Chapter 1771 War

"I see!"

Qiao Ye showed a dazed expression and said, "What you said makes sense."

Shan Kun said: "Since it makes sense, why don't you hand over the things?"

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "Even if the price is not too high, there is still a bid. How much do you plan to pay?"

Shan Kun took off a bag of star stones from his waist, threw them directly at Qiao Ye's feet and said, "I'll give you all."

Rong Bao sneered and said: "Xingshi bought Dragon Swallowing Sun and Moon, thanks to your thinking, I will..."

Rong Bao hadn't finished speaking, but was stopped by Qiao Ye's hand, and then Qiao Ye bent down, picked up the star stone, and put it in his pocket.


Qiao Ye said to Xiao Ji, "Let's go!"

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, she turned around and planned to leave with Xiao Ji.

Shan Kun's face darkened immediately, and he shouted at Qiao Ye: "Where's the thing?"

Qiao Ye said: "It's so obvious, can't you see it?"

Shan Kun said: "What should I see?"

Qiao Ye said: "You should see that I've reneged."


Rong Bao burst out laughing straight away, this guy is also a talent, the other side buys and sells by force, he reneged on his debt...

Shan Kun gritted his teeth and said, "If you don't eat a toast, you'll be fined. Surround him."

The two people behind Shan Kun immediately stood apart, one on the left and one on the right, forming a pincer attack, surrounding Qiao Ye in the middle.

Qiao Ye smiled, looked at Zhanlong in his hand and said, "There are no dragons for now, but there are three monkeys, do you want to kill them?"

Talking to a knife looks silly, but...

The Dragon Head Guillotine responded to Qiao Ye!

The blade trembled unceasingly, as if responding to Qiao Ye, and then, an incomparably terrifying saber force erupted from the blade of the dragon head guillotine.

It certainly seems silly to talk to the knife, but if the knife responds, that's another story.

And the knife that erupted at that instant!

Shan Kun's eyes suddenly turned red, what a knife!

Being able to respond to the master's sword means that the soldier soul is already very powerful. In a few hundred years, it is not impossible for the soldier soul to evolve into a weapon spirit. At that time, this is no longer a sword, but a living being. In the universe, one of the thousands of creatures!

As for the saber gesture, it makes people feel trembling, but the more trembling, the more excited they are.

The stronger the sword, the stronger the sword, and Shan Kun and the others naturally wanted it more!

Shan Kun shouted again: "Take him down!"

The two people who were traveling with Shan Kun jumped up from left to right without hesitation, flew towards Qiao Ye, and shot at Qiao Ye at the same time.

The man on the left directly sacrificed a treasure.

The treasure was a black iron lotus flower. After being held up by that person, the lotus flower spun rapidly in the opponent's palm, and then black light bloomed and danced all over the sky.

Those streaks of black light turned into flower petals, surging in the air, like bursting fireworks, extremely bright.

The person on the right opened and closed his palms, and then a golden light appeared from his palms.

"Sleeve light!"

The man shouted in a low voice: "Shen Xia Luo!"

The golden light rushed up to the sky, and then turned into a golden cloud, which kept churning in the air, and then fell from the sky, approaching Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye stopped on the spot, but didn't even look at the sky, and said with a sneer, "It's so gaudy, what's the use?"

The moment Qiao Ye's words fell, he directly raised the dragon head guillotine, and swept it out in the air!

In the next moment, the sword took shape!

Qiao Ye raised the dragon's head guillotine and slashed into the air.

It was just an ordinary knife. The moment the dragon head guillotine slashed out, a silvery white light shot out into the air, far less gorgeous than the opponent's attack!


With a bang, the sword glow met the black light of the black lotus flower, and almost instantly, the black radiance was completely submerged and shattered the moment it touched the sword glow, and then dispersed!

After the blow, the sword light did not stop, and continued to soar upwards, directly meeting the falling golden glow, and then...


A huge roar sounded, and the sky seemed to be trembling!

The sword glow hit the golden glow, and the two collided violently in the air. Immediately afterwards, the sword glow that Qiao Ye swung unexpectedly cut in from the golden glow, completely killing the golden glow. break open.

Poof, poof!

The two of them turned pale immediately, opened their mouths to spit out a mouthful of blood, and then fell backwards, hitting the ground hard.

"You defeated a beast race (Golden Hair Monkey), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 310,000 points."

"You defeated a beast race (Golden Hair Monkey), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 253,000 points."

And the moment the two landed on the ground...

Shan Kun roared, jumped up suddenly, took out a five-color stick from his space treasure, and threw it down on Qiao Ye's head.

Without hesitation, Qiao Ye pointed the dragon's head guillotine in front of her, and met the stick.


There was a clear and crisp weapon clanging sound.

Qiao Ye blocked the stick, then Shan Kun's body twisted, rolled in the air, and distanced himself from Qiao Ye again.

After Shan Kun fell to the ground, he raised his head and swept across: "Stick dance Qiankun!"

The stick was swept out, and colorful lights appeared on the stick, sweeping towards the front.

Qiao Ye still stood there without moving, and then stabbed the knife towards the ground!


The colorless light collided with the knife, and after another loud noise, the colorful light was directly chopped off.

This is the supreme sword power!

It's a clean break!

In the human world, what is indestructible?

The next moment, Qiao Ye raised the knife fiercely, and slashed forward with force!

That knife was slashed forward, before the wind of the knife arrived, the momentum of the knife was formed first!

buzz, buzz, buzz...

In the weapon list, except for a few weapons, the other weapons were affected by the dragon head guillotine, and they trembled one after another, buzzing continuously!

Boom, boom, boom!

The surrounding rocks and trees are constantly shattering and falling apart!

Before the knife was cut out, sand and rocks were flying around, and the sky was dark!


Qiao Ye took a sharp step forward, and the dragon head guillotine also slashed forward.


The multicolored brilliance lingering around Shan Kun instantly shattered, turning into a large halo and dissipating between heaven and earth.

Shan Kun's whole body was also thrown out by the shock, and he kept backing up, finally stabilized his body, and then looked down, Shan Kun was completely dumbfounded.

The five-color stick in Shan Kun's hand was cut off by Qiao Ye!

It's really a clean break!

Qiao Ye received it with a smile, inserted the dragon head guillotine on the ground beside her, looked at Shan Kun, and said with a playful smile: "How is it?

Do you want to continue fighting? "


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