiao Ye suddenly showed a dazed expression, Shan Kun's robe tightly wrapped his body, and even wore gloves on his hands, and the collar of the robe was also pulled up high, the intention was self-evident.

Monkey hair!

Only the face seemed human.

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye cupped his hands and said, "What advice do you have?"

Shan Kun said: "Let's make a price."

Qiao Ye lifted Zhanlong and said, "Want to buy?"

Shan Kun nodded.

Qiao Ye said: "Didn't you hear what I said to him just now?"

"heard it!"

Shan Kun suddenly laughed strangely, and said with his hands behind his back: "As long as I don't pay too high a price, you don't have to worry about being robbed of the exchanged goods, right?"


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